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have to climb up the ladder which appears above the spikes, continue until you find a Sand Cloud. Near the sand cloud is a hole in the wall. Climb up the rubble and run among the wall to grab on the ledge. Go through the hole to find yourself in a mystery area. Keep walking on the bridges until you reach a fountain. Drinking from this fountain will raise your life bar.
Step on the glowing "full moon" panel to retrieve the first axle. Approach the levers on the middle of the platform, and turn it on these steps: right, up, left three times, and up two times. Step on the glowing New Moon to retrieve it. Next, turn the levers up, right two times, and up two times. Then, step on the half moon panel to gain the third axle. A "quarter moon" insignia marks the last axle. Turn the levers right and down. Step on the quarter moon to receive the last axle. To bring the entire platform up, move the levers up, left and up.
her if you want.
the railings. Drop down and you will find various obstacles (ledges, beams, and a bar) Swing on the bar and press jump. You will be in a small room. On your left there is a broken door. Strike it with you great sword once and it will break, and then proceed. After you had full healing/life lengthened then run on the wall in front of the hole that you entered and press jump again. You will swing on a switch that opens a door above you. Keep on swinging and press jump again. You will be on another bar, keep on swinging and press jump again. Climb out of the door, and you will be back where you started.
jump. You will find yourself in a series of traps. Go to the one in which spiked bars appear in the wall and when the bars retreats, wall run up and press jump. You will find yourself on a bar that stretches vertically, climb down the bar until you find a bar that stretches horizontally. Swing on it and jump. Do this again and again until you find yourself on another platform. Find a broken door, strike it three times and proceed. To get back, go the way you came and climb out of the reservoir.
Sand cloud #2:It is out the guest room on top of rocks (you could hear it). Sand cloud #3:After your second vision go threw the hallway like your supposed to on the right there is a sand cloud. Sand cloud #4:After your first magic fountain trip (its in a hole in a wall) go down and you should see a big fat hole and on the other side of it there will be a sand cloud. Sand cloud #5:If your at the part were you talk to Farah for the first time then your on the right track. After that you will have a sand scarab problem. After that you go forward, you should see two exits/doors.There is a sand cloud in the one on the left if you search. Sand cloud #6,7&8:All three of these sand clouds are in one big room beside the other one that led you to the 5th sand cloud.ive beaten the game and will soon tell yo'all other cool stuff | Submitted by Zippo
1. Fourth door from the entrance 2. Seventh door from the entrance 3. Third door from the entrance After you have successfully done this you will be taken to the second level of this room. It is almost the same, just with more doors. The order is: 1. Fourth door from the entrance 2. Ninth door from the entrance 3. Fifth door from the entrance An intermission sequence will then follow. In the circular room you find in the tomb, there are doors that you must enter in the correct order, or be teleported back to the start. One way to make sure you go through the correct door is to listen carefully. When you are in front of the next door that you need to enter, you will hear the sound of trickling water. This indicates that you are standing in front of the correct door. Repeat this until you have solved the maze. When you are almost at the end of the game, you will be trapped in a room with a lot of doors. Every time you go in one, you end up back where you started. An easy way to find the correct doors is to run by the doors until you hear a splash of water. As soon as you do, stop and go into the door. Repeat this three more times and you will be at the second set of doors. Do the same thing four times and you will pass the level.
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