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Quake Live

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Quake Live on PC

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Quake Live Cheats

Begin an Internet Capture the Flag against bots on the "Divine Intermission" map. Then, enable the /capturelimit 100 and /addbot crash 1 codes.

Enable the /g_gravity 50 code.

A Revenge Medal is awarded when you kill someone who has kill you three times in a row. Start an Internet FFA Deathmatch game on "Railyard", which is a relatively small map with Railgun spawns. Add a bot then enable the following codes.

bot_gauntletonly 1 (forces the bot to use the Gauntlet)
g_damage_g 500 (Gauntlet does 500 damage)
g_damage_rg 500 (Railgun does 500 damage)
fraglimit 500 (500 fraglimit)
timelimit 120 (2 hour time limit)
g_speed 600 (maximum run speed to 600)

Allow the bot to kill you three times, then Railgun it. Repeat the process as many times as needed.

Choose Team Deathmatch. Both power-ups can be found on "Demon Keep".

This can be farmed using bots. Start an Internet FFA Quad Hog game on "Eye to Eye", which is the smallest official map. Add 23 bots, then enable the following codes.

bot_gauntletonly 1 (forces bot to use the Gauntlet)
g_damage_g 0 (Gauntlet does no damage)
g_damage_mg 500 (machinegun does 500 damage)
g_damage_pg 500 (pulse gun does 500 damage)
g_damage_lg 500 (lightning gun does 500 damage)
g_damage_sg 500 (shotgun does 500 damage)
fraglimit 10000 (10,000 frag limit)
timelimit 180 (3 hour time limit)
g_speed 600 (maximum run speed set to 600)
pmove_JumpVelocity 400 (400 jump power in order to access upper areas)

Once prepared, get Quad by either collecting it or killing the Quad Carrier. Remain in the arena and get in position where the spawned bots are lined up to move towards you. Kill them with the machine gun, pulse gun, lightning gun, or shotgun until you need to get Quad again or reload your ammo (in which case, kill yourself in the lava).

Scoring is done as follows. Kills are worth 1 point, stealing a flag 10 points, and capturing a flag 100 points. Start an Internet Capture the Flag game on "Railyard", which is a relatively small map with Railgun spawns. Add a bot that is under the I Can Win difficulty setting. Steal the flag, kill the bot, and capture the flag to score 111 points total. Repeat this five more times to reach 666 points. You can then enable the timelimit 1 code to end the game shortly.

Complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievement progress and stats, open the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the game hub for "Quake Live (PC)". Choose the "View Stats" option on the drop down list, then choose the option that will list the achievements for your username.

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