Anhketepot's Seal Quarters Locations
1.Forgotten Shrine of Neferti (located in the southwestern most room)
2.Temple of Set, Temple Grounds
3.The Ruined Temple of Harvest (left by the immortal Soul)
4.Pharaoh's Rest, Tomb of Anhktepot.
If you encounter a game crash after speaking with the little boy from the village, save the game just prior to this crash then reinstall the game. Reload the saved game and finish the game.
Gaining Access to the Royal Burial Hall
1.The Statue of a man guards the entrance to the burial hall. Place the large chain that you find under the Temple of Harvest in your hand.
2.Face the Statue and left click on the large chain to apply the chain to the Statue.
3.If you have visited the ghost north of the village and listened to her sing, your character will automatically say the secret word to open the platform.
Gaining access to the Sphinx
You need to locate a scroll in the Temple of Harvest which contains the secret name of the Sphinx. Hold his scroll in your hand as your party approaches the Sphinx. When asked, your party will give the correct answer.
Hierophant's Seal Quarters Locations
1.Obelisk, Lower level 3 (after you collect all parchment pieces)
2.The Burial Catacombs, Lower Excavation.
3.The Royal Burial Hall, City of the Dead.
4.The Buried Temple of Ra, Temple Grounds
Pharaoh's Rest, Crypts of the Children
The party must find the Gold Anhk Key. This key is needed to open the door in the Pharaoh's Rest. Use the Gold Whistle (blow it three times) to awaken the Hero's falcon and send him off to retrieve the Hero's heart. To do this, one of the party's characters must be able to speak with animals.
Once all 8 seals have been found and placed in the two separate teleporter gates, return to the Pharaoh's Rest and use the Mallet on the Gong to awake Anhktepot. Carefully lure him into the teleporter gate to the south. Once he enters the gate, he'll do battle with Hierophant.
The Laughing Statue in the Sphinx Dungeon
The party needs to give the Statue of Fortune the Calcite Wishing Cup (found in the Burial Catacombs, Upper Excavation) and choose to make a wish. Choosing the wish that benefits the Old Beggar in the Village of Muhar gains the party one good judgment point.
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