Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - As Macedon, establish Athens, Epirus and Sparta as client states.
| - Win a campaign battle, using only cavalry units, without auto resolving.
| - Complete a campaign as Macedon.
| - Successfully ambush and defeat an enemy army in a campaign battle.
| - Start at least 5 multiplayer campaigns.
| - Complete 500 hours of gameplay.
| - Complete 1 hour of gameplay.
| - Win a campaign battle using one of every class of land unit: Melee Infantry, Missile Infantry, Missile Cavalry, Melee Cavalry, Siege Weapon.
- Beyond the Dreams of Avarice
| - Win a campaign by Economic Victory.
| - Kill 10,000 men in battle.
| - Complete a campaign as the Iceni.
| - Kill 100,000 men in battle.
- Carthage Must Be Destroyed
| - Win the Siege of Carthage.
| - As Rome, destroy the Carthaginian faction.
| - Accumulate 1,000,000 talents in your treasury during a single campaign.
| - Fight 100 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.
| - Attain the maximum rank with a champion-type agent during a campaign.
| - Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle except one, without ever auto-resolving.
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| - Win 25 siege defence battles during campaign play.
| - Fight 10 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.
| - Fight a combined land and naval siege battle during a campaign.
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| - Successfully assassinate a member of your own family faction.
- Every Day I'm not Auto-resolving
| - Complete an entire campaign, with 10 or fewer defeats, without ever auto-resolving.
| - Complete 100 hours of gameplay.
| - Execute 1000 battle captives.
| - Win a quickmatch land multiplayer battle.
| - Use at least 1 special ability during a campaign battle.
| - Complete a campaign as the Suebi.
| - Complete 1000 hours of gameplay.
| - Kill 1,000,000 men in battle.
| - Successfully capture all of the great cities of the ancient world, Rome, Athens, Carthage and Alexandria, in battle during a single campaign game.
| - Field a ballista or large onager artillery unit in a siege battle during a campaign game.
| - Complete a campaign as Pontus.
| - Complete a campaign as Epirus.
| - During a campaign defend your encampment without losing a single victory point.
- I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
| - Win a campaign by Military Victory.
- I Will Find a Way or Make One
| - As Carthage, recruit a unit of elephants.
| - Successfully defend a city without losing a single victory point during a campaign battle.
| - Win a campaign on Legendary difficulty.
- In the Footsteps of Great Men
| - Complete a campaign chapter's primary objective and all associated historical objectives.
| - Fight a battle with naval units in any campaign
| - Win 50 land battles during campaign play.
| - Attain the maximum rank with a general / admiral during a campaign.
| - Attain the maximum rank with an army or navy during a campaign game.
| - Release 1000 battle captives.
| - Successfully defend an encampment, during a campaign, without losing more than 25% of your starting force.
| - Win 25 or more naval battles in a single campaign game.
| - Complete a campaign on Very Hard difficulty.
| - Play at least 50 multiplayer battles.
| - Recover all three legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.
| - Attain the maximum rank with a dignitary-type agent during a campaign.
| - Fight a combined battle, using land and naval forces, during a campaign.
| - Fight a battle from the campaign map without auto-resolving.
| - Complete a campaign as Ptolemaic Egypt.
| - Complete a campaign as Athens.
| - Construct a Pantheon during a Roman campaign.
| - Use at least 3 different special abilities during a campaign battle.
| - Win 50 naval battles during campaign play.
| - Issue 10 edicts in a single campaign.
| - Win a multiplayer campaign.
| - Complete the Prologue campaign.
| - Win the Battle of Raphia.
| - Complete a campaign as Rome.
- Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
| - Fully expand and upgrade a province capital.
| - Sink more than 10 enemy ships in a single campaign battle.
| - Successfully siege and capture a city by seizing its victory points during a campaign battle.
| - Capture an encampment by seizing its victory point.
| - Successfully capture one of the great cities of the ancient world, Rome, Athens, Carthage or Alexandria, in battle.
| - Enslave 1000 battle captives.
| - Attain the maximum rank with a spy-type agent during a campaign.
| - As Rome or Carthage, choose not to establish an empire following a civil war.
| - Complete a campaign on Hard difficulty.
| - Destroy or subjugate a faction.
| - Successfully defeat the enemy when ambushed during a campaign.
| - Play at least 10 multiplayer battles.
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| - Win the Battle of the Nile.
| - Successfully breach a wall using naval artillery in any battle.
| - Become involved in a civil war.
| - Successfully escape from a campaign ambush battle with at least 75% of your starting units.
| - Research all available technologies in a single campaign.
| - Defeat someone who already has this achievement in any multiplayer battle.
| - Complete a campaign as Carthage.
| - Complete a campaign as Parthia.
| - Win a campaign whilst fielding an army or fleet that has existed continuously since the start of your campaign.
| - Recover at least two legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.
| - Win the Battle of Teutoburg Forest.
| - Complete a campaign as Sparta.
| - Win the game having declared war on every faction the turn you encountered them, as well as never negotiating a peace treaty.
| - Kill 200 men with siege artillery in any single battle.
| - As a Barbarian tribe, sack the city of Rome.
| - Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle, without ever auto-resolving.
| - Complete a campaign as the Arverni.
| - Complete 10 hours of gameplay.
| - Attain the maximum rank with any unit during a campaign.
| - Win 25 siege attack battles during campaign play.
- Weapon of Mass Destruction
| - Kill 5000 men in battle with siege artillery during the course of a campaign game.
| - Win a campaign by Cultural Victory.
- Wipe Them Out All of Them!
| - Win a campaign battle having completely wiped out all enemy units, a minimum of 1000 men, before claiming victory.