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If you are a starter trainer, catch a Pokemon (Cinnabar Island recommended) until you have six of them. Heal them at the Pokemon Center. If your starter is a Water or Grass type, battle at the Rustboro Gym. Weaken the opponent's Pokemon using the Pokemon you caught. Do not defeat it. Then, use your starter Pokemon. Repeat this process until your Pokemon evolves. Put your best Pokemon on your team as well as the Pokemon you want to level up. Battle a strong gym leader and use your strongest Pokemon. When your opponents' Pokemon is at very low health, send out the Pokemon you want to level up and have it use its strongest attack. The Pokemon you want to level up will get all the experience. Have a level 90 Pokemon and teach it Flash Cannon. Set it in the first position. Set the Pokemon you want to train in the second position. Go to the maps and battle Kanto gyms. Win the last one. Use the level 90 pokemon and start with Flash Cannon then very weak attacks until your opponent's HP is between 1 and 10. Then, have the weak Pokemon use an attack. It should knock out the enemy. Do not continue. Use the level 90 Pokemon and repeat the process. Note: You can do this if the weak Pokemon is level 1 through 30. If it is at a higher level, it will have a lesser effect.
Get a Squirtle that is level 12 or higher. Go to Gym Leader Norman's map. You will find many Abras from level 6 to 10. When you see one, fight it. In the fight, first have the Squirtle Tackle. Then change to another Pokemon and use a strong attack. The Pokemon will get a lot of experience points and you will get a lot of money. Have one Masterball. Capture a Moltress and then go to the Kanto leaders at Celadon City and fight leader Erika. Defeat all her Pokemon with your Moltress. If done skillfully, you can win the match with only five attacks. Repeat this as many times as desired for easy money.
Clamperl to Gorebyss: Deep Sea Scale. Clamperl to Huntail: Deep Sea Tooth. Eevee to Flareon: Fire Stone. Eevee to Jolteon: Thunder Stone. Eevee to Vaporeon: Water Stone. Gloom to Bellosom: Sun Stone. Growlithe to Arcanine: Fire Stone. Pikachu to Raichu: Thunder Stone. Poliwhirl to Politoed: King Rock. Roselia to Roserade: Shiny Stone. Seadra to Kingdra: Dragon Scale. Slowpoke to Slowking: King Rock. Vulpix to Ninetales: Fire Stone.
Articuno: Elite Four Sidney's map. Cascoon: Rooms. Celebi: Elite Four Drake's map. Cranidos: Misty's map. Darkrai: Exploder or get up to 9,999,999 experience points. Dialga: Elite Four Drake's map. Dratini: Brock's map. Espeon: Brock's map. Giritina: Artisan Cave, one level 100 in team, difficult to find. Glaceon: Brock's map. Ho-Oh: Exploder or get the Sharp Beck and 9,999,999 experience points. Horsea: Rooms. Latios: League Champion Steven's map. Lugia: Underwater Zone, at least one level 100 in team, extremely hard to find. Mesprit: Erika's map in Celedon City. Mew: Artisan Cave, six level 100s, difficult to find. Mewtwo: Artisan Cave, one level 100, very difficult to find. Mewtwo: Exploder or get Venasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard to level 100. Moltres: Elite Four Garcia's map. Raikou: Giovanni's map in Kanto. Regigigas: Artisan Cave, at least one level 100 in team. Riolu: Pewter City in Kanto. Rotom: Misty's map. Shaymin: Get all the items in the Pokeshop or Exploder. Uxie: Lt. Surge's map in Vermillion City. Zapdos: Elite Four Phoebe's map.
Shiny Articuno: Buy six Pokeballs and log out. Shiny Chicorita: Buy 3 Full Heal and log out. Shiny Nine Tail: Buy 2 Burn Heal and log out.
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