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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for MORDHAU on PC

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Attack Manipulation is a way to either hit someone earlier or later during your attack. It can be used as a way to get around your opponent's parry, reposition an attack to hit a particular area, or to swap targets in a team or 1vMany engagement to keep your opponents guessing.

So how you do you manipulate your attacks?
Simply put, look into the strike direction to accelerate, and look away to drag or delay it. You can drag a stab by aiming away from your opponent and then moving it in towards them once you've committed to the attack.

Footwork is important with manipulating your attacks too. The closer you are to someone the more control you have over your attack. If you are off to the side of your opponent you can drag more than if you are just in front of them.

Your hips are tied to your mouse movement, meaning that you telegraph your attack manipulation. When you accel you will be looking into the swing, and when you delay you will be looking away from it. Sometimes you might want to intentionally telegraph early into the swing in order to manipulate your opponent's timing, or you might want to do it late so your opponent has to react quickly and possibly make a mistake. Don't leave it too late otherwise the weapons turn cap will influence your mouse movement, this happens once the grunt plays and you have committed to your attack.

Feints keep you from having to commit to every action. By pressing Q during the windup of your attack, you will perform a feint. This includes:

and Morphs.

It's important to remember that after a feint you can go straight into a parry. This can make them a great defensive tool if you think your opponent will hit you first. By default you will be able to go straight into a parry using right mouse button during the windup of your attack, but you can also hit Q to feint manually and then hit right mouse button for a parry.

Feints, Morphs & Chambers
You can use a lot of the melee mechanics together. You have the opportunity to morph after a chamber if you're still winding up the attack. The timing might be tricky to get use to but this can catch a lot of opponents off guard. Now, you can go a step further and feint a chamber-morph. While this attack might be hard to read for newer players, it's important to keep in mind that it consumes a ton of stamina.

Counters were briefly touched on in the Beginner's Guide regarding chambers countering feints, and morphs countering chambers. However, this might not always be the case because these mechanics rely heavily on timing. Simply put, you can perform chambers, morphs and feints, either early or late into their windows. Now, lets run through some quick scenarios where this timing can be quite important.

Chambers vs. Feints
If you time a chamber properly, you will punish a player if they decide to feint. Worst case scenario you just chamber their attack. However, this might not always be the case. If you go for a chamber at the last possible moment against a quick weapon that has feinted, they can bait out your attack and hit you while you're still winding up. In this case a feint has just countered a chamber. A feint can also counter your chamber regardless of the weapon's speed if your opponent performs an early feint. To work around this you will need to perform your chambers a bit earlier, or read your opponent's feint and look to parry instead.

Morphs vs. Chambers
If you notice your opponent is chambering you can throw in a morph to catch them off guard. However, this might not always be the case with certain weapons. If you're using a zweihander and your opponent is using a bastard sword, and you perform a stab to strike morph to try and catch them off guard, their chamber attempt might still hit you before you can hit them. In cases like this, you'd need to perform a morph earlier so your attack isn't as drawn out, but it still baits out the chamber attempt. You might also need to accelerate your attack.

Kicks vs. Everything
You can also use kicks as a way to counter feints, morphs and chambers, if they're timed properly. Usually when your opponent is morphing or feinting they run straight up into your face to do so. This isn't necessarily a bad idea because the closer you are to someone when you're attacking, the less time they have to read. However, you can punish this behaviour with a well timed kick. You can bait out a chamber in a similar fashion by attacking, and then morphing or feinting into a kick. Most players will run into an attack to chamber, and that's perfect kicking distance. Be careful, if your opponent catches on to this they might bait out your kick with an attack, and if you commit when they're out of range that leaves you incredibly exposed.

Usually when you miss there's a brief period where you are unable to queue up another action called recovery. You can use combo's to skip this recovery period, but it does require some foresight. If you are going to miss an attack, you can perform a combo, then feint the comboed attack, and then go straight into a parry. This is called a combo-feint-to-parry. A combo-feint-to-parry will prevent your opponent from punishing you for missing, but you will lose a significant amount of stamina in the process. This does not work with every weapon because some weapons can't combo. For example, the Maul and executioner's sword. You are also unable to combo out of a kick, so don't miss!

