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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Sacred on PC

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Sacred Cheats

In the "Water from the mules" mission, if you can't pick up the water do the following trick: Press ~ (tilde) key to bring up a consol, then type "Wasser", press [enter] and then hit the ~ key 1 more time. Now you can pick up a water.

Go into the Sacred installation folder, and open up the file "sacred.cfg" using notepad. Change the Violence level to = 1.

Look for the file settings.cfg in your Sacred game directory. Use Notepad.exe to open it and look for the string VIOLENCE: 2 and change it to VIOLENCE: 1. Save the file in CFG format and see how Europe likes its gore.

If you cheat during the game at any time, then export your character, he'll be wearing a bunny-suit. If you play online with a character with cheats, then other people will see you as a giant rabbit.

Just start the demo with the parameter /CHEATS=1 and press [~] while in the game to open the console. Now type in the following codes:

Code - Granted wish

SYS CHEATS=1 - Activate cheat mode
CHEAT GOD - God mode
CHEAT RARE - Get rare items
CHEAT upgrade - All upgrades for the current character
CHEAT SETGOLD # - Set gold to #
CHEAT ADDGOLD=# - Add # gold
CHEAT SETLEVEL=# - Set level for current character (max 255)
CHEAT SETHEROLEVEL=# - Set level for current hero (max 255)
CHEAT FOGOFWAR - No fog of war
CHEAT DAMAGE - Set health to 1
SYS FPS - Show Frame rate

When you first start the game with any character, you are given a rune, weapon and armor. Pick all these up, then choose the "Export" option from the menu. Start a new game with the "Import" option. Import your saved character and you will
start again at the beginning of the game. Not only will you still be holding all the items you picked up previously, but you can collect them all again. This can be repeated as many times as desired. The runes can be exchanged for combos, and the armor can be sold. This is best done with the Gladiator character; if you fight in the arena and battle Julius the Gladiator Master, you receive experience points as well as gold and various other items. "Export" and "Import" after you have killed him and his guards and repeat to get experience each time.

When on the map screen hold down the alt key and left click anywhere on the map you want to go. It might not work the first time because the game will not let you jump onto areas where you couldnt go normally (middle of rock formations, in dense forest, etc). Just keep doing it and you can go where you want when you want without having to battle your way through hordes of orcs, dark elves, and all the other things that make your journeys a pain in the neck! | Submitted by DarkenRahl

West of the town of Faeries Crossing there is a hidden path in the woods that leads to a dungeon entrance. In this dungeon is a maze with dots you can munch, and ghosts that will kill you in one hit, just like the classic arcade game Pac-Man.

There is a hidden passage in the woods just southeast of the cloister at Bellevue that is marked by a runestone which says, "Mae llim shahirgal carven-In memory of the dancing dead..." Go further down the passageway and there will appear a magic barrier between the two stones that are the only entry to the Stonehenge-like circle. There will be a mage fighting a creature inside the circle. When the monster is defeated the barrier will disappear but the mage will teleport away. When you click on the runestone here (called the "Rune Stone of the Dancing Dead") a magical cylinder will come up behind it and a black rabbit will come hopping towards you. It will bite you a few times then disappear. You may click on the runestone as many times as you like and kill all the undead rabbits. They will follow you!

Start the game with the parameter /CHEATS=1 and press [~] in the game to open the console. Now type in:

Code - Effect

sys cheats 963 - Activate Cheat Mode
cheat teleport - Teleport
cheat lord - God mode
cheat suicide - Suicide
cheat tp - Teleport

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