Bring up the cheat menu then press and hold shift, then put in "WARIGANOSASH" then press enter. |
Submitted by FlowDid you know that you can make 4 stories? You can't get a roof but you don't need a roof since there is no weather. No trick you have to do, just try it. You can make 4 stories.
To get 50,000 Sim bucks press CTL + Shift + C and type in Motherlode.
Normally when you are making your house you can only make 5 floors. Well if you don't put a roof you can add an extera floor on! |
Submitted by xgreendayxAge Certain Sims, Keep Others The Same Age
Press Ctrl+Shift+C and type in "moveobjects on". go to Save, and save the game. Go to Buy Mode, and select the sim you DONT WANT TO AGE AT ALL, and delete him/her(them), but don't delete the sims you want to age. when you have deleted the desired charaters, turn free will on in the options bar. Press fast forward, and the sim(s) will take care of themselves until you have them at the desired ages. then save, go to nieghborhood, and click your sims house, the UNaged sims will be waiting at the mailbox.
Type in aging off in the cheat bar and no one will age. |
Submitted by bobbyWith a man use the telscope for a long period of time and you will get taken by aliens do this two times and the man will come back with a big belly now all you need to do is what that he says. |
Submitted by powerguy55To make your TEEN sim( s ) have babies and marriage is: ( Before all of this make sure the sim(s) you use are/is adult(s) and have a husband/wife )
1. CTRL + shift + c and then type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and press enter. THen write boolprop testingcheatsenabled on and press enter.
2. Press any sim and click spawn, then keep pressing more until you see the words Tombstone of l&D.
3. Click the Tombstone and choose make me pregnant with, and ( Suggested ) your husband/wife.
4. After he or she becomes pregnant ( big stomach ) click the Tombstone again and choose speed up my pregnancy.
5. After she/he has had the baby, bring up the cheat box again ( CTRL + Shift + c ) and type Agesimscheat on. Press your sim(s) and click set age and set it to teen, child, or toddler.
And tadah! You have a married and/or had a baby teen, child, or toddler! |
Submitted by PaigeR.Avoid bad effects from Elixir Of Life
When you drink the Elixer Of Life (green water dispenser), if you get a bad drink (when your Sim coughs or vomits), pause game play before it affects your Sim. Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code, then click the Elixer while holding [Shift]. Select the "Force Error" button, then press "Reset". Your Sim will remain unaffected.
Activate the cheat 'moveobjects on'. Buy the Noodlesoother or Thinking Cap from the Aspirations Rewards. Get your Sim to put on the item. Then, go to Buy Mode and take off their caps. You will eventually take it off, ven the hair too. As a result, your Sim will get bald! To cancel this glitch, do not delete the cap and put it back onto your Sim.
Package all of the lots you create to files. The files will be located in the following folder in Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\[user name]'s Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\PackagedLots\[your lot]
In other Windows operating systems, look for the "EA Games" folder in "My Documents". If you packaged a large number of lots, create a compressed folder. In Windows XP, right click a blank area in the folder of your choice, point to "New" and select "Compressed Folder". In other operating systems, or if you have a third party .ZIP utility such as Winzip, use a .ZIP utility. Put all of your packaged lots in the .ZIP compressed folder to save disk space. In the event that your computer must be reformatted or if your game data becomes corrupted, simply reinstall the game, then open the packaged files. Run them as you would any application or installation one at a time. You will probably need to decompress the files first. Consult your .ZIP utility for instructions.
If you do not want to bother compressing the files in .ZIP compressed files, try this. Package all of your lots to files (click the lot, then click the star next to the description, then select package to file). Your packaged lots will appear here in Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\[user name]'s Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\PackagedLots\[your lot]
For other operating systems check the "My Documents" folder for "EA Games". Move the files to a safe location, such as a CD or another location other than your "EA Games" folder. If you ever need to restore you game or computer, do this, reinstall The Sims 2 and all expansions. Reinstall the lots one at a time (treat the files as install files, and do not manually install them).
Use the following trick if you want your average Sim to buy a house that is above his or her means. First start a family or load one, and find an empty lot. Move the Sim on that lot. Enable the motherlode code a few times, just to the point where you can buy the expensive house. Exit the lot, but save the game. Then, evict (move out) the family. Notice that your family is displayed at the "Choose Family" window. You can now buy any house desired.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to pop up the window and type in the following:
Code - Effect
kaching - get 1000 cash
aging - no aging
vsync (on/off) - increases game performance but lowers graphics
autopatch (on/off) - lets you know if theres a patch
help - list some, but not all cheat
moveobjects (on/off) - moves objects and deletes you couldnt before
exit - closes cheat window
expand - expands or contracts cheat window
rosebud - 10,000 Simoleans
Combine Aspiration Rewards
Combine aspiration rewards for even bigger boosts. For example, if your Sim is wearing a Thinking Cap and feeds Smart Milk to their Toddler, the Toddler builds skill four times as fast!
