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Pop-In Shoppe: On the green couch, on the top floor. Klassic Komix: Talk to the guy to receive the frame. Photo Studio: On top of the light, to the right. Main Street: On a telegraph pole, to the very right of the street. Inside the School: On a speaker, on the top floor. Science Lab: On the Planet Mobil, to the left. Outside the School: On the wooden scaffolding, to the right of the school. The Playground: Floating in the air, on top of the climbing wall. Puffin Point: On top of the lighthouse.
Put equal amounts of blue and yellow in the test tube to make it turn green. Turn the heat on, then select any number from 1 to 5.
Note 1. This code may require a handheld item (for example, a basketball or cell phone) Note 2. If your browser's history screen appears, click on the Poptropica screen then press H. Note 3. This also be done outside of Multi-player rooms.
Click on a person that has balloons. Get one and it will change your skin color. You can set your skin color to blue, black, pink, tan, green, brown, and more.
Go into the African museum. Go to the statue. Talk to the woman next to the statue. Tell her that you want to help find all the jewels. She will give you a map. Go to the airplane and click "Fly". Go to the Kaya Forest. Take the gold nugget found in the trees. Return to Nabooti. Talk to the first person at the selling table. Say that you want to trade the gold nugget for the camera. Return to the plane. Go to the safari. Zeke will be there at the end. Say "Can I help?" He will tell you to take seven different pictures of animals. Take six of the pictures, then take a picture of the giraffe one more time. He will give you his hard hat. Take it, then go to the Mountains Of The Moon. Pass the first goat without letting it hit you. Then, intentionally get hit by the second goat to get on the ledge. You will find a girl. She will tell you that there is a cactus fig on the ledge. To get it, jump for it. Keep going and jump on the snowy ledges. You will fight an old man with a Gem Of Mancala. Defeat him and you can enter the cave. At the end of the cave is a jewel. Take it, then go back to the airplane. Go to the diamond mines. Pass the first person on the ground. Keep going then until reaching a knob. Turn it, then climb up the sand hill as fast as possible. Nabooti Island: Phone numbers Brain hat: 411 (destroys your hair permanently) Police hat and belt: 911 Ned Noodle head: 1337 Santa hat and toy bag: 1225 When in Giza will help open the pyramid: 5556789
Purple Jewel: At Blue Nile Falls, jump all the way to the top of the first waterfall. At the top should be a blue flower. Take it, then go all the way across to the second waterfall. Go to the top and speak to the woman. Bring the chicken across first. Then bring the fox across, but bring chicken back with you. Take the feed across. Then, take the chicken across. The woman will tell you about the secret cave behind the grass halfway up the second waterfall. Go in the cave. Make it to the other side to get the Purple Jewel. Note: Watch out for falling spikes. Red Jewel: At Mountains Of The Moon, watch out for the goats and boulders. Go halfway up and speak to a woman. She will tell you about the fig you have to get. Get the fig and go to the top of the mountains, where you will meet a man. You will have to defeat him at a game. He will then let you pass. Go in the cave. Make it all the way to the other side and you will get the Red Jewel. Jump down and go all the way along the bottom to the other side. Get the cell phone to continue. Go to Kaya Forests. Jump up then go in the trees to find the golden nugget. Go to Nabooti and trade it with the man to the right for a camera. Take then camera and go to safari. Go to the man at Big Zeke's Safari Park and help him take pictures of seven different animals. He will give you a miner's hard hat. White Jewel: At the Diamond Mines, wear the hard hat then go right past the man until you reach a machine. This machine turns off the electric fence just long enough for you to get through the gap in the fence on the level above. Once you are through, go to the left left until you see explosive wagons. Watch out for these. Jump all the way to the top then go down in to the mines. Push the green button. Jump behind the barrel behind you and push it as far as possible. Then, go back and press the green button again. Do the same thing again the barrel will blow open a wall. Go to the right. Push the wagon to the edge you should jump in. Duck when it is close to the roof and jump when you get to the signs. This may require a few attempts. Once you are past, jump up to the pile of jewels. Click on them. Use the magnifying glass at the bottom right corner. Find the Nabooti Jewel. It is the middle one on its side on the far right. It has a small triangle marking on it. You can now take the White Jewel. Go to Nabooti to trade the flower with the woman in the middle for a black turban and wear it. Blue Jewel: At Giza, speak to