If you're unsure about what your weapon is capable of be sure to check out the advanced settings in the armoury.

A lot of people will perform a combo-feint-to-parry right after they miss, and during this moment of panic you can get around it by performing feints, drags or morphs. More experienced players will be less prone to this sort of mistake.

Hit Recovery
Once you have successfully landed an attack your recovery period afterwards is shorter than if you had missed. This is called hit recovery.

Keep in mind that hit recovery only refers to situations where you successfully land an attack on your opponent, it isn't the same if your attack was parried.

A combo will usually allow for quicker follow-ups on most weapons. Attacking after the hit recovery will allow for an attack that's not quite as fast as a combo, but still quite quick. The twist is that this attack allows you to morph and chamber. This can also be performed from the same side, unlike a combo. Blunt weapons make the most use of this mechanic because their attacks only cleave on kills, meaning that they only combo in those scenarios. Their hit recovery tends to be much quicker to make up for their single-target nature.

You can also go straight into a parry after landing a hit. This is really useful if you're fighting multiple opponents and you want to avoid taking damage.

After a successful parry you can go straight into another parry. This is called a parry-into-parry. You can still go straight into a riposte after any successful parry.

Your parry does not get cancelled when you perform a riposte. What this means is that if you perform a riposte very early into your parry window, your parry will extend into the riposte. This can allow you to block attacks while you are attacking to take back the initiative against multiple opponents. This mechanic is called Active Parry.

You gain additional stamina if you block multiple attacks with a single parry, active parry or parry-into-parries that are performed in quick succession.

You can also go straight into a parry during the windup of your riposte.

False Riposte
When you parry the opponent has a recovery period where they cannot queue up an attack immediately. This window is long enough for most weapons to not have to riposte to keep initiative. Since this is just a regular attack, it allows you to feint, chamber and morph. Since it isn't a riposte, you miss out on an attack that could otherwise be uninterruptable.

Health & Stamina
Different weapons cost different amounts of stamina to parry. If you're trying to parry a weapon that's much larger than your own, it's going to cost a bit more stamina to block. This is called stamina negation. The most obvious examples would be a dagger parrying a halberd, or a dagger parrying a maul. Compare this to a dagger parrying another dagger, and you can see there's quite a difference. Makeshift weapons have dreadful stamina negation, so maybe avoid fighting with the lute unless you really want to prove a point.

You get a bit of stamina and health back on kills, and stamina is also gained upon a successful hit, or if you disarm someone. Perks such as bloodlust, fury and second wind can increase these amounts in the armoury. Also, if you are disarmed you'll get some stamina back, but not if your held-shield was disarmed.

Body Manipulation
You can manipulate your character model to avoid attacks. The simplest way to do so is to hit left control to crouch, this will bring you lower to the ground and give you the opportunity to duck underneath attacks. You can get even closer to the ground by looking down as well. This can make ducking under attacks much more consistent. Alternatively, you can look up and lean away from strikes to perform a matrix. Keep in mind these moves are incredibly situational, and I'd avoid attempting these until you have a sound understanding of Mordhau's combat. Most experienced players will drag their attacks in a way so they can easily adjust them if they spot a duck or matrix, or they will just aim for the lower body.

Body manipulation can also be used as a sort of damage control. If you notice a strike coming for your face, you can turn away from it and look down at the ground, and more often than not they'll just hit your upper-body. This will usually deal much less damage.

On the defense try and keep your camera movements smooth and also try and keep your opponents on screen. If you can't focus on the attacks you're going to have a hard time dealing with them.

There's a trade-off to this though. If you want a strong offense you'll want to perform drags and accelerations where your opponents may be mostly off-screen. This can leave you with less time to read the enemy's counterattack should they defend.

There are some situations where you will need erratic camera movement on the defense, but these tend to only be in huge team fights and one vs many situations.

If you're having a hard time reading attack angles, look at your opponents hands. The hand movement tends to be much more obvious and exaggerated so it can be easier to read than the weapon itself.

