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Sims Deluxe Edition, The

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Sims Deluxe Edition, The on PC

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Sims Deluxe Edition, The Cheats

To start off, when you purchase a house and are in debt, I MEAN A LOT IN DEBT, go to the decorations options and look for a painting that is white and had sculpturees stuck on it. It will cost you about $275 and you should buy at least 10 of the paintings. Wait for 14 hours and then the painting will have increased in value up to $1600-$1800 and then you sell it. Your money will go up DRAMATICALLY and continue the process. HINT: Only use it when you are poor, it becomes no fun if you are too rich. Enjoy cheating without cheating! | Submitted by SimMaster1927

Create a small pool. Only include a ladder, no diving board. Make your sim go into the pool, then delete the ladder. Speed up time and your sim will eventually run out of energy and drown. Note: This cheat will not work if you leave the ladder in there. | Submitted by Emily

My mom found this out all by herself. As you know there is a cheat for $2000 by typing rosebud;!;!;!. DO NOT TYPE THIS! Instead, press Ctrl, Shift, C at the same time to open the cheat bar. Put in the code rosebud;;. Don't put anything else! Submit the code and it will say: Sorry! No such cheat. Ignore it. You will see that you have been given $1000. Repeat the process until you get the desired amount of money. It's more faster and better since you won't have to keep on writing the same cheat over and over again. | Submitted by SimFreak2000

When the mail man delivers the 1st set of bills take them out of the mailbox keep them until the next set come then order your sim to pay the first set of bills and both sets will go away. Note: never delete your mailbox or you will have no social life!
 | Submitted by alex

First,press Ctrl,Shift,and c at the sme time.This should bring up a cheat bar.If not try again.Once cheat bar is up type in rosebud;!;!;!;!;! | Submitted by aaron_is_thebest

if you need friends then make a room with the most expensive wallpaper en carpet and put a 2 person bed in it (and a door). cal a sim at (almost exactly) 6:00 or 6:30, then make him/her go RELAX in the bed go also there in the bed and delete the door and make a wall (so close as possbile) around the bed and watch the friendship and social rise. HINT: do this when YOURE sim also is tired that is a handy time saver

NOTE:this also works on OTHER platforms of the sims. | Submitted by MennoJr.

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