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~whello ~wbye ~whelp ~wdoh ~woops ~wsorry ~wretreat ~wattack! ~wcolor6 (Damn it) ~wdsgst4 (Argh) ~wdsgst5 (Sigh) ~wcheer2 (Woo Hoo) ~wcheer1 (All right) ~wcheer3 (Yea) ~wyes (Yes) ~wwatchsh (Hey) ~wbelay (Belay order) ~wdoh (Ah crap - female only) ~wdoh (Doh - male only) The following a list of things to type and get a voice in a game and your own personal touch without the need of a voice pack. For example, type ~wattack to say "Attack!" without words. However, type Get Them! ~wattack into the chat window, your message will say "Get Them!" and you will hear "Attack!". ~wattack (Attack!) ~wwaitsig (Wait for my signal to attack!) ~wcease (Cease Fire!) ~wmoveout (Move out!) ~wretreat (Retreat!) ~whitdeck (Hit the deck!) ~wregroup (Regroup!) ~wcoverme (Cover Me!) ~wono (Going Offence!) ~wwaitpas (APC redy to go... waiting for passengers) ~wtgtacq (Target aquired!) ~wfiretgt (Fire on my target!) ~wneedtgt (I need a target!) ~wtgtout (Target out of range.) ~wdesgen (Destroy the enemy Generators ) ~wgendes (Enemy generator destroyed!) ~wdestur (Destroy enemy turrets!) ~wturdes (Enemy turret destroyed!) ~wincom2 (Incoming Enemies!) ~wbasatt (We are being attacked!) ~wbasundr (The enemy is attacking our base!) ~wneeddef (We need more defense!) ~wdefbase (Defend our base!) ~wdefend (Defending our base!) ~wbasetkn (Our base has been taken!) ~wbsclr2 (Our base is secure!) ~wisbsclr (Is our base clear?) ~wflgtkn1 (Our flag is not in the base!) ~wflgtkm2 (The enemy has our flag!) ~whaveflg (I have the enemy flag!) ~wflaghm (Our flag is secure!) ~wretflag (Return our flag to our base!) ~wgeteflg (Get the enemy falg!) ~wflgmine (Our flag is mined!) ~wclrflg (Clear the mines from our flag!) ~wmineclr (Mines have been cleared!) ~wneedrep (Need repairs!) ~wneedpku (I need an APC pickup!) ~wneedesc (I need an escort back to base!) ~wneedamo (Can anyone bring me some ammo?!?!) ~wwshoot3 (Watch were you're shooting!) ~wdontkno (I don't know!) ~wno (No) ~wyes (Yes) ~wthanks (Thanks) ~wnoprob (No Problem) ~wsorry (Sorry) ~whurystn (Hurry up with that station!) ~woops1 (Doh!) ~woops2 (Oops!) ~wcolor2 (Shazbot!) ~wcolor6 (Damnit!) ~wcolor7 (Ah Crap!) ~wdsgst1 (Duh!) ~wdsgst2 (You idiot!) ~wovrhere (Over here!) ~woutway (Move outta the way!) ~wretreat (Retreat!) ~wdsgst4 (Stop) ~wcheer1 (All right!) ~wcheer2 (Woo Hoo!) ~wcheer3 (Yeah!) ~wtaunt10 (How'd that feel?) ~wtaunt4 (Come get some!) ~whello (Hi!) ~wbye (Bye!) ~wacknow (Command acknowledged!) ~wobjcomp (Objective complete!) ~wobjxcmp (Unable to complete objective!)
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