Finish in first, second, or third place in five San Francisco Circuit races. Note: Finish in first place if playing in professional mode.
Finish the San Francisco Crash Course in first place.
Select the Voltswagon Beetle Rsi and press [Up] on the color list while on the top color to see the MS Race texture.
Finish in first, second, or third place in five London Blitz races. Note: Finish in first place if playing in professional mode.
American Lafrance Fire Truck
Finish in first, second, or third place in five San Francisco Blitz races. Note: Finish in first place if playing in professional mode.
Finish the London Crash Course in first place.
Finish in first, second, or third place in six San Francisco Checkpoint races. Note: Finish in first place if playing in professional mode.
Disable Timer and Checkpoint Arrows
Pause gameplay with F2 and type 'qq'.
During the game in the chat window, press Y. Then enter the code damagefree. Your vehicle becomes indestructible.
While playing a game, press Y and type "damagefree".
Finish in first, second, or third place in six London Checkpoint races. Note: Finish in first place if playing in professional mode.
When in game press F2 Q Q in that order to stop the timer. Be warned, this rids you of the HUD. Press Esc to start the timer and get the HUD back.
While racing, press v and enter these codes:
Code | Effect
| - All cars (you have to go back to car selection for it to work)
| |
| - Turbo Mode (press v, only works on some cars)
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