Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Complete a campaign on easy difficulty.
| - Complete a campaign on medium difficulty.
| - Be the first clan in the campaign to obtain gunpowder mastery.
| - Complete a campaign on legendary difficulty.
- Agent of the Stealthy Blade
| - Obtain a maximum level ninja in the campaign.
| - Win a battle using an army composed of at least one of every class of unit (sword infantry, cavalry, archer, matchlock, spear, naginata).
| - On maps with more than one key building, your alliance shows its dominance by holding all of them simultaneously.
| - Sink a European caravel or the flagship vessel the Nihon Maru during a naval battle.
| - Win a multiplayer battle using no ranged units in your army.
| - Win 50 matchmade battles in multiplayer.
| - Capture 15 provinces on the avatar campaign map.
| - Win 10 siege battles as the attacker.
| - Win a campaign as the Chosokabe clan.
| - Win 25 matchmade battles in multiplayer.
| - Keep at least 4 ashigaru units for a whole battle without routing once.
| - Win a campaign as the Date clan.
| - Win a multiplayer versus campaign despite giving the other player 10,000 koku.
| - Achieve the ultimate goal and become Shogun in the grand campaign.
| - Have all your army, excepting the general, hidden simultaneously for more than 30 seconds.
| - Wipe out the Hattori clan in the campaign.
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| - Through the avatar system, get a veteran unit to level 4.
| - Play 10 multiplayer battles of any type.
| - Complete a campaign on hard difficulty.
| - Win a multiplayer battle using no spear units in your army.
- Fearsome Commander of Men
| - Obtain a maximum level general in the campaign.
- Forged in the Hottest Flame
| - Win your first multiplayer battle.
| - Be the first clan in the campaign to master the art of epic architecture.
| - Collect 10,000 heads of enemy soldiers.
| - Through the avatar system, get a veteran unit to level 9.
| - Win a campaign as the Hojo clan.
| - Control the Kyushu province.
| - Control the Shikoku province.
| - Successfully rally 5 units at once with one use of the general's rally ability.
| - Win a multiplayer versus campaign.
| - Win a battle using an army composed entirely of hero units and your general.
| - Obtain a maximum level monk.
| - Obtain a unit of maximum rank in the grand campaign.
| - Personally earn 20 clan tokens
| - Win 10 siege battles as the defender.
| - Obtain a maximum level metsuke.
| - Win 20 naval battles in multiplayer.
| - Be the first clan in the campaign to master the art of Shih.
| - Win a campaign as the Mori clan.
| - Win a campaign as the Oda clan.
| - Win a campaign as a Christian daimyo.
| - Win a defensive siege battle with the lady of the house, the Onna-Bugeisha, as your general.
| - Spend the maximum number of points in your avatar's skill tree.
| - Obtain a maximum level missionary.
| - Join a multiplayer clan in Shogun 2.
| - Win a campaign as the Shimazu clan.
| - Obtain 100 fame within 20 turns.
| - Defeat a Creative Assembly staff member in battle, or anyone else who has gained this achievement.
| - Your clan holds 5 provinces simultaneously on the multiplayer clan campaign map.
- Stubborn Pursuer of Victory
| - Complete a campaign on very hard difficulty.
| - Win a multiplayer battle where more than 50% of your army is made up of matchlock units.
| - Win a multiplayer battle losing less than 15% of your starting troops.
| - Win a campaign as the Takeda clan.
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| - Win a multiplayer battle using no cavalry units (excluding the general) in your army.
| - Achieve the ultimate accolade and obtain rank 1 on the multiplayer Shogun Ladder.
| - Win a campaign as the Tokugawa clan.
| - Control all the trade posts on the map at the same time.
| - Win a campaign as the Uesugi clan.
| - Win a multiplayer co-op campaign.
| - Capture all provinces on the avatar campaign map.
| - Completely wipe out an enemy unit.
| - Win 200 multiplayer games of any type.