Create a family in tutorial mode
Note: Make sure to buy and/or build whatever desired when you first start the tutorial. They may block you out of build and buy modes. Buy a phone. Call the maid. This will be your Sim's s future wife. Make sure that you do not hire a male maid. Next, call the adoption service. You will now have a child, baby, and/or toddler. Make sure to build tutorial Joe's relation with the maid. Also, there are no neighborhood Sims because there is no neighborhood. There are only service Sims. This may take a few attempts, but it does work.
To decorate your house with custom artwork, first your sim must have a creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life.
Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want to paint. If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game, just press C anywhere at this time. This will pause the game.
Use Alt + Tab to exit the game, then open a picture program such as Paint and open the snapshot you just took, it will usually be in the folder: C:\My Documents\EA\Sims2\Storytelling\Snapshot.bmp
Then, you also have to open the picture you want to have in your game. If your picture is too large resize it so it will fit in the original snapshot from the game.
Copy your custom picture on to your snapshot from the game, then save the picture. Use Alt + Tab to get back to your game and your sim will start painting your own custom picture.
Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family, web pictures, or anything else in your Sims 2 game.
Burning: Fire spreads into the square where the Sim is standing. Results in a red ghost.
Disease: If a fatal disease is not treated for ten days the Sim will die. Results in a green ghost.
Drowning: Energy Need hits -100 (all red) while swimming. Results in a blue ghost that leaves puddles around the house when it appears.
Electrocution: Three or more Needs hit -90 (red) while a Sim repairs an electrical object with a low Mechanical Skill. Results in a yellow ghost.
Flies: In a very messy room, when a Sim steps over a plate all flies may form a deadly killer swarm. Results in a purple ghost.
Old Age: When a Sim reaches the end of his life. Results in a white ghost.
Satellite: When a satellite falls on a Sim while Stargazing (without a telescope) or Watch Cloud. Results in an orange ghost. Note: You can sell the Satellite in buy mode.
Scared: When three needs drop below -90 because of a ghost scare. Results in a pink ghost.
Starvation: Hunger reaches -100. Kids and younger cannot starve. Results in a transparent ghost that will take food out of the refrigerator.
Note: Babies and toddlers are fire-proof and cannot die by any cause; the Social Worker will instead take them away. Children can die of fire, drowning or disease. Rather than starving to death, children in hunger failure will be taken away by the Social Worker.
Open the cheat menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, then entering the following:boolProp testingCheatsEnabled trueWhile in Create-a-Sim, press Shift + N before creating your first sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs. Press Shift + M to disable it.While in Live mode, Shift + Click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.
To delete your sim's homework, bring up the cheat menu ( ctrl+shift+c ) and type in 'moveobjects on'. Then when your sim comes from school and puts his of her homework on the ground, go to buy mode and pick up the homework book. Although you wouldn't be able to delete it directly, you could put it on a desk or a table, etc. then delete the desk or the table. Todah! Homework's gone! And your sim wouldn't lose a grade or get into trouble. |
Submitted by DanielleThere is a glitch in character creation mode where you can make absolutely disgusting faces. The trick is that if you go to the face designing area and you select a face part such as the eyes and max out all the sliders one way or the other, then go to a different face part and select one of the PREDESIGNED parts, and then come back to the eyes, the sliders will have reset in the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. Exploiting this, you can make eyes the size of dinner plates, cheekbones 4 feet long, and a HUMUNGOUS nose, to name a few.
To get the platinum mood easily, get the cheat box up and type in aspirationLevel 1-5 (1 is the lowest, 5 is the higest) Note: This does not fix all of your sims problems such as hunger, energy, and hygiene. |
Submitted by PatrickTo get your skills up easily, make the cheatbox come up and type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. Then pause the game without going into buy or buil mode. When in the tab with your skills, click and drag the curser to the amount of skill you want. |
Submitted by PatrickDo you have a big family, if you do then you're probably having a hard time trying to make enough money for them all. What you can do though is kill them. Spouses make up to 20,000 simoleans and kids make up to 10,000 simoleans each.
Extra Aspiration Points (EASY!)
