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You can also use the following codes with the /give command: health armor ammo personal teleporter quad damage
/sv_cheats 1 from the console. From there, load any map using the /devmap command. For instance: /devmap q3dm15 will load "Demon Keep" with cheats enabled. You can only use cheats when using the "/devmap" command -- using the standard "/map" command will not allow cheats. Once you've got cheats enabled, some other useful commands: /god - "God" mode. You are invincible and cannot be hurt by weapons. /noclip - "no clip" mode. You can fly through walls and floors, and basically go anywhere you want in the level. (Great for taking screenshots.)
god God Mode give all Get All Weapons & Grappling Hook give health Get Health give armor Get Armor give quad damage Get Quad Damage give personal teleporter Get Personal Teleporter give gauntlet Get Gauntlet give machinegun Get Machinegun give shotgun Get Shotgun give granade launcher Get Granade Launcher give rocket launcher Get Rocket Launcher give lightning gun Get Lightning Gun give railgun Get Railgun give plasma gun Get Plasma Gun give bfg10k Get BFG10K give grappling hook Get Grappling Hook give ammo Get Ammo
If you want to see the complete lists: /cmdlist - will produce a list of commands /cvarlist - will produce a list of console variables You can also output this to a text file by typing /condump filename.txt This will output the contents of the console to a text file in the Quake3/baseq3 directory. /reconnect Will reconnect you to the last server you were connected to. Useful if Q3 dumps you to the main menu during a map change for no apparent reason. /bindlist Will produce a list of all currently bound commands. /bind One of the most basic commands, this will "bind", or assign a command to a particular key. Usage: /bind " " Example: /bind space "+zoom" /say Will produce a chat message onscreen. Used with the /bind command, this is an easy way to set up chat messages. Example: bind F5 say "ouch! that hurt!" Do NOT abuse this command. Spamming servers with lots of useless chat is an easy way to get kicked off a server. /say_team Allows you to send private messages to your teammates. VERY useful for Capture the Flag matches. Example: bind I say_team "Defense: Incoming Enemy!" /messagemode 2 Bind this command to a key to enter "team chat" mode. Anything you type after this command will only be sent to your teammates. /kill Will cause you to commit suicide. A handy way to lose a frag. /callvote [proposed vote] This command can be used to propose changes on a server, and allow all the players on the server to vote on it. This can be used to change maps, game modes, settings, and even kick players if necessary. To vote on a proposed change, press F1 to vote "yes" and F2 to vote "no". Examples: callvote map q3dm9 callvote g_gravity 100 callvote kick sluggo /quit Quits the game.
quake3.exe +seta g_spVideos "\tier1\1\tier2\2\tier3\3\tier4\4\tier5\5\tier6\6\tier7\7\tier8\8"
In order to use the following cheats in multiplayer mode, the server must have cheats enabled (ie: /devmap +map [name])
/serverinfo Will produce a list of current server settings. /map Will load any map with your current server settings. /map_restart Will reload current map. You may have to use this command before various server settings can take effect. /sv_hostname Change or view the current server name with this command. /g_gametype Will display or set the current game type: "0" - free-for-all DM "1" - Tournament 1-on-1 "2" - Single-Player "3" - Team Deathmatch "4" - Capture the Flag. Example: /g_gametype "3" /sv_maxclients Will display or set the maximum # of players on a Example: /sv_maxclients "10" /timelimit Displays or sets the server time limit. /fraglimit Displays or sets the server frag limit. /bot_minplayers This command can be used to keep a server populated with random bots when empty. Bots are kicked when players join. Example: /bot_minplayers "4" /addbot Can be used to manaully add bots to a game. /kick Will kick any specified player from the game. /g_gravity (default: 800) Set or display the world gravity with this variable. (Lower number is less gravity.) /g_speed (default: 320) Set or display player running speed with this variable. Setting to 1000 will produce highly interesting results.
Will turn your HUD on and off (0=off, 1=on) /cg_fov (default: 90) Will alter your on-screen field of vision. Lower settings are more zoomed in; higher #'s give you a wider view, but can get skewed at anything above. /cg_zoom fov (default: 22.5) Will alter your FOV when in "zoom" mode. /cg_drawFPS (deafult: 0) Will display your framerate in the upper right of the screen. (0=off, 1=on) /cg_drawGun (deafult: 0) Will toggle your gun model on and off the screen. (0=off, 1=on) /cg_drawTimer (default: 0) Will display elapsed game time in the upper right of the screen. (0=off, 1=on) /cg_gibs (default: 1) This activates the splatter that is so much a part of shooters these days. Setting to "0" can help keep things clean in heavily trafficked games. (0=off, 1=on) /cg_simpleItems (default: 0) Will turn all items into 2D sprites. Can help improve performance on slower systems. (0=off, 1=on) /cg_drawTeamOverlay (default: 0) Will toggle the very useful "team overlay" on your HUD, which will allow you to see the health, armor, and current selected weapon of all your teammates. (0=off, 1=on) /cg_thirdPerson (0/1; default: 0) /cg_thirdPersonAngle (0-360; default: 0) /cg_thirdPersonRange (default: 40) These three commands will allow you to play with Quake III's "third-person" view. Setting /cg_thirdPerson to 1 will activate the view, and /cg_thirdPersonRange will set how far behind you view your player from. /cg_thirdPersonAngle will rotate the camera around your player; set the angle to 180 and you'll get a good head-on look at your model.
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