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2. Right-click on it and select "properties". 3. In the "Target" field, add the following to the very end (outside the quotes): +set sv_cheats 1 4. Click OK. 5. Launch the game using that shortcut. Once you're in the game, you should be able to use the following cheat codes (hit the "~" key to bring down the console, then type them in): Cheat Code - Effect /god - God Mode /notarget - Enemies Do Not Attack /noclip - No Clipping /give all - All Weapons and Ammo /give armor - Give Armor /give health - Give Health /give stamina - Give Stamina /give ammo - Give Ammo /nofatigue - Unlimited Stamina /kill - Suicide /cg_uselessnostalgia 1 - Original Wolfenstein Interface /give # - Give Item # (See List)
panzerfaust thompson mp42 mauser rifle flamethrower sten fg42 paratroop rifle grenade colt 45 large health medium health
/toggle cg_drawcompass Toggles the compass on or off. /toggle cg_draw2d Turns the entire Heads Up Display either on or off. /toggle cg_drawfps Either shows or hides your frame-per-second in the upper right-hand corner. /cg_FOV Changes your field of view. Higher values give you a "fishbowl" effect that some players like, as it gives them better periferal vision. /toggle cg_drawtimer Shows the amount of time left on the level. Not too useful, since there's a clock on the screen by default. /toggle cg_gibs Toggles whether or not gibs are drawn when someone is hit particularly hard. /toggle cg_drawteamoverlay Draws or hides the team overlay information that shows health and location of all your teammates.
/toggle cg_novoicechats Setting this to 0 will make it so that the quick chat messages (e.g., "Medic!" or "I need ammo") will not make any audible sounds. They will, however, still show up as text. /toggle cg_novoicetext Setting this to 0 will make it so the quick chat messages do not show their text messages (but you will still hear audio). /toggle cg_teamchatsonly Setting this to 0 will make it so that you only see chat messages from your team. /bind X "vsay Y" or /bind X "vsay_team Y" X is a keyboard key and Y is a term from the list below. This allows you to bind specific voice commands/comments to one key instead of using the menu to navigate to the one you want. Use one of the commands below to get the desired effect: /bind X "vsay GoodGame" /bind X "vsay Hi" /bind X "vsay Cheer" /bind X "vsay Bye" /bind X "vsay Thanks" /bind X "vsay GreatShot" /bind X "vsay Oops" /bind X "vsay_team FireInTheHole" /bind X "vsay_team HoldYourFire" /bind X "vsay_team TakingFire" /bind X "vsay_team AllClear" /bind X "vsay_team DynamitePlanted" /bind X "vsay_team DisarmDynamite" /bind X "vsay_team DynamiteDefused" /bind X "vsay_team EnemyWeak" /bind X "vsay_team Incoming" /bind X "vsay_team DefendObjective" /bind X "vsay_team ClearPath" /bind X "vsay_team PathCleared" /bind X "vsay_team LetsGo" /bind X "vsay_team Medic" /bind X "vsay_team NeedAmmo" /bind X "vsay_team NeedEngineer" /bind X "vsay_team OnDefense" /bind X "vsay_team OnOffense" /bind X "vsay_team NeedBackup" /bind X "vsay_team FollowMe" /bind X "vsay_team Sorry" /bind X "vsay_team Welcome" /bind X "vsay_team Affirmative" /bind X "vsay_team Negative" /bind X "vsay_team IamEngineer" /bind X "vsay_team IamMedic" /bind X "vsay_team IamLieutenant" /bind X "vsay_team IamSoldier"
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