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Splinter Cell

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Splinter Cell on PC

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Splinter Cell Cheats

Press [Tab] to display the console window, then type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect - Code
Full health - health
Invisibility - invisible 1
Disable invisibility - invisible 0
Full ammunition - ammo
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
Disable flight and no clipping modes - walk
Freeze enemies - playersonly
No enemies - killpawns

Press F2 to display the console window, then type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Press [Tab] instead of [F2] in the demo version of the game.

Granted wish - Code

Enable God mode - invincible 1
Disable God mode - invincible 0
Disable invisibility - invisible 0
Full ammunition - ammo
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
Disable flight and no clipping modes - walk
View stealth amount - stealth
Full health - health
Invisibility - invisible 1
Freeze enemies - playersonly 1
Unfreeze enemies - playersonly 0
No enemies - killpawns
Spawn indicated item - summon

Use a text editor to edit the "splintercelluser.ini" file in the "\splinter cell\system\" folder. Scroll down until find any free keys. Bind the desired cheat codes to a key.

Hey! You Want to use cheat codes without typing a cheat and bind a key? Here's what your going to do:

1. Go to Ubi soft\Splinter Cell\System and open the "SplinterCellUser" file, the file is a configuration file, enter with Notepad
2.Find a key (4 ex. U=, 1= OR F1=) that is blank
3.When you see a blank key, Do like this =Ammo, Can't Understand Here's 3 examples:

U=Invisible 1
H=Summon EchelonIngredient.EF2000

Note: Don't Use the 5 key. It doesn't work like I tried it many times. | Submitted by GamerDude

Use one of the following entries with the summon code.


Go to the first level, The Training Level, Go GHOST and find the room where you and Lambert have a conversation, if you found it, if out the room you will see a door with keypad press 7393 or go GHOST you can kill Lambert (No message of mission failure), you can kill your twin, err, YourSelf, kill your twin, he is still standing, there is an interaction if you don't kill your twin first "GRAB CHARACTER". Killed (but still standing even shooting him much times), the interaction is "BODY". Carry him, they both will do it together, then Tada THE TWIN OF EVIL! | Submitted by wwegamerdude

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