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Outer base - 3 secrets 1 - You find yourself entering the big room with some water on one side which continues into an opening. Take a look under the stairs you entered the room on. Secret no1. 2 - After finding secret 1 continue into the water and through the opening. Go as far as you can go in the water and dive under the wall and find secret no2. 3 - When your at the end go to the ground level of the final room, look under the ledge - there is a red giveaway button to shoot at. Do it and a secret door opens with some goodies. Secret no3. Installation - 2 secrets 1 - When you come to a broken bridge (it actually blows up) enter the water and try to find a SMALL entrance next to a quite large one. In there, in the wall, there is a large crack. Shoot at it and it will blow (?) up and a weapon reveals itself. 2 - At the end of the map after crossing the water dividing the level you will find yourself in a room with some kind of a cellar. Enter the cellar and locate super shotgun and you have found secret number 2. Comm Center - 2 secrets 1 - In the beginning, exit the tunnel you start in and enter the next room. In the second room there is a large puddle, take a swim and on the bottom in one corner there is a secret passage. 2 - Continue through the hole in the wall were you found the first secret and find the second, A SECRET LEVEL! Lost Station - 6 secrets [Secret Level] 1 - Jump into the water instead of riding the cool red lift. Enter the underwater opening and find some goodies. 2 - Shoot the red giveaway button. Enter the new opening by the cannons (avoid getting in their way). Down into the water, crouch, and find yourself secret no2. 3 - When you get to the second station (started at first) with the red lift - jump into the water and find the red giveaway button. Shoot the red giveaway, then turn 180 degrees and kill the enemy. Go into the new opening. 4 - Well, as you discovered the button to the red keycard you flipped, also flipped the floor upwards. But what opens under the floor? Well, run around or shoot it and quickly run beyond it and find secret no4. 5 - In the water surrounding the tower there is a suspicious looking piece of wall. Shoot it, kill whatever comes out, enter the new hole, surface in there and find some goodies. 6 - Ok...jump up to the cradles. Then you just make a long jump over to the other side. Secret no6. Unit 2 - Warehouse Unit Ammo Depot - 3 secrets 1 - In the first room up in one corner of the room there is a small red button. Shoot it and a secret door in the wall will open, secret no1. 2 - In one of the larger rooms you have to push a button so you start a crane with a cargo which crushes a door. In that room you will find a small button that opens up the floor were you came from. Go down the newly revealed stairs and find a secret. 3 - After a while you come to a big room with a bridge attached to the roof crossing a big lava puddle. The bridge is able to dip itself into the lava with a press on the button at its beginning. When you cross it slip down beside it and find the last secret. Supply Station - 3 secrets 1 - In the very beginning of the level, jump over the ledge down to the ground. In one corner a door will open when you come close to it. 2 - One of the easier secrets in Q2. In the biggest room with cradles in one corner there is a box with a different color. Shoot at it and a door opens. Crotch and enter for a goodie and a secret. 3 - Wait for the moving cradle to come out. Jump on it and then stand on the cradle outside the opening. When it comes out jump in the opening and find the last secret. Warehouse - 2 secrets 1 - As you descended down the spiral stair to what you think is the bottom of it, try jumping to the cradles and behind them there is a little red button. Shoot it and even more stairs will appear and secret no1 is discovered. 2 -In the second last big room of the level there is a smaller room with some windows to shoot and a button to press. If you look up at the roof in the room you will find one of those red buttons. Well a stair comes up and you found secret no2. Unit 3 - Jail Unit Main Gate - 2 secrets 1 - After you exit the first room take a dive into the water and you will find a secret passage under the start room. 2 -Ok here you have to climb a little. Start from the right in the picture and make your way into the hole in the wall above the big white light and find secret no2. Detention Center - 2 secrets 1 - Shoot the guy and then shoot the button. The stairs you came up on will rise. Run around and crawl under them and collect goodies. 2 - Ok here is a tricky one. When you come to the very end of the level you can see a room you cannot enter due to a lot of bars blocking the way in. Start with the button closest to the end. Enter the opening and push button number two. Then go around to the other side (farthest from the end) of it and push button number three and enter secret no2 on the longest side. Security Complex - 1 secret 1 - At the room before the entrance to GUARD HOUSE the only secret is located. Take a shot at the wall, enter the new opening and find the secret. Torture Chambers - 3 secrets 1 - In the beginning of the map, before you go down the long elevator to the real action, take a trip outside and make a right. Run to the far left corner and find secret no1. 