To get a lot of easy aspiration points get the cheat box up and type in aspirationPoints and any number you want. |
Submitted by PatrickSet to "true" for all filmic cheats to function: boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false
0 is normal and 8 is slower: Slowmotion 0-8
A look that is bright and blurry. "r", "g," and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255: Bloom (r g b x)
Creates a filmic look in which a clear focal point and blurry surrounding: vignette (centerx centery X)
Changes a film graininess: filmgrain (0-1)
Makes a letterbox view of a designated size: letterbox (0.0-0.4)
Place a lot of columns around the ground and build your house on top of it. When you are done, delete all the columns. Note: Make sure you have a way to get to the house, or no one can get in. Also, you can build a house up to ten stories high up. Make sure you put floor tiling on the top of the column so you can put another column on top of it.
Buy a bookcase, then have your sim start to study. Interrupt the action so that the book it placed on the ground, then simply sell the bookcase. The book can then do everything the bookcase could have done for free.
I'm not for sure this works beacause I have only done this once but to get a free pizza then order one with $39 or less the take away you door. Then The delivery man/woman should say "what do you mean you don't have enogh money." I think she might say that she needs to take something away from you but I'm not sure. Then right after that she should say something like that you must really be poor. Then she should set down the pizza and leave. |
Submitted by xgreendayxIf you use cheat to "get things finished faster" too many times, every time you go to your inventory the game will freeze.
Gain skill without losing money
Use the following trick if you do not have a lot of money and want to buy goods or an object to gain more skill to get a promotion. Buy the particular goods that will help you for a promotion (for example, an exercise machine, or book shelf) and study the knowledge (for example, cleaning). When you get a skill point, delete the item that you bought (sell it before 24 hours have elapsed). You will a get full refund back from that object. If you sell after 24 hours, you will get less money. By doing this, you will gain your skill without losing your money.
This Cheat allows you to obtain the music from the sims and any of the expansion packs. Go to 'My Computer' click on the 'local disk' icon, click on the 'program files' click on 'maxis' click on 'music' then select from the 'mode' or 'stations' icon. 'Mode' takes you to a menu that allows you to selct from 'buy' and 'build' mode music. 'Stations' take you to a menu that allows you to select music from the differant stations on the radio. I suggest that you press 'shift' and highlight the music you want then right click and select copy then find a folder to hold them in then right click and select paste. you can tehn move the files to 'Windows media player', 'Itunes' or any other music player. |
Submitted by GamezfreakEnable the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true code, then get a job. Hold [Shift] while you click on the newspaper, then click "Career Rewards" to get whatever desired, or click on "Set job level to...". Note: "10" is the top job.
Ooo, spooky ghosts! Well, if your sim has a knowledge aspiration he/she would just love to see one. I would... the problem is, the way this game has desgned the ghosts, you need to squint to look at them. There is a way to make the ghost look perfectly human, but floating.
1. Press Ctr+shft+c to bring up the cheat code entering box
2. Type in "move_objects on" (No quotations) and go to the building or furniting tool.
3. You will now be able to pick up virtually anything.
4.Grab the ghost and move him/her where ever you want, but you NEED to move him/her.
5. Go back to playing and unpause if the game was paused and you should see a perfectly coloured, opague ghost.
(I'm not sure if ghosts that drowned stop dropping water after doing this but you can give it a shot) |
Submitted by ChrysanInfinite facial feature size
Use the following trick to increase or decrease the size of any facial feature by an infinite amount. Increase or decrease the size of the specific facial feature. Then, go into something completely unrelated to the increased or decreased facial feature and change it. For example, if you are changing the size of your lips, go into the eyebrows or something else. The size of the specific facial feature will be the same, however you can now increase or decrease it a bit more, because changing that other feature reset it to the middle of the size changer By doing this you can get some very strange appearing Sims.
Enable the StretchSkeleton code and use the following value: 100000000000000000000000000000000000.0. Note: This will affect how tall the Sims will be. 1.0 is normal. Your Sim will be so tall that they cannot be seen. Exiting out of the game will deactivate the code.
Just say your Sim has a medical career and has the position of Paramedic. If a problem comes up while they are at work and you make the wrong decision, they may get demoted. To get their position of Paramedic back,go on the computer and search for a job. (By the way, I have only done this ONCE) During the search, an offer will come up for a Paramedic position in the Medical career. Accept the offer and your Sim will have their job back! |
Submitted by GoonFCKill a fireman, policeman, or serviceman
Call the fireman, policeman, or serviceman over to your house. When they first open your front door, build a wall so that they cannot go into your house any further. Build a wall behind them so that they cannot leave and are stuck. This may be difficult with a policeman because he can run very fast. They will die in their "cell" after falling asleep standing up, urinating on the floor, and doing their usual pre-death routine. It will take longer than a normal Sim. When you trap a baby deliverer because both the baby and the deliverer will die. Note: You will lose your ability to buy or construct if you trap a baby deliverer. This should be the last person you trap and the game should not be saved after you trap him.
Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code. Drag down all your Sim's needs and wait for a minute or two. They should soon keel over and die.
Listen To Mp3's On Sim Radio
First get whatever Mp3's you want to put on the game, then open up MyDocuments/EAGames/TheSims2/Music/(whatever RadioStation you want your song on). Then, Drag your MP3 into the folder. Now, start Sims 2 then go to options menu, then music settings, then the Radio Station, then pick witch songs you want the radio to play. You can now listen to your favorite songs in your Sims game.
Listen to music included with game
First, open your The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound directory. The names of radio stations, plus a few more including Build mode and Neighborhood music should be here in *.package files. Copy and paste the file corresponding to whatever you want to listen to into another folder. Rename it from [File].package to [File].mp3. You can now listen to the sound/songs included in the file.
First press Ctrl+Shift+C to get the cheat box up. Then type in help. This will list a lot of helpful cheats for your sims, not all but a lot. |
Submitted by PatrickWhen redecorating a house, delete the existing wallpaper, floor e.t.c. before placing the new one. In most cases you will get 60% of your funds back. |
Submitted by MattSmithHave a maid come over and ask her to move in. If she says "Yes", her van will not leave, and you cannot use it.
Create a single male Sim. Give him one child. Starve the child to the point that the social worker arrives to pick him or her up. Make sure that the father is home and not busy. The social worker should lecture the father. This will cause a relationship with her. Have the man call her. Once you get their relationship high enough that you can invite her over, do so. Note that you are not able to enter build and buy mode. If you get them married, she will have the first name "Social" and a last name of the male Sim. A new social worker will replace the old one, usually with a change of hair color being the only difference.
Never buy a microwave unless you are under the following conditions:
Microwaves only cook TV dinners. They only satisfy hunger at two points. They use up valuable cabinet space.
You have extra money.
You have a cheap stove.
You have extra cabinet space.
Your Sims eat a lot of TV dinners.
Optional: One or more of our Sims wants to "buy a microwave".
To get a money tree go to where you see if you are hungry and stuff and at the bottom there will be rewards. The first one is a money tree. If you talk to people enough you can get it. If you don't water it enough it will grow $1 but if you do water it kind of a lot then it will give you $40. |
Submitted by xgreendayxMove all Sims and Objects
Go to the cheat window and to turn it on type in moveobjects_ on and to turn it off type in moveobjects_ off. |
Submitted by xgreendayxYAY! I have finally descovered how to move your sims motives up or
if you want, down!
(Note: Can cause bad glitches)
On neighbourhood veiw bring up the cheat box, ctrl+shift+c then type in
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
(Include spaces where put)
Then load your chosen family and once on there just click+drag your sims
motive up or down!
You can have really high energy and really low bladder, up to you.
(Note: Can cause bad glitches)
The cheats which I think are safe are:
Motherload (Don't over use)
Kaching (Don't over use)
MaxMotive (DONT Over use)
ForceTwins (Don't over use)
They are the safest, because
boolprop testingcheatsenabled a bad hack!
Any questions or want to know more things you can do with that cheat, contact me on "!
Thank you x
Bethany x |
Submitted by BethPress Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the cheat console.
Effect - Code
Removes every sim from the neighborhood - deleteAllCharacters
Toggles between two terrain types - TerrainType desert/temperate
Never run out of Youth Juice
Use the following trick to never run out of Youth Juice from the hourglass Aspiration Reward. Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code. Go to your Hourglass Fountain of Youth water cooler. Once it gets to less than half full, hold [Shift] and click on it to bring up a window. Go to "Force Error." When the box appears, select "Reset". Do not press the other buttons. Your hourglass Youth Juice will go back up to half full, and will not lose juice again for the next few times you use it. You can do the reset trick as many times as desired, but it must be done before you run out of juice completely!
Create a family and move into a lot. Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code and hold [Shift] while clicking the mail box. Browse through the options and select "Make All Happy". Then, repeat and select "Make Motives Static". This makes your motives stay all green for weeks at a time, allowing your Sim to never eat, sleep, or do anything else.
