To enter in this code, first open The Saboteur then proceed to press F4 to bring up the code entry box. Then type in the code provided.
When trying to climb up to a scenic point on top of a building, follow the glowing yellow lamps.
You can act suspiciously to lure a Nazi away from his post, then dispatch him when no one is around.
Steal a Nazi vehicle and park it in your garage. Destroy it, then take a new one from garage keeper. Destroy that one as well. Repeat this until five of them have been destroyed to unlock the perk.
When you get then mission to knock out a large gun across the river from the Eiffel Tower, nearby on the same building is a smaller anti-aircraft gun. Eliminate all the guards nearby but leave the AA gun intact. When the mission is completed you can use the AA gun to shoot down Zeppelins. This will give you a level 5 alarm, which causes a series of airplanes to begin strafing you. Zeppelins earn $50 and planes $100 when shot down. The targets are unlimited, allowing you to get as much money as desired. To finish, jump off the building and die. When you return to HQ, you will have lost your weapons but have plenty of money to replace them. This can be repeated as many times as desired as long as the last AA gun remains.
To win a countryside race, walk to the side of each participating car and aim your gun to the driver so he'll get out. Do this to all of the other drivers. Then, get back to your car and start the one-man race.
The following vehicles can be found at the locations below:
Armed ZP750 - Raise the alarm level and it will come to you
Bauer Fuel Truck - West Picardie / North Normadie / Near the river, where the road the road hooks around
Gestapo Cruiser (Not GS) - On streets around Nazi areas
Gestapo GS - Gare Saint Lazarre / This is parked North of the checkpoint near the tower with propaganda speaker (right side of the road)
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