If you're still having difficulty timing your defense, try and listen for your opponent's grunt. This only plays when they have committed to the attack, so you're less likely to fall for any feints. Don't rely on this to read attacks because if your opponent is close the grunt will play as you get hit.

Footwork is something that I have barely touched on, and it's because it's incredibly complex. Basically, you want to move forward on offense in order to close distance with your opponent, and move backwards on defense to give yourself more room to read your opponents attacks.

Keeping your distance is key for defense because that means it will take longer for your opponent's attack to reach you, giving more time for you to react and/or reposition yourself.

When you move forward to attack, make sure you're sprinting so you make the most out of your movement and range. Be careful, if you get too close while you're starting your attack you can leave yourself open to being kicked.

Sprinting is the best way to avoid attacks using footwork since it's the quickest way to move. You can use this to force an attack to hit you later or earlier if you run into or away from the attack. This can also force a miss if your opponent is accelerating or dragging their attack too much or too little.

Keep in mind, if you turn too harshly your movement will be slowed down, potentially leaving you exposed to your opponent.

Your stamina won't regenerate while you're sprinting so avoid using it on the defense unless you need to do some fancy footwork to avoid attacks.

In summary: Sprint forward when attacking, walk backwards when defending. More space means more time to read attacks. This is incredibly rule of thumb and won't always be the case at high levels of play.

You might be a new player and recognize a few em placed ballistas around the map. This guide teaches you how to build one. You'll want to pick the engineer merc, or have the tool box and hammer with the smith perk. When you spawn as an engineer, you'll have 3 ammo to use with the tool box. All you gotta do is go to a ammo box, get 3 more (giving you a total of 6 ammo) and then equip the toolbox. With the tool box equipped, press R to cycle through what to build. You can build a small wall to block arrows, a row of spikes to slow attackers, and finally a ballista.

You can only see the ballista as an option if you have 6 ammo in the toolbox.

All you gotta do is place it in a good spot(it's kinda finicky) and then you're almost done. Just wait for it to build by itself or wack it with your hammer to speed it's construction. When it's done building, you're all set! Just interact with it and you'll take control of it. Don't shoot teammates and aim for Calvary in particular. To refill it's ammo, dismount it and wack it a dozen or so time to reload it's bolt supply.

To improve your Ballista build potential, you can also add a Blacksmith's Hammer to your loadout, and put points in the Smith perk which will increase your overall build speed. Note that the faster you build your Ballista, the more effective it will be for sniping incoming enemies. To build a Ballista, tap R and cycle through the building options.

Keep in mind that Ballista will take time to build, so it's not recommended that you begin building one when enemies are nearby. Instead, scout a safe location, or ask a friend to spot you while you build your Ballista.

Below is a list of all the weapons, armors and shields with their own number or letter. There will be three different icons with different letters/numbers in them and each represent an item. The icons will be the same for all the maps, colors may change depending on the scenery so they'll be more visible.


A - Hoe
B - Dagger
C - Wooden Mallet
D - Blacksmith Hammer
E - Short Sword
F - Thowing Knife
G - Throwing Axe
H - Mace
I - Axe
J - Rusty Fork
K - Arming Sword
L - Warhammer
M - Falchion
N - Rapier
O - Scythe
P - Recurve Bow
Q - Fire Bomb
R - Billhook
S - Bastard Sword
T - Crossbow
U - Longsword
V - War Axe
W - Bear Trap
X - Messer
Y - Evening Star
Z - Battle Axe
1 - Executioner's Sword
2 - Longbow
3 - Pole Axe
4 - Spear
5 - Toolbox
6 - Greatsword
7 - Estoc
8 - Bardiche
9 - Maul
10 - Zweihander
11 - Halberd


A - Light Chest
B - Light Legs
C - Light Helmet
D - Medium Chest
E - Medium Legs
F - Medium Helmet
G - Heavy Chest
H - Heavy Legs
I - Heavy Helmet
J - Targe
K - Heater Shield
L - Kiteshield
M - Pavise Shield
N - Buckler

