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Control Shift C at the same time. Code - Effect aspirationpoints(#) - Adds aspiration points to the selected character moveobjects off/on - Allows you to place objects where you normally couldn't boolprop allow45degreeanlgeofrotation true/false - Allows you to turn items at 45 degree angles. Use the . and , keys to rotate. roofSlopeAngle(15-75) - Changes the roof pitch 75 being the steepest aspirationlevel(0-5) - Enter a # 0-5 0 places aspiration in red 5 in Platnum exit - Exits cheat mode expand - Expands cheat box maxmotives - Maxes all motives for everyone on the lot boolprop - Testingcheatsenabled true/false Open the boolprop cheat...only some of them work aging off/on - Turns aging off/on for everyone on the lot boolprop - Snapobjectstogrid true/false Turns the ability of objects to snap to grid off and on. unlockCareerRewards - Unlocks all the career rewards for selected character
Result - Command Line Parameter Full screen - -f Set screen resolution - -r[width]x[height] Windowed screen - -w Disable sound - -nosound
Result - Cheat Code Blur effect; red, green, blue value must be between 0 and 255, and x (bloom) between 0.0 and 1.0 - bloom [r g b x] Centered blur effect; centerX and centerY are screen coordinates; x (vignette) must be between 0.0 and 1.0 - vignette [centerX centerY x] Grainy screen effect - filmGrain [0.0-1.0] Letterbox screen effect - letterBox [0.0-0.4]
Enable the "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" code, then go onto a different family. A strange code will appear at the top right hand corner. If you go onto the Sims' needs, you can click on each one and drag it up or down, whichever desired. You can also increase the skill points of your Sims in the same way. This is useful if you want a promotion, if your Sim is depressed, if you are teaching a toddler to walk, etc. You can also hold [Shift] and click on a Sim. Click on "More", then "Spawn" and create the Tombstone of L and D. You can click on this, then "More" then "Make everyone here friends with me", which helps if you need friends to get promoted, or to complete an aspiration task. Enable the "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" code, then hold [Shift] and click on a mailbox. You will now have new options, such as forcing a burglar to rob, know all Sims in the neighborhood (including NPCs and special Sims), force everyone you know to be friends, force pregnancy relations, invite all neighbors over, and more.
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