When you buy a house or a plot there is a mailbox. The mailman puts your bills inside. To stop recieving bills to pay simply go to "Buy Mode" and type Ctrl+Shift+C. The type in the rectangular box "moveobjects on". The use the hand tool to click on your mail box and press delete on your keyboard. You will no longer have bills. |
Submitted by RachelNot get fired when you miss work
When you miss the carpool for work, in only about an hour (sims time on game) you will get a call from your work saying if you miss work to much you will be fired. Before your work calls, you call your work and press "call in sick" and your work will say "boy (your name), you really don't sound good. You should take the day off." and you will never be fired by doing that. |
Submitted by xgreendayxEnable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code. Then, hold [Shift] and click on a teen Sim. Select the tab that reads "Change Suit". Change into maternity clothes and your Sim will walk around naked. Note: They can go to public lots like this, but they will change into their normal or work outfits when they go to school or work. Note: Even if the censorgridsize 0 is off, there will be no pixels.
Objects Are Not Attached To Grid
This cheat turns off objects being snapped to the grid (so they can be placed anywhere). First, hit Ctrl+Shift+C at the same time to bring up the gray box. Then enter the cheat "Boolprop snapobjectstogrid false" (without the ") and objects wont be snapped to the grid! To turn in, repeat the cheat, but instead of false, type true. |
Submitted by DaveThe trick is that no matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it in the same day, you can get all your money back. So if your Sim is poor and needs body points or something, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to refund all your money.
If your Sim or object is not working with anything, try doing this. It will reset what they are doing with no harm done. First, enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code Shift click on the Sim or object that is not working. Keep selecting the "More..." option until you find the "Force Error" selection. A box will appear. Select"Reset". This will cancel anything they are doing, no matter what.
Enter build or buy mode. Enable the moveObjects on code. Delete the dead Sim. Or, if the Sim has disappeared (for example, when they burn to death), delete the Grim Reaper. Deleting the Grim Reaper works sometimes, but not always.
If your Sim is trapped in a fire and is too busy to do anything and you cannot get another Sim to extinguish the fire, enable the moveObjects on code and move your Sim out of the fire and onto some other area. If you want another Sim to die, simply move him or her into the fire and watch them burn to the ground.
When you go to a community lot, the game will pause everything that is happening in your house. For example, if you leave your residence at 12 noon to go to a community lot and stay the whole day there, when you come back it will still be 12 noon. This glitch is very useful if you are a Romance aspiration Sim, because you can invite Sims to the community lot to develop Friendship, and not lose a day in your age. You can go to the community frequently, as long as you call a taxi back just when you get home.
Set health asperation everything
This cheat is very useful. you can change the asperation health make someone like you when they hate you. Or you can have whatever job you want or have a burgular come to your house. Just press shift on somthin and more things will come up (most of the times its force error never click that others its a really good option.)
Just type in Boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true in the cheat box
Submitted by simsfreakIf you send a family to a community lot and their energy gets low, they will not pass out. If you place a couch in a community lot, they can nap on it.
If the boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true code is enabled too many times, the game may slow down noticeably. If this happens, uninstall and reinstall the game.
Social worker does not leave
When you adopt a child, if you greet the social worker before she rings the doorbell, the social worker will not leave your house. If this happens, you cannot buy items, build, or save the game.
Ok to make yourself a torture room make a family and move them into a city with lots of people in the town. Turn on the move all objects cheat (by pressing holding Ctrl, Shift, C and typing moveobjects_on) then make a second floor to your house without stairs or an elevator leading up to it. Then when neighbors come to visit you pick them up and put them in your torture room and don't put anything in there like a bed or toilet. It is hilarious watching all of the people interact. Also order groceries or a pizza or call the cops or firemen etc. to get more people in there. |
Submitted by xgreendayxAfter two Sims "Try For a Baby" and the "success" tune plays, hit Ctrl+Shift+C and type in "TwinzR2Cute". When the Sim has the baby, you should have an identical twin as well.
Use your own videos for the TV
It's possible to watch your own videos on the Sim-TV. You must put the video you want into MyDocuments/EaGames/TheSims2/Music/ (the TV sender you want). If you then turn on the TV in the game you can watch it! The video must be .avi-clips and the clips shouldn't be larger then 128x128 pixel also it shouldn't have more then 15 frames per second.
Press Ctrl+Shift+C to get the cheat box up. Then type in StretchSkeletonto make your sim taller. (1.0 normal) Type 1.00000000000000000000 to make your sim so tall it can't be seen on the screen. |
Submitted by PatrickEnable the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true code. Then, spawn the Tombstone of L(ife) and D(eath). Click "Add neighbor to family" and the choose the Grim Reaper. Click the Tombstone of L(ife) and Death and choose baby boy. Then, make the baby grow into an adult by using the tombstone.
Enter a lot then enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code. Go to the "Families" panel and select "Create A New Family". Create a male Sim and press [Shift] + N. Go to the clothing and go to "Outfits". Keep clicking the right arrow and you find two Grim Reaper outfits.
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