2 - This one hurts. Down in that big tank is secret number two. 3 -At the first prison cells you will come to this tricky little secret room behind one of the cells. So it's the one to your left if you face the corner. Take a shot at the bottom brick and discover secret no3. Guard House - 3 secrets 1 - In the beginning after you killed the prisoners and entered the second big room. Shoot the tanks and find a new opening. Enter and find a secret. 2 - After trying to open the broken door try crawling under it. When you have done that do it again with the next one and find a secret. 3 - At the beginning you will eventually end up at this large yard. Push the button to the right and the floor will lower down. Grid Control - No secrets Unit 4 - Mine Unit Mine Entrance - 1 secret 1 - As you come to the bridge over the lava turn left and discover a big red piece of wall. Shoot at it and find the ROCKET LAUNCHER! Upper Mines - 2 secrets 1 - In the same room you activate (stand on) the button to make the bridge come out, take a close look at the far corner. Give it a shot and secret no1 will open. 2 - It's near the "goal switch" of this level that activates the ventilation. One of the computer banks was making sparks so I shot it. "Hmmmm how come my shot was absorbed?" So I continued to shoot at it and voila. One quad damage. Borehole - 3 secrets 1 - In the middle of the map you enter a room by some stairs that descend into the room in a 90 degree angle around a post. Look under the stairs for the first secret. 2 - In the same room as secret number 1 there is a big hole with a puddle and two openings. Jump into the puddle and dive down to the bottom for secret number two. 3 - When you start the drill some new monsters appear. Take a look into one of the new holes and take a shot at the wall. This will open a new corridor and eventually an extra exit to the DRILLING AREA. Drilling Area - 2 secrets 1 - As you enter this level from two sides this might be a little tricky to explain. But when you enter this side you have to shoot out two red lights in the first room to open a door to a hole. down the hole in the first corner shoot at the wall and find secret no1. 2 - : Here is one of the lamest secrets. It's found on the very end of the map. Jump up on the cradles. Once up on the top you have found secret no2. Lower Mines - No Secrets Unit 5 - Factory Unit Receiving Center - 4 secrets 1 - When you reach the waterfall, jump over the ledge and go through the opening and find the first secret. 2 - Before you cross the long hanging bridge over the lava, take a look at these three door-like things. The only one that's actually a door is the middle one. Walk on up to it and it will automatically open for you and inside you will find secret no4. 3 - At the very end before you enter the next level, turn around and discover a red giveaway button on one of the red concrete supports. Go back around the corner to the new opening and find secret no3. 4 - Hmmm, nice waterfall. Try to make an RL-jump and land behind it. It will take you to SECRET LEVEL 2!!!!! Sudden Death - No secrets [secret level] Processing Plant - 3 secrets 1 - When you open one of the doors you have to press two buttons. After that the door opens. Enter it and take a look in the hole on the left side. Jump down and find the first secret. 2 - You are able to stop one of the conveyor belts at one time in the map. Take a look from were its coming and find the second secret of the map.. 3 - Ok, as I found this one last it got number 3. But do it first of all. After pressing the two buttons take a look at the roof between them. Shoot the little red light and a secret will open just beside you. Unit 6 - Power Unit/Big Gun Power Plant - 2 secrets 1 - As you entered this big room you find some of those containers that blow when shot at stocked in one corner. Well, what are you waiting for? Shoot at them and enter the new passage for secret no1. 2 - This is one of the harder ones. Walk forward from the start until you reach a wall. Look to the left and you see that one of the lights are flashing. Aim exactly at the white lamp and shoot at it. An opening will reveal itself at your feet. The Reactor - 1 secret 1 - From the largest room of the level you enter a smaller new room at ground level. At the gate you can see a suspicious part of the wall. Shoot at it and the level's only secret reveals itself. Cooling Factory - 3 secrets + extra 1 - As you are riding your first down slope in the water stream, jump up on the ledge and find a ladder going down. Use it and find secret no1. 2 - When you return to the water-ride you end up in a large room. Take one of the elevators and jump down on the ledge for secret no2. 3 - After you turned the wheel, go to the boxes, turn around, and shoot the wall. Enter and find secret no3. Toxic Waste Dump - 2 secrets 1 - My suggestion is to take this secret after Pumping station 2. And while you're at it also read through the next secret and do them both at the same time. When you come to the big room from PUMP STATION 2 you have to push a button to make a bridge over some toxic waste to the next room. Instead go put on a suit and dive in. Get your goodies and find Secret no1. 