the first guard. He will give you a shovel with a number on it. Go to the right and speak to a man outside a tent, Using the cell phone, call the number on the shovel. Once you are alone, click on the bag and you will get a Moon Stone. Climb to the top of the tomb. There will be a place to put the Moon Stone in order to open a door. You will reach a sign with pictures on it. Remember it from bottom to top.Keep going to the right to find another picture. Click on it. Keep clicking on the boxes until they are all in one long line, then close it. This should open a door and you can continue. Watch out for the scorpion. Jump up on the ledge to keep away from it. Continue to the right. You should reach a room with more boxes. Move the boxes into the picture below. This will open another door. Go through and go to the right. Be careful; the floor will fall away if you jump. Remember the order that was noted for the pictures earlier. Jump on those pictures until you get to the top. Jump up on the rope. You will enter a room with a picture in the middle of it. Remember the order of the pictures. On the posts will be a lever in the middle of them. You need to open them to unlock a coffin. Start with the far right lever, then the left of the two in the middle, then the right of the two in the middle, then the one on the far left. Be careful; the room will start to fill with sand as soon as the first lever is used. When you have pulled all the levers, the coffin will open and you will be able to take the Blue Jewel. Green Jewel: At Kaya Forests, go to the tortoise and use the Opuntia fruit (fig). You can now use the shovel to dig where the tortoise was sitting. You will find an ebony elephant. Two ghosts will appear. Speak to the man. He will tell you what he wants. Go to Nabooti to trade the ebony elephant with the woman on the left for a Fingo (vase). Then, go back to Kaya Forests. Give the Fingo to the ghosts to get the Green Jewel. Go back to Nabooti. Go to the museum and speak to the woman near the big Nabooti Statue. You now have to put the jewels in the correct order: Purple, Green, Red, White, then Blue.
Go to Spy Island. Go to the eyeglasses store. Ask if you can have a test. Click on the opposite letter. Walk out of the store and go up the ladder. Go in the door and talk to the man. He will give you a camouflage suit. Walk out of the door. Next, go to the left to the docks. Put on your suit. Run up to the warehouse. Enter the door. Go near each dog. They will walk past you. After you pass the dogs, go down. Hop onto the small corner and go down the hole. Click on the tied up agent to free him. He will give you a laser pen and a clue. Exit the warehouse and run all the way to Balding Avenue. Take off your spy gear and go in the B.A.D Bistro. Enter the kitchen and take the memory test. If you complete it, the owner will give you a hat. Exit the kitchen. Click on the man wearing the B.A.D shirt and he will give you a glass. Exit the bistro and run to Toupee Terrace. Avoid all the lasers and hop all the way up to the iron bars. Click on them then use your laser pen to cut through the bars. Walk into the storage room. Find the second tied up agent. He will give you a grappling bow tie and your second clue. Both of you will walk out of the storage room. Run to Balding Avenue and climb up to the building with the agent. Grapple on the largest building. Hop up onto the rooftops and grapple to a big satellite dish. When you get up there, grapple up to another satellite dish. After getting up there, enter a large tube that leads down to a greenhouse. Go all the way to the right and click on the cherry bomb on the cherry bomb tree. Push the bomb on the big flower. Grapple on the platform. Push the bomb down on another flower and hop on the pink flower in a flower pot hanging from the roof. From the flower pot, hop up on the highest platform and push the bomb in front of the cage with the third agent. Hop onto the palm tree to your left. Wait until the bomb explodes, then click on the third agent. She will give you vision goggles and the last code. Go all the way to Toupee Terrace. Go all the way to the right and get past the fence. When all the lasers disappear in the control center, go to the right, up, then left. Avoid two more lasers and go up. Click on the secret door. With your fingerprint, click on the "light" device. Go inside the room with more lasers. Go all the way up, then click on the "computer". Director D helps you. Click on the "computer" one more time and type "LASER HAIR REMOVAL". Go into the transporter with Director D. He will call you a pest and let out four mini bots. Hide under the two yellow bulbs on the ground and two yellow bulbs on the roof. After defeating the mini bots, hop on the spaceship. Cause the spaceship to crash four times and he will be defeated. You will return to headquarters where Director D. will be in jail. The secretary will give you your medal. Note: To open the teleporter you must enter three codes: "laser", "hair", and "removal".
