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Format: Cheat CheatName UniqueID InputVariable1 InputVariable2 UNIQUE ID IS ASSUMED TO BE THE FIRST VARIABLE IF 0 OR INVALID WILL ASSUME YOU ARE CALLING ON SELF Cheats are now called through the chat box with /instead of the command console. Cheat List Ophelia X Y Index - DOES NOT TAKE A UNIQUE ID - Calls an environmental event in area x y of index. If index is invalid, will print all relevant indices. ModifyThePhaseVariance Integer - Set Current Progression Level to the Input...... ShowMeTheMoney NumStacks PerStack Index - Gives the player NumStacks with PerStack amount of the Index Resource (invalid Index will print all resource classes indexed)..... MedievalMan NumStacks PerStack - Gives the player NumStacks of all functional ammo types with PerStack in each PowerOverwhelming - Sets the players energy to full..... StayingAlive - Sets the players health to full..... SomethingForNothing IntegerValue IntegerIndex - Add value amount of stat class index to the player......qjump height.... GameOverMan XDamage - Does X SurvivalDamageType damage to player..... OperationCWAL XDamage - Set the base damage of the currently equipped weapon to XDamage...... WarAintWhatItUsedToBe WeaponTypeIndex - Attempts to add all weapons or armor of a certain type to the player inventory based on an input index from 0-6: Melee, Ranged, Utility, Gathering, Worker, Soldier, Stalker RadioFreeZerg DelayToRaid RaidLevel NumPirates - Spawns a pirate raid based on input values..... NoGlues FloatX FloatY FloatZ - Teleport to map location XYZ. Converts from map coordinates to world coordinates..... FoodForThought - Prints all players Unique ID's and their map XYZ coordinates..... WhatsMineIsMine - Reset the players tutorial...... ThereIsNoCowLevel - Reset the player's inventory to default settings...... UpUpDownDown Index - Spawns a friendly bot: 1=drone 2=humanoid..... ControlBuildings - PlayerID, Radius - claims all buildings for Player UniqueNetIDString in radius around their character..... ResetPlayer - Respawns the player in a new pawn......
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