Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Complete 40 hours of service.
| - Distract 20 enemies with rocks.
| - Kill 25 enemies with traps.
| - Destroy the V2 Facility and escape to safety.
| - Resuscitate your partner 10 times in Cooperative mode.
| - Get an explosive kill in Multiplayer.
| - Survive 10 games of Bombing Run.
| - Complete all Overwatch missions in Cooperative mode.
| - Complete 3 Multiplayer Deathmatch games.
| - Snipe a grenade on an enemy's webbing from 100m.
| - Complete any mission in Campaign Coop.
| - Snipe an enemy through his eye.
| - Career total of 50 shots on explosives.
| - Collect 12 dog tags in Multiplayer games.
| - Snipe 2 people with one shot.
| - Kill an enemy while your rifle fire is masked by a loud sound.
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| - Snipe a grenade on an enemy's webbing 12 times.
| |
| - Snipe off an enemy's finger.
| - Get the first kill in a Multiplayer game.
| - Send the tank into the river by blowing up the bridge.
| - Capture the flag in a Multiplayer game.
| |
| - Get a scoped headshot over 150m.
| - Destroy a tank by sniping the fuel supply.
| - Kill everyone in the convoy from ground level, except for Kreidl.
| - Get a cumulative sniped kill distance of a marathon.
| - Find and retrieve all the stolen gold bars.
| - Snipe 100 moving targets.
| - Kill 25 enemies with trip mines.
| - Get 100 sniped headshots.
| - Complete a mission without being shot.
| - Wipe out the Elite Russian Sniper Team from the rooftops.
| - Hold your breath for a cumulative time of half an hour.
| - Hold off the Russian advance.
| - Find and snipe all the hidden bottles throughout the game.
| - Get 25 kills in Kill Tally.
| - Survive 5 waves in Kill Tally.
| - Make it through the tower to the winch room without being spotted.
| - Prevent Wolff from escaping.
| - Earn 10 longest shot trophies in Multiplayer.
| - Complete a mission with 100% accuracy, using only rifles.
| |
| - Use a trip mine to kill an enemy who is trying to assault your position.
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| - Get a sniped ricochet headshot.
| - Kill 100 enemies with explosives.
| - Collect intel from the church and make it out alive.
| - Kill all the guards in Saint Pierre before getting to the church without being detected.
| - Get a total shot distance of over 4,000 meters in Saint Pierre.
| - Complete Neudorf Outpost without alerting any AI.
| - Covertly kill 25 unaware enemies.
| |
| - Kill 6 smoking soldiers on Neudorf Outpost.
| - Accumulate 50 stealth kills in single player.
| - Complete all missions on Sniper Elite difficulty.
| - Get 100 Multiplayer kills.
| - As a sniper in Overwatch, snipe 50 enemies tagged by your partner.
| - Kill an enemy by shooting nearby explosive barrels.
| - Kill Hitler with a testicle shot.
| - As a spotter in Overwatch, tag 50 enemies.
| - Finish with the highest points in any team based Multiplayer game.
| - Escape the German assault.
| - Discover the location of the V2 launch site.
| - Host any Multiplayer game through to completion.
| - Capture 20 war stories in Photo Mode.
| - Eliminate all 5 Snipers watching the meeting point on The Landwehr Canal without them spotting you.
| - Win a Distance King Multiplayer game with Wind Strength set to High.
| - Get 506 cumulative sniper kills.
- You were only supposed to...
| - Allow all 3 commanders to enter the command centre in The Landwehr Canal, then blow the doors.