Basement/Cellar Items:

Heavy Chest
Evening Star
Pole Axe

Weapons inside caves:

Throwing Axe

Item Prices

Arming Sword60
Axe 50
Bandage 20
Bardiche 300
Bastard Sword 110
Bear Trap 10
Blacksmith Hammer 30
Battle Axe 200
Billhook 100
Buckler 30
Crossbow 150
Dagger 20
Evening star 200
Estoc 250
Executioner's Sword 200
Falchion 80
Fire Bomb 100
Greatsword 250
Halberd 500
Hoe 15
Heater Shield 125
Heavy Helmet 300
Heavy Chest 400
Heavy Legs 200
Kiteshield 200
Longbow 225
Light Helmet 30
Light Chest 50
Light Legs 20
Longsword 150
Messer 175
Mace 50
Maul 350
Medic Bag 100
Medium Helmet 150
Medium Chest 200
Medium Legs 100
Pavise Shield 130
Pole Axe 250
Rusty Fork 50
Rapier 80
Recurve Bow 100
Spear 425
Short Sword 30
Scythe 90
Toolbox 250
Throwing Knife 30
Throwing Axe 50
Targe 50
War Axe 150
Warhammer 75
Wooden Mallet 25
Zweihander 400

This guide is designed to provide some structure to the melee combat to help with the initial learning experience. Keep in mind everything is intentionally left very brief for this reason. Future guides and tutorials I have planned will delve into more detail. I'll be assuming the default controls and bindings are being used.

Basic Attacks
There are two main types of attacks. Strikes, and stabs. Perform a Strike with Left Mouse Button. You can perform a Stab with Mouse Wheel Up.The direction of these attacks are determined by your mouse movement.

If you miss an attack it will cost stamina and will start a recovery period in which you can't input any attacks until it's over. You cannot parry during this period either, leaving you exposed to your opponent.

If you are hit during an attack with a melee weapon it will be interrupted and cancelled.

Attack Manipulation
Attacks in Mordhau are rendered in real-time. There are no lock on animations, you have complete control. This means you can manipulate your attack using mouse movement and footwork during the attack window itself. This can be done for many reasons, some include: repositioning an attack to hit an opponent where they aren't expecting, redirecting an attack from one opponent to another in a group engagement, or throwing off the timing of your opponent by making your attack hit them earlier or later than expected.

Reverses & Spins
Attacks will not hit players directly behind you, and if you try and spin around while attacking they will just glance off of your opponent, dealing very little damage.

If you start up another attack halfway through your current one, it will chain them together forming a combo. This can allow for quicker follow-ups on most weapons and are a means of prolonging your control over the fight's pace. You can perform combos with both strikes and stabs. Combos consume stamina when you miss. Missing two consecutive combo attacks will result in a compounded loss of stamina. One last thing to note, a comboed attack will always go right to left, or left to right. There are no same side combos.

Hitting Right Mouse Button will perform a parry. This will block your opponent's attack if you're aiming at it, and if you time it correctly. You can also parry projectiles if you're quick enough.

Once you have successfully parried, you have the option to riposte. A riposte is an attack you can perform after a successful parry, and it's the only attack that can't be interrupted. To perform a riposte, start an attack as you parry. The timing might take some time to get use to.

During the windup of your attack you have the option to feint it with Q. This allows you to cancel it in an attempt to trick somebody into parrying early, or if you simply wish to not commit to the attack. Keep in mind feints cost stamina.

There's a couple more quick things worth mentioning regarding feints. You cannot feint ripostes, but you can feint strikes, stabs, combos, morphs, chambers, and kicks.

Feint into Parry
You can go straight into a parry if you perform a feint. This is useful if your opponent will land their attack first.

Chambers allow you to swat away an enemy attack with your own. This requires you to mirror your opponent's attack angle, and to perform your own attack just before theirs hits you. The timing is very similar to a parry, except you just use a mirrored attack instead. You can also chamber stabs with a stab of your own. You do not need to mirror stabs. Chambers can be used as a quick counter attack, or as a way to deal with feints. Keep in mind that chambers are only an effective way to deal with feints, if they are timed properly. They aren't a guaranteed counter in every scenario. Chambers cost a significant amount of stamina, so use them wisely.

