On almost every bulletin board in the school are pieces of paper stuck with pushpins that have messages that do not make any sense. Take a real mirror and hold it up to the paper displayed on screen. Also, in the library there are some books and charts with secret codes. One is "Don't run Nancy" and another is "The bolt cutter you must take!". |
Submitted by DayleJTry calling one of the following numbers for some funny responses:
The number on Eloise's card (555-1204)
The police tip line from the article in Jake's locker (555-4855).
The drug store (555-3784)
Tony's pizza (number on sign by phone).
The Judo club (555-5836).
The Save The Manaties Club (number in book at library)
Maxine's Diner (number on matchbook in boiler room after sabotage). |
Submitted by DayleJHow to get Daryl to give you the note
You need to make one student embarrassed and two others really upset. And it is completely dependent on the words that they say to Nancy. They might sound upset but they might not be mad enough. You'll know depending on what they say to you. |
Submitted by KedeshOn the Phone in the Magazeine Room
Go to the magazeine room in the high school and choose the middle phone. Don't call Bess, George or Ned. Instead call one of these:
Whenever you find a phone number in the game, try calling it. For example, the number in the "Save The Manatees" book in the library, the torn note for the pharmacy in the school halls, Tony's pizza by the phones, the judo club near the gym, the detective's number in Jake's locker (the newspaper) , the number on the matchbook in the boiler room (after you are locked in), and Maxine's Diner number on the same matchbook and containers (after locked in). |
Submitted by DayleJThe code for Jake's locker
Go to Jakes safe and enter 5-2-5-3. |
Submitted by KedeshWhat to do with bolt cutters
You will need them later when you are stuck in the boiler room to cut the chains off the boiler. |
Submitted by KedeshThe phonecard is in the third drawer on the right in Aunt Eloise's house in the table you see when you first walk in (the one with the clock and the note). |
Submitted by KedeshWhere to find the soup ladle
Go in to the kitchen. It's in the bin with all the other utensils. |
Submitted by KedeshMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements