1998 Nissan Skyline GRT34
Select underground mode and complete at least the first 80 missions. A recommended car to use is the Acura RSX. You will then challenge Samantha. Defeat her under the medium difficulty setting and win the next drag race to unlock the 1998 Nissan Skyline GTR34.
Select the 'Statistics' option at the main menu, then press DELETE to return to the main menu. Then, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect - Code
Petey Pablo - gimmeppablo
Lost Prophets - needmylostprophets
Rob Zombie - gotcharobzombie
Mystikal - havyamystikal
Circuits - gimmesomecircuits
Drag Circuits - gimmesomedrag
Sprint Circuits - gimmesomesprints
Drift physics in all mods - slidingwithstyle
CarCode - 350Z350350z
Tiburon - 667tiburon
Peugeot - 77peugeot
Eclipse - 899eclipse
Focus - 119focus
Impreza - 371impreza
Lancer - 222lancer
RX7 - 777rx7
Miata 221miata
Golf - 334mygolf
Sentra - 922sentra
Neon - 893neon
Skyline - 111skyline
S2000 - 2000s2000
Civic - 889civic
Supra - 228supra
240SX - 240240sx
Integra - 342integra
Celica - 239celica
RSX - 973rsx777
Enter Driftdriftbaby to unlock all drift circuits. |
Submitted by dushyantSimply stay behind a car and watch the points rack up.
After you unlock the oval drift track, go into "Quick Race" and choose that track. Then, race around it using the handbrake to powerslide into the corners. Depending on how good you are, you will unlock rewards every time you fill your meter, which does not take too long.
To unlock Eddie’s car in the end, keep winning style points. Note: It is faster to win them in drift. When your style meter maxes out, a message stating that you have won Eddie’s Nissan Skyline will appear.
This is not exactly a cheat but it works. First go to options in the main menu and click on graphics card, Then click on the button below screen resolution then down the bottom it says "motion blur" and if you turn it on and use NOS the screen blurs like in 2 Fast 2 Furious. |
Submitted by Dr.JamesTo make nitrous shoot out smoke, put your car in neutral, or at the beginning of the race press [Nitrous].
Look for alternate routes on your in-game map while driving. These can get you ahead of an opponent easily og shave off seconds on your timer. They will look like another road on the map, but sometimes are narrower. Most of the time these shortcuts will be hard to see or take, and can be extremely risky. At the beginning of the races that take place in front of the prison Samantha told you to race to for at reward, when the race starts, crash in the gate of the prison: It is an underground shortcut. Note: This only works after the race in which Samantha tells you to race to the prison in time for a reward.
All drift tracks: driftdriftbaby
Level 1 performance upgrades: allmylvloneparts
Level 2 performance upgrades: allmylvl2parts
Level 2 visual upgrades,no vinyls: seemylvl2parts
Entering this cheats is the same as here standing above. |
Submitted by SanderUse rims that normally will not fit
Certain cars can only fit so big of a rim. For example, the Miata can only fit 17s, but if you get a car like Skyline put 20s on it and trade it in for the Miata. The Miata will now have the 20s that the Skyline had in it. Do not try to install any other rims on your new car because rimms will go back to the maximum sized allowed.
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