During the windup of your attack you have the ability to convert it from one type to another. This is called a morph. This can be from a strike to a stab, or vice versa. These can only be performed on the same side, you can't go from a right stab into a left strike. Morphs are not only altering the timing of your attack, but are also changing the attack type. This can completely throw off a chamber attempt if it is timed properly. They can also be used to close more distance with your attack.

Kicks are an attack that can't be parried. Landing a kick on your opponent will deal damage as well as consume their stamina. Kicks can be used against someone using a shield that is holding it up to stun them to get a free hit. You can avoid a kick yourself by just walking away from it, or performing a kick yourself. Kicks are also slower if you perform one right after a feint, or if you morph into them.

A clash is what happens when two attacks collide. If you and your opponent start attacks at roughly the same time, you might clash. You can go straight into another attack once this occurs, which can lead to some intense exchanges where you and your opponent are trying to squeeze a hit in. You can also clash with projectiles too.

Most combat actions will cost stamina. If you try and parry or chamber a melee attack on low stamina you will be disarmed. This leaves you exposed and your opponent can perform a very quick counter-attack. In most situations you won't be able to block the counter-attack, so it's important to bring a secondary weapon just in case you survive that blow.

Draw Times
Keep in mind that different weapons have different draw times. For example, switching to a Dagger is faster than switching to a Halberd.

Equipment Disarm
You will also be disarmed if you are hit by a melee attack while holding non-melee equipment, such as a bow.

Alternate Weapon Modes
Most weapons have an alternate mode of use. A longsword can be flipped upside down into a mordhau grip, allowing it to be used as a blunt weapon to deal greater damage to armoured opponents. A greatsword can be halfsworded which will make the stab much more powerful. If a weapon has two sides you can flip it around, and some polearms can be gripped further up or down the shaft to allow for more range, typically at the cost of speed. If a weapon doesn't have an alternate mode, you can usually throw it.

Blunt Attacks
Some weapons have blunt attacks. These can only hit a single target, unless it's a killing blow. Blunt attacks have a very consistent hit to kill across all armour types, and tend to do the most damage to heavy armour.

Cleave Attacks
Weapons with a defined blade will cleave through people on hit. These weapons tend to vary quite a bit more when it comes to damage. You will deal less damage the heavier the armour is.

Shields allow you to hold a block. Shields also increase the surface area of your block meaning it requires less accuracy. This can make it easier to deal with a ton of attacks, especially morphs and feints, but they leave you exposed to kicks. Shields also offer the ability to passively protect against projectiles. If a shield is on your back a projectile won't be able to hit you from that direction.

Climbing & Vaulting
Mordhau offers the ability to vault and climb over objects. While jumping and holding space near an object, you'll be able to clamber over it. Be careful, you will lose control of your character and ragdoll if you are hit by melee while climbing, or if you fall a great distance!

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock

I've noticed not many people know quite how to vote to kick someone as there is no obvious way to do it. Hopefully this guide will simplify this issue for anyone reading. This guide is simple and does not require the navigation of any folders as I've seen some guides say to do.

Method #1

Step 1: Open up your console. It should be your ' and ~ key. If it is not, check your bindings and find out which key you need to press to open it up.

Step 2: Type and enter in console votekick playername (Note that this requires you to put the EXACT lettering including any symbols or else it will not work. If it still does not work, don't worry, method 2 should work for you).

Method #2

Step 1: Open your console. (You will actually need to press the console key twice to see the full console).

Step 2: Type and enter playerlist (this will show you an entire list of the players on your team. Don't forget to be in the full console to see the list).

Step 3: Find the player you wish to kick, and find the number that they are associated with. (For example - 6 Bob - Obviously his number is 6).

Step 4: Type in your console votekick number (In the previous example, it would be votekick 6).

I hope this helps. Kick the trollers and teamkillers and enjoy the game!

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