Start out with 9 STR, 9 AGI, 5 VIT, 1 INT, 5 DEX, 1 LUK. The best level for a novice to change jobs is level 25 to 30. As a Swordman, go to the Culverts level 2. Kill Planktons, Spores, Female Thief Bugs, and Thief Bugs. At level 35, start killing Tarous. At about level 45 to 52, go to level 3. Kill all the monsters there. At level 60 and above, go to Orc dungeon level 1. At level 65, go to level 2. Train there until your Job Level is 50. The recommended job change level is Blvl 71/Jlvl 50. As a Knight, go to Orc dungeon and get the skills desired. At about level 82 to 90, go to the Glast Heim Underprison level 1. Train there until level 99. To level up easier, get a +9 or +10 Liberation (Abyssmal Knight Card; recommended for Boss hunts), and Two-Handed Sword of Verserk (Doppelganger Card). Follow the Novice-Knight guide as described above. As a Lord Knight, it is recommended to have these stats: 99 STR, 99 AGI, 5 VIT, 1 INT, 25 or above DEX, and 1 LUK. The recommended equips for Boss hunts and WoE seiges are as follows:
Head (Upper): Neutral(Orc Hero) Helm, Solar God Helm
Head (Mid): Fin Helm
Head (Lower): Iron Chain
Garment: Mocking (Whisper) Manteau
Right Hand: Liberation (Abyssmal Knight) Two-Handed Sword of Verserk (Doppelganger)
Left Hand: Liberation Two-Handed Sword of Verserk
Armor: Ghost (Ghostring) Full Plate
Accessory 1: Glove of Eternity (Osiris)
Accessory 2: Glove of Concentration (Skel Prisoner)
If Two-Hand Quicken, a Berserk Potion, and the skill Berserk can be used with these, you all will be surprised at the results. You may even slay Orc Lord single-handedly.
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