Go to the comic shop and ask Ned Noodlehead if he sells anything besides comics. He will give you a somewhat helpful book. Go to the costume shop and buy a costume if desired. Then, ask the man on the left for an ID card. Swim to go over the police red tape. Get the items you need from the scientist and the policeman. To defeat Copy Cat, just destroy all her clones and her by jumping on them all before the smoke bomb starts to make you cough. Then, click on her. To defeat the villain on the train, make sure he does not make contact with you by jumping up every time he tries to crash into you. Then, click on him. To defeat the villain in the Junkyard, climb up onto the "crane" and click the switch. Then, pull the lever down. He will get squished for a few seconds. He will then start throwing things at you and knock you off the crane. Get back on the crane, then pull the lever in the other direction and he will get crushed. Then, click on him. To defeat the villain in the park with mind powers, jump up and click him so he gets annoyed. Then, push a rock close by to him and stand next to it. If you placed it correctly, he will try to lift up the ground underneath you, including the rock, which should then hit him and knock him over. Then, click on him. To defeat the Rat villain (in the toilets, men's room for male players and lady's room for female players), go down the sewer and play with the water controls until you can get up to the exit. Exit, then get to another control area by avoiding evil rats. They will knock you over if you touch them. Once you have clicked on the control wheel, a swarm of bees will chase you. Jump up onto the pipes quickly and click on the person before the bees knock you over. You have now defeated five villains. Go to the ringing telephone. Click on it and you will be able to fly. You can now defeat Betty Jetty. Follow her in the sky and avoid all the green things she flings at you until she falls down. Ned Noodlehead will step in and accidently save the day by bumping into her. Click on her. Ned is now the town hero. If you want the medal that is rightfully yours, get a hotdog from the stand and go to the Comic Shop. Trade it with Ned to get your medal. Super Power Island: Open Season 2 costumes Go to the right of the Daily Paper then enter and go to the top. You can choose between a bear or deer costume from Open Season 2.
Ancient Greece: Golden Vase Vikings: Thor's Amulet Mali Empire: Salt Rocks Da Vinci's Workshop: Notebook Aztec Empire: Sun Stone Piece Great Wall of China: Stone Bowl The Graff House: Declaration of Independence Lewis and Clark: Peace Medal Edison's Workshop: Phonograph Statue of Liberty: Statue Model Mount Everest: Climbing Goggles
Climbing Goggles: In the Aztec Empire, a guard is wearing them and will give them to you if you are wearing a Warrior's Mask. Statue Model: The very top peak of Mount Everest you can reach. Phonograph: On top of the treasury building in Ancient Greece (the guards are standing in front of it). You must climb up the winged statue and jump to the roof. Peace Medal: Hanging on the pulley system in Da Vinci's Workshop. First, climb onto the middle platform, making the top one come closer so you can jump on it. Get on the top platform. You will go down but the bottom platform will come out. Jump onto the bottom platform, and from there jump and touch the shiny silver circle. If you touch it, you will get the Peace Medal. Declaration of Independence: In the Mali Empire (watch out for snakes) there will be a place called "Timbuktu Inn". A document merchant is there. Piece together a puzzle for him to get the Declaration of Independence. Stone Bowl: Go to Lewis and Clark's campsite. There will be a tree that has the words "Clark was here" carved into it. Climb the tree and wait for a beaver to appear. He has the bowl on his head. Sun Stone Piece: On top of Edison's Workshop. Go to the left and jump on the car. Click the circle at the rear and the car will move forward and stop under the tree. Climb up the tree and onto the house. Notebook: Go to the Statue of Liberty. Climb to get on the very top platform of the scaffold. Jump to your left. The Notebook is on the ledge. Salt Rocks: Go to the Graff House and climb the tree. Jump onto the roof. They are in a bag at that location. Thor's Amulet: Go to the Great Wall of China and pass the construction zone. A man will be wearing the amulet. If you defeat him in a memory game he will give it to you. Golden Vase: Go to the Great Wall of China and pick up a barrel of gunpowder. Go to where the Vikings are and climb onto the first cliff. Use the gunpowder to blast the rocks. Pick up the torch and go inside. You have a limited amount of time to find the vase before your torch goes out. It will also go out if you step in water. Note: Run down, up, up, up, across, down, and left. Warrior's Mask: In the Aztec Empire there is an old warrior who wants to retire. Talk to him and he will give his mask to you. Glider: Da Vinci gives it to you when you give him his notebook. Viking Suit: It is laying on the second cliff where the Vikings are. Use the Glider to reach it.
