Achievement | How to unlock
| - The most highest ranked award is given. Most distinguished, exceptional, service tasks and missions are required for this medal. (combat)
| - For outstanding services you got a medal. (combat)
| - Awarded for completing various tasks and missions. (combat)
| - You have taken out hellspawn with SHIVA weapon.
| - Awarded to those that have managed to complete every mission in entire game on normal mode. (common)
- Colonial Distinguished Service
| - Completing missions&continuously proving your service while confronted w/life threatening situations&saving others. (support)
- Colonial Superior Service
| - Awarded for completing missions and continuously proving your service in the field while confronted with heavy assault and surviving. (support)
| - Leaders who have distinguished themselves more then once in leading their squad to safety and avoiding almost death situations. (common)
| - Awarded for exceptional tasks and missions while distinguishing himself on battlefield. (combat)
| - You have completed the Insurgents storyline succesfully.
- Distinguished Force Specialist
| - Awarded for continuously overcoming high number of test subjects with limited amount of supplies. (support)
- Field Service Achievement
| - Awarded for completing missions and proving your service in the field. (support)
- Field Service Commendation
| - Awarded for completing missions and continuously proving your service in the field. (support)
| - You have seen it, and you have killed it!
| - For outstanding services you got a medal. (combat)
| - Awarded for completing various tasks and missions. Soldier must distinguish himself on battle. (combat)
| - You have succesfully activted the distress signal with Frosty!
| - Continuously managed to complete random assault, defense and escape missions without taking any or minimal casualties to their squad. (combat)
| - Awarded for completing tasks and caring of others while surviving heavy situations on the field and saving others. (support)
| - You have contributed to salvation of Tharsis, wheter for the good of it, or for the bad.
| - You got on the field, you took them down in one round, 50 high threat kills.
- Order of Colonial Defense
| - Awarded to limited size squads that have exceptional performance on battlefield and have distinguished themselves in overcoming every incoming threat. (combat)
| - Awarded to those that have managed to continuously complete every mission given to them over many battlefield. (combat)
| - You have completed the Project Terra storyline succesfully.
| - Awarded for suffering and recovering from life threatening wounds in combat. (common)
| - Awarded for completing various tasks and missions without failure. (combat)
| - This medal is given to those recruits that show great skills in the begining of their traning of ultimate survival. (common)
| - You have survived, and that's what it counts for!
| - You have mastered all 8 classes.
| - For outstanding services you got a medal. (common)
| - You know your way around, you've been here for some time.
| - Win the game in Hardcore, Primary, Secondary missions with 4 marines, and finish all objectives. Defeat Vivian Parks.