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Entity List To get the full list of entites so you know what all you can spawn first type "Developer 1" in console, then type "Entlist". Commands List For a full list of all the commands that you can use in the console type in "Cmdlist". Variables List For a full list of all the variable type in "Cvarlist". You will see letters with *'s besides them, here's what they mean. *u = User Variables *s = Server Variables * = Variables you can add into your config.cfg file
item_weapon_assault_rifle item_weapon_pistol item_weapon_pistol2 item_weapon_rocketlauncher item_weapon_sniper_rifle item_weapon_shotgun item_ammo_auto item_ammo_rocket item_ammo_shotgun item_ammo_pistol item_ammo_pistol2 item_equip_armor item_equip_c4 item_equip_flashpack item_equip_grenade item_equip_light_goggles m_nyc_ebum m_nyc_mskinhead1
Weapons GIMME item_weapon_pistol = 9mm GIMME item_weapon_pistol2 = .44 GIMME item_weapon_shotgun = Shotgun GIMME item_weapon_sniper_rifle = Sniper Rifle GIMME item_weapon_machinepistol = Silenced 9mm GIMME item_weapon_assault_rifle = SMG GIMME item_weapon_machinegun = MachineGun GIMME item_weapon_autoshotgun = Slugthrower GIMME item_weapon_rocketlauncher = Rocket Launcher GIMME item_weapon_flamethrower = Flamethrower GIMME item_weapon_microwavepulse = MicrowavePulseGun Ammo GIMME item_ammo_sp_pistol (9mm) GIMME item_ammo_sp_pistol2 (.44) GIMME item_ammo_sp_shotgun (shells) GIMME item_ammo_sp_slug (slugs) GIMME item_ammo_sp_rocket (rockets) GIMME item_ammo_sp_gas (flamer) GIMME item_ammo_sp_battery (MPG) Items GIMME item_equip_armor = Body Armor GIMME item_equip_medkit = MedKit GIMME item_equip_c4 = C4 Explosive GIMME item_equip_flashpack = Flashbang's GIMME item_equip_grenade = Hand Grenades GIMME item_equip_light_goggles = nightvision GIMME item_equip_claymore = Claymore Mines
Use with map X cheat: tut1, tsr1, tsr2, trn1, arm1, arm2, arm3, kos1, kos2, kos3, sib1, sib2, sib3, irq1a, irq1b, irq2a, irq2b, irq3a, irq3b, ger1, ger2, ger3, ger4, nyc1, nyc2, nyc3, sud1, sud2, sud3, jpn1, jpn2, jpn3
Note: If you do record a avi, it will boot you out of the game and it will ask you what program you want to record it with. You have to determine which one is the best for you (which one will use up the least amount of MB's).
1) Type: DEVELOPER 1 in console first. (this allows you to list the entities). 2) Type: ENTLIST, this will list the entities, and most things in the list are spawnable. 3) Use the GIMME cheat command to spawn the item. Example: gimme item_weapon_microwavepulse will spawn the Microwave Pulse Gun.
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