2009 A.D.: Lab; Main Street 0328 B.C.: Man in golden armor; Ancient Greece 0831 A.D.: Man in Viking suit; Vikings 1387 A.D.: Woman with pink turban; Mali Empire 1516 A.D.: Bearded man; Da Vinci's Workshop 1519 A.D.: Man with headdress; Aztec Empire 1593 A.D.: Armored Asian man; Great Wall of China 1776 A.D.: Man with black hat; The Graff House 1805 A.D.: Man with beaver cap; Lewis and Clark 1877 A.D.: Young man; Edison's Workshop 1882 A.D.: Frenchman; Statue of Liberty 1953 A.D.: Man in blue parka; Mount Everest
Go to Pendulum's Lab. Power up the Future Machine. Talk to yourself 50 year older. He will give you a Time Device. To get the Salt Rocks from Mali, jump on top of the Graff House in 1776. Then, go to 1387. Talk to the man on top of the first building. Give him the rocks. To get the Declaration of Independence from the Graff House, go to Mali in 1387. Go to the inn. Talk to the Document Merchant. Piece together the puzzle. Then, go to 1776. Give it to Thomas Jefferson. To get the Statue of Liberty, go to the top of Mt. Everest in 1953. Then, go to 1882. Give it to the person by the thing that reads "Modele Original". To get the goggles from Everest, go to the Aztec Empire in 1519. Go to the end of the empire. Go to the top of the temple. There is an old man there who gives you the Warrior Headdress. Then, click on the first guard. He gives you the goggles. To get the sun stone from the Aztec Empire, go to the Workshop in 1877. Ride the "wagon" to the big tree. Jump on the branches until you get to the roof. Go to the left chimney. Then, go to 1519. Give the king the sun stone. To get the phonograph from the Workshop, go to Delphi in 328 BC. Jump on the roof of the treasury. Get the Phonograph. Return it to Edison (the workshop boss). To get the golden vase from Delphi, go to Scandinavia in 831. Note: You must have the gunpowder from China and the glider from Da Vinci to do this. Blow open the cave. Go to the bottom left before the torch burns out. Get the golden vase. Return to the guards at the Treasury. To get the amulet, go to China in 1593. Defeat the person in the game. Return it to the Viking captain. To get the stone bowl from China, go to Lewis and Clark in 1805. Go to the top of the tree. Get the stone bowl by jumping on the chipmunk.Return it to the smoke signal person. To get the peace medal from Lewis and Clark, go to Da Vinci's time in 1516. Jump on the correct platform. Then, go to the bottom platform. Jump on the bottom of the deck to get the medal. Return it to Meriwether Lewis. To get Da Vinci's notebook, go to the Statue of Liberty in 1882. Go to the far left. Jump on the ledge of the red building. Return it to Da Vinci. He gives you a glider. Go to Main Street (in the present). Use the future machine to go to the Restored Future. Use the air tubes and monorails to get to your home. Go to the bathroom of your home. Talk to yourself 50 years older again. He will give you the Island Medallion.
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