2 - Either you can swim straight (almost) from the previous secret or you can dive in directly in the stream going under were you started from. Inside there will be a new suit so don't worry. Pumping Station 1 - 3 secrets 1 - Almost at the end (Three rooms away) there is this big pipe with a large crack in it. Jump up on the cradles and give it a shot from close range. The crack will widen (actually blow up) and you are able to jump into the pipe. Swim through the long tunnel inside and find secret number 1. 2 - Ok, from secret no1 you end up in this outdoor place. Give both the bars a shot and secret no2 will open. 3 - As you return after a while to the room were you found secret no1 there is this last strange secret. In the opposite corner of the pipe there is a yellow light. Shoot it and the cradle to the left will blow up and last secret is found.. Pumping Station 2 - 4 secrets 1 - When you jump down the hole in the beginning, take a look around you. One piece of the wall really looks suspicious. Take a shot at it and find secret no1. 2 - Ok this one hurts. Once on the map you reach a dead end (you actually can RL-jump and continue). Look to the right and discover this long corridor with toxic waste on the floor. Dash trough it and take a left and run some more to safe ground where you find secret no2. But the way back will be as painful as the way there. 3 - One of the most painful secrets. Well, at the end you have to cross this toxic waste puddle (quite deep). Instead, dive down and discover secret no3. 4 - This one is found at the blue door. Shoot the dig piece of wall that has the symbol on it. It will open and you can enter, BUT; In the .BSP file; "message" "You have found a secret." "origin" "-1640 -1300 156" "spawnflags" "2048" "targetname" "t117" "classname" "target_secret" If you go to the blue door and shoot the wall to the right of it, and jump in there and then do a "viewpos", you'll see that you're standing right on top of the secret. But you don't get credit for it because there's no trigger for target t117 anywhere in the .bsp file. I don't know much about quake editing but I think that's what's going on. So there wont be a message for you finding this last secret. But this is where it is. Big Gun - No secrets Unit 7 - Hangar Unit Outer Hangar - 3 secrets 1 - In the start, take a dive and shoot the propeller engine. Dive up and enter the hole behind the propeller. Then swim trough the tunnel and find secret no1 at the end. 2 - Before you return to the start of the map with the elevator try RL-jump over the pipe and find secret no2. 3 - After discovering secret one, continue through the door at the far end of the large room. In there you will yourself in a big cylinder with another door opposite to the one you entered trough. Walk in and find SECRET MAP NUMBER 3!!! Comm Satellite - 2 secrets [secret level] 1 - After nearly completing almost all of the first 'level' and entering the lift to the second level, you should approach a cylinder on your left-hand side, jump down onto it's supporting struts (avoid falling into space) and jump around clockwise to pick up the adrenaline on picture 2. 2 - Just before the end of the map do not enter the final big room. Instead take a look out in the darkness to your right. Down on a ledge is secret no1. Research Lab - 1 secret + Extra 1 - When you jumped over the blood and press button 1/2 and jump back you notice that the bars are damaged on one cell. Give it a shot (by something powerful) and an opening reveals itself. This is the only secret of the level. Extra - As you kill all enemies on the level go back to the start. One of the windows (was clean when you came in) will have a text saying "KILL ME". Shoot the glass into pieces and enter. In there you're able to crouch and enter a small tunnel. As you exit it out in another room (picture 2) you get this strange message; A.H.D.S.S.I.B.H bjjc Inner Hangar - 5 secrets 1 - In the very beginning of the map there is a large crack on some boxes. Give the crack a shot and it will blow open. Secret no1. 2 - When you are riding the boxes in the middle of the map over the shallow water try jumping off and take a look at the bottom of the last room. Nearest to the ledge there is none. Take a dive and after some searching you'll find secret no2. 3 - At the end you enter at the bottom of this very (very) deep circular hole. Jump into the water and find a secret under the bridge. Don't forget to make a swan dive from the top later on :) 4 - In the very end of the map there is this tricky little secret room opened by a shot. Secret no4. 5 - This is the first time you enter a room looking like this. Get your RL loaded and let one rip across the room. Aim for the pipe across the room. It will explode and a quad will appear. Launch Command - 2 secrets 1 - After you've done all objectives go to the start again. Hmmm...wonder what's behind the launch pad. RL-jump over and take a look, get this cool message before finding secret no1. 