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Shadow Warrior

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Shadow Warrior on PC

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Shadow Warrior Cheats

To get the cheats type "T" type again to get rid of
swghost is no clip mode
swgreed gives all weapons and ammo
swgimme give all inventory
swchan is invincibility
After typing in the inventory cheat press j to get the jetpack. | Submitted by Drew Walborn

SWCHAN - God mode
SWGIMME - Gives all objects
SWGREED - Activates all cheats
SWTREKxy - Warps to: x - episode [ 0 - first ], y - level [ 1 - first ]
SWLOC - Shows the fps
SWRES - Changes screen resolution
SWSTART - Restarts current level
SWGHOST - Clipping mode
SWMAP - Automap on/off
QUIT - Ends the game
SWTRIX - Gives 'Bunny Rockets
WINPACHINKO - Lets you win the Pachinko game and gives you an object

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