Select the "Create A Player" option. Create a player named erik kiss (case-sensitive). The player will have a skinny bat that will break every time and send a little dribbler to the pitcher for a sure out. Also, you cannot bunt with him; it will just go foul.
Select the "Create A Player" option. Create a player named keegan paterson, jacob paterson, or isaiah paterson (case-sensitive). The player will have a very large bat. He will hit a home run or a hard line drive every time you make contact, no matter what his stats.
To win dynasty mode easily and get lots of MVP points, select your favorite team. In your dynasty, go to "Management", "Transactions", then "Trades". Make sure the "Budgets" and "Fair Trades" settings are off. Then, just trade away garbage for players such as A-Rod, Ichiro, and Sosa to create an MLB All-Star team. Simulate to the playoffs and you should get over 100 wins every season. Go to the options menu and select "Game Play Tuning". Set every thing for the user, except "Pitcher Fatigue Rate" to "+50", then set every CPU setting to "-50". By doing this, any game you play yourself will be easy to win because you have power, speed and contact bonuses.
This works better under the rookie difficulty setting. When playing in Yankee Stadium, aim for the right side of the field. It is only 314 ft.
Select the "Create A Player" option. Create a player named john prosen (case-sensitive) to get a large amount of CAP points in dynasty mode.
After completing various goals, you will get a message stating that you have earned MVP Points. Enter the "MVP Rewards Checklist" screen in "My MVP" to check how many points you have earned, and how many are needed to unlock the various bonuses. You will earn twice as many MVP Points under the Pro difficulty setting, three times as many under the All-Star difficulty setting, and four times as many under the MVP difficulty setting. Also, MVP points are not awarded when games are simulated. The classic players that are unlocked will begin at age 30 and will age and retire like other players.
No CAP arm or leg restrictions
Select the "Create A Player" option. Create a player named kenny lee (case-sensitive) to change the size of a created player's arms or legs as much as desired.
Recommended MVP point purchases
The first thing that you should buy with your MVP reward are the legends and heroes teams. After you unlock all of them, write down the roster of one of those teams. Then, start a new dynasty with any team but make sure you can use unlockable players. Then, release all of your AA players and then move your AAA players to the AA league. Next, sign your team you noted earlier. Note: This will take about 10 minutes, and you will have to fill in the batting order and pitching rotation for each team.
When you visit the mound, the pitcher's Stamina will go up. If you have a pitcher warming, up his Readiness will go up.
Restore pitcher's stamina in between games
In dynasty mode, go to "Edit Player" and set your desired pitcher's stamina to 99.
Retro California Angels 1986 Home Jersey
Create a new profile with the name MVP (case sensitive).
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