2 - At the end try shooting the left glass, as it did not hold, go through the broken window and dive down to the bottom for secret no2. Outlands - No secrets Unit 8 - City Unit Outer Courts - 5 secrets 1 - As you climb around in the big outyard in the beginning you see a button just above the door you exited from the start. Go press it and get a message. : Well this is a big map but if you go back to the start again you will find a new passage. Enter it and find the first secret of this excellent single player map. 2 - Down on the ground in the large outyard at the beginning in one of the caves take a look at the wall. Then take a shot at the crack and find secret no2. 3 - After you have taken the Data Spinner, shoot in the next corner to reveal a button. Press it and turn around. Enter, find secret no3 and press the button for the drawbridge. 4 - After you have completed secret no3, then return to the start and climb up to the button and beyond to the door on the wall. Enter and find secret no4. 5 - This is a bit tricky in single player. You actually have to go to the next level to shut of the security system and then return. But after the security is shut down, go back to the sewers in this level and in the water tunnel you will find secret no5. Lower Palace - 6 secrets 1 - If you are coming from the sewer entrance from OUTER COURTS you will come to a room with some tanks. Shoot them and their explosion will open up a secret corridor. 2 - After you disabled the laser you can go back as long as you can in secret 1. At the very end you will be able to enter a secret room with lots of good stuff. 3 - When you are going up with the high elevator to one of the UPPER PALACE entrances you can see a large display with yellow and red colors. Shoot it and a secret passage will open. 4 - Remember that pillar of water or blue light or whatever it's called. Anyways, there is a quad on top of it. In order to get it down, you have to shoot the faces on the two walls in front and behind it. The pillar will come down and you can collect the quad. 5 - You will find it at the second entrance to UPPER PALACE. Inside a room you will find a panel. Try pushing the wall beside the panel and then the secret will open. 6 - Go to the balcony (big low one) looking down at the cd-writer for the comm laser. If you are facing the computer, take a left and there should be stairs leading down and a quack right leading to a door. Go up the new corridor behind the door and eventually you should enter this corridor with four blasters. In there, there is a switch to turn off the lasers. Shoot it. You're all set... Upper Palace - 7 secrets 1 - If you are coming from the first entrance from UPPER PALACE you eventually will come to a very high elevator. At the top of the elevator (high one) you go through the bar doors on the side. Then try shooting at one of the corners up there. The wall will open and you have found your first secret. 2 - If you instead of going up like in secret no1, go down to the lowest part, you can shoot a hole and find secret number 2. 3 - When you first encounter the four blasters popping up out of the wall, I recommend to dive over the edge at the upper right corner so you won't land in any of the lava. 4 - when you first enter from the lower palace (this is the entrance that brings you to the semi-spiral staircase up to a corridor with a railing and an elevator gong down. Down below there are a couple grunts, and a yellow forcefield. To the left of the forcefield, and up on the ceiling there is a secret, if you stand under it long enough a monster comes out of the ceiling (on of those cylinder flying things) then after you kill him there is a shootable button, shoot it and a enviro suit falls out. 5 - Nearby the two periodical flames there is this hole hidden in the darkness in a dark corner. Just walk into the dark corner and you will automatically fall down into secret no5. 6 - At one of the starting positions when you arrive from LOWER PALACE you start the level looking at two doorways blocked by forcefields. Open the forcefield on the right and step through the doorway. Shoot the ceiling and a secret will open in front of you. 7 - Ok to get to the easter egg, after doing secret no2 where you shoot the wall there is a puddle of green slime in the floor. In the corner there is a small stone sticking out of the wall that you need to press up against and it will open the wall that's under the slime. Now you can swim through the slime, ick, to a hidden room. The room is full of things from id software's past that they try to seal away behind the wall. Don't forget you need the red keycard (in the outer courts) to drain the fluids in the tank to expose J.Carmack's head (?). Also don't lose your head (take it with you). There is a much smoother way back. Shoot at the wall opposite to the head tank and go through secret 2. Unit 9 - Boss Levels Inner Chamber - No secrets Final Showdown - 1 secret + extra 1 - Here is the final an coolest secret. After the final monster is killed try going under into the recovery corridor again. Face the dead-end corridor and shoot on the crack that wasn't there before. Go in and look at all the pictures. Then press the buttons they have. Extra - After a while a ladder downstairs reveals itself. Go down (Parental Advisory).
give all All items All give health Health 100 give weapons All weapons All (no ammo) give ammo All ammo 100s/200b&c,etc. give armor Body Armor 200 give bodyarmor Body Armor +1 give silencer Weapon Silencer god God Mode N/A notarget No Target Mode N/A noclip No Clip Mode N/A give blue key Blue Key 1 give red key Red Key 1 give security pass Security Pass 1 give commander's head Commanders's Head 1 give power shield Power Shield 1 give armor shard Armor Shard 1 give combat armor Combat Armor 1 give power cube Power Cube 1 give slugs Slugs 10 give invulnerability Invulnerability 1 sv_gravity Change gravity 800 (800 is normal) crosshair Change crosshair 1 or 5
No target mode: NOTARGET No cliping mode: NOCLIP All weapons and items: GIVEALL You get armor: GIVEJACKETARMOR You get that weapon: GIVEBLASTER You get that weapon: GIVESHOTGUN You get that weapon: GIVESSHOTGUN You get that weapon: GIVEGRENADELAUNCHER You get that weapon: GIVEROCKETLAUNCHER You get that ammo: GIVESHELLS You get that ammo: GIVECELLS You get that ammo: GIVEBULLETS You get that ammo: GIVEROCKETS You get that ammo: GIVESKUGS You get that ammo: GIVEMINES You get that ammo: GIVENUKE Quad Damage: GIVEQUAD Invulnerability: GIVEINVULNERABILTY Silencer mode: GIVESILENCER
give blaster Blaster 1 - No ammo give shotgun Shotgun 1 - No ammo give super shotgun Super Shotgun 1 - No ammo give machinegun Machinegun 1 - No ammo give chaingun Chaingun 1 - No ammo give grenade launcher Grenade Launcher 1 - No ammo give rocket launcher Rocket Launcher 1 - No ammo give railgun Railgun 1 - No ammo give bfg10k BigFu*kingGun10k 1 - No ammo give shells Shells 10 give bullets Bullets 50 give cells Cells 50 give grenades Grenades 5 give rockets Rockets 5 give slugs Slugs 10 give quad damage Quad Damage 1 give invulnerability Invulnerability 1 give silencer Silencer 1 give rebreather Rebreather 1 give environment suit Environment Suit 1 give ancient head Ancient Head 1 give adrenaline Adrenaline 1 give bandolier Bandolier 1 give ammo pack Ammo Pack 1 give data cd Data CD 1 give power cube Power Cube 1 give pyramid key Pyramid Key 1 give data spinner Data Spinner 1
give health Health 100 give weapons All Weapons All/No Ammo give ammo All Ammo 100s/200b&c/50g&s&r give armor Body Armor 200 give body armor Body Armor +1 god God Mode N/A (on/off) notarget No Target Mode N/A (on/off) noclip No Clip Mode N/A (on/off)
To use these codes, press '~' while playing to call up the console, then type the desired code. Weapons and Ammo cheats: give all give shotgun give shells give sshotgun give machinegun give bullets give grenadelauncher give grenades give rocketlauncher give rockets Health Cheat give health Map cheat map (demo1, demo2 or demo3) Clipping noclip does flying and walk thru walls God Mode god God mode Pacifist Mode notarget Monsters don't attack unless provoked
give blue key Blue Key 1 give red key Red Key 1 give security pass Security Pass 1 give commander's head Commander's Head 1 give power shield Power Shield 1 give armor shard Armor Shard 1 give combat armor Combat Armor 1 *The above 8 commands are not activated by the "give all" command.
the following command: +set cheats 1 I also found the following in the source code, These are not cheats at all, but seem to be multiplayer actions or communications that you can do to other other players in the game. point wave salute taunt flipoff putaway wave 0 is the flipoff wave 1 is the salute wave 2 is the taunt wave 3 is a wave wave 4 is point
1. In the first unit go to level 3, and walk forward until you see an Enforcer, a Rebreather and a large pool area. Kill the two Light guards, then kill the Enforcer. Next grab the Rebreather and press B to activate it. Now go inside the pool area and when you see the large crack on the bottom of the pool area go in to it by ducking because you are too tall to enter it if you are not ducking. Next search around the bottom of the pool area until you see a small tunnel. Enter it and follow until you are in a sort of room of water, hold space bar until you see a little room. It will tell you "you have found a secret", and if you did it correctly you will see two bodies and a elevator. Go in the elevator and press the button. It will say "You have found a secret level" 2. After you kill The final boss in the last level, seach around the play area were you fought the boss until you see a button on the ground. There are two of them which are on either side of the play area. You should see a hole leading downwards. Enter it and you will see a button. Look straight at the button, turn around and you will see a few ammo packs and a little crack in the wall. Shoot the crack in the wall and and follow the little passage way. At the end of the short passage it says "Welcome to the id gallery". You will see pictures of the staff of id software. 3. In the Receiving center go to the area where you see a waterfall. Go backwards 5 or 6 paces and run all the way to the waterfall and then jump when you are about to jump of the ledge and land inside the waterfall.
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