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Effect - Code Invisible to enemies - invisible Kill all enemies - killpawns Infinite air when underwater - amphibious Flight mode - fly No clipping mode - ghost Disable flight and no clipping modes - walk Spawn rune - summon runeofpower First person view - behindview 0 Advanced options - preferences Disable all non-player characters - playersonly Toggle full screen mode - togglefullscreen Spawn indicated item - summon [item name] Level select - leveltravel or open [map name] Advance to level with acquired items - switchcooplevel [map name]
VikingShortSword VikingBroadSword VikingShield VikingShieldCross GoblinAxe GoblinShield DwarfBattleSword DwarfBattleAxe DwarfBattleHammer DwarfWorkSword DwarfWorkHammer DwarfBattleShield RuneOfPower RuneOfPowerRefill RuneOfHealth RuneOfStrength MagicShield DarkShield RustyMace RomanSword SigurdAxe HandAxe Torch
intro (introduction sequence) ragnarvillage (opening sequence) ragnarvillage2 sailingship (intermission sequence) sinkingship sinkingship2 deepunder1odin deepunder1odinbv deepunder3 deepunder4 hel1 hel1a hel1a2 hel1b hell2end hel3a hel3b hellift goblin1 goblin2 trialpit beetlefly (intermission sequence) thorapproach thor1 thormap3 thormap4a thormap4b thormap5a thormap5b thormap6loki mountain1 mountain2 dwarftrans dwarf1wwheel dwarfmap2 dwarfmap3a dwarfmap3b dwarfmap5a dwarfmap5b dwarfmap6darkdwarf loki1 loki1a lokimaze loki2 loki3a loki3b villageruin asgard (ending sequence)
There are over one thousand spawnable items in Rune, over one thousand spawnable effects, and over 25 classes for these items. I have compiled a small list. First of all, to spawn an item, this is what you do. First enter console with the ~ (tidle) key, or press TAB. A text window or text box will appear. In this, type cheatplease, Press enter (Note: If in multiplayer, the administrative login command and password is required. type: Adminlogin [setpass]. Setpass being the password you set. If you have not set a password yet, type 'preferences' without the quoutes, go into game info, and set a password then exit the window). Now type: Summon [Spawnable class here] ... and then press enter to spawn the desired item/effect/weapon and so on. None of these are in any particular order. Basic Objects: (Put any of these after summon) Stool Bench Hotbowl Dwarfstool Chandelier Helchandelier hangingchain (this item not spawnable in multiplayer) destroyrock skin skinrack tarp tarpframe grainsack1 grainsack2 grainsack3 grainsack4 grainsack5 bucket animaltrough torchholder barrel raft footbridge bonebridgesmall bonebridgebig icechunk lavachunk bone burlapsack1 burlapsack2 burlapsack3 gong horn drum1 drum2 drumside tree1 pinetree pinetreesnow pinetreebrown Spawnable Food: (Any foods skeletal mesh can be edited making anything food, but this is the normal in-game food) Legomeat1 legomeat2 legomeat3 stein (a mead (beer) with lemon in a large mug) healthfruit1 healthfruit2 lizard runeofhealth Most Spawnable Enemies (Pawns): OdinCrow Crow Scriptableragnar Scriptablesarkragnar Jarl Karl Sven Sigurd Wolfgar Elder Alric Ulf Conrack Darkviking Darkwarrior Lokiguard Goblin Goblinfemale Goblinweak Goblinmohawk Goblincrazy zombie1 zombie2 Sarkaxe Sarksword Sarkhammer Sarkspawn Sarkconrack Snowbeast Snowbeastboss (must be in ghost/clip mode to summon) Snowbeasttrial must be in ghost/clip mode to summon) Dwarfblack (invincible, also must be in ghost/clip mode to summon. To kill, type 'Killall Dwarfblack') Dwarf Dwarfwara Dwardward Dwarfwark Dangler (Must be in water and in ghost to summon) baracuda jellyfish manawar manawarbaby tubestriker tubestrikerbaby testactor (not killable, use the killall cmd to rid of it) beetle crab giantcrab seabird cuttle danglerfemale Misc Spawnable Weapons and Limbs: Torch Heltorch arm head sarkhead {pawn name here}head {pawnnamehere} arm Special fist weapons: Sarkclaw Zombieclaw UNTESTED: Snowbeastjaw (tube)strikertongue To access these weapons, since they are invisible and cannot be picked up, you must type a series of commands. Do the following to use the fist weapons: First go into console, and make sure cheatplease is on and if in multiplayer, you are logged in. Next, type the following: Admin set gameinfo defaultweapon {insert fist weapon or other weapon here, works mainly in Mplayer) After entering the commmand, commit suicide by typing: Suicide Upon your respawn, you will start with whatever weapon you set, presumably the fist. Spawnable Effects: rain snow fire bigfire pawnfire smallfire darkdwarfexplosion darkdwarfbolt smoke lokieffect odineyeeffect lokiskull (Note: The following effects cause damage and/or effect other players) Fireradius Blastradius groundprojectile That is it folks. Those are the most widely used spawnable things in Rune that I can remember, and have on my collection of lists. Hope they serve you well. | Submitted by Raven-Lord-Raven
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