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There are 18 Land Races, and many of them let you drive a new vehicle. Liberate all settlements to unlock them. When a Land Race has a new vehicle, immediately quit after the race begins and drive the vehicle to a nearby garage. Fast travel from one large town to the next and check the parking spots near the garage, as there are always some random vehicles in that area. You can also keep fast travelling to the same town and new vehicles will spawn in the parking spots every time. Stand at a road with the Vehicle Detector mod and wait for a missing vehicle to come by. Another strategy is to fly over streets with the wingsuit and Vehicle Detector mod. If a vehicle does not spawn at the location in the video, move on to the next one and return later. If it is still not there, keep fast travelling to the nearest challenge or settlement and it will spawn after a while. There are other military vehicles such as tanks, attack helicopters, and fighter jets that are unlocked by liberating all military bases, completing the story, and finding collectibles -- all of which comes through natural progress (needed for the "Unlocked And Fully Loaded" achievement). The order in the video is the same as the in-game Rebel Drop list. Everything from one vehicle category will be shown before moving onto the next category. Motorcycles '69 Stria Sussurro - 0:05 Mugello Furia MS-316 - 0:27 MV402 - 1:07 Stria Risata - 1:46 Stria Giovanni - 2:20 Vintage Stria M7 - 2:52 Pavouk U-15 - 3:21 Off-Road Geschwind V3000 - 4:00 Autostraad Kletterer 300 - 4:30 Vintage Cars Weimaraner W3 - 5:06 '63 Autostraad Weltbus - 7:16 Stria Cucciola - 7:48 Stria Infimo S - 8:18 Stria Carera Standard - 8:47 Stria Carera G - 9:19 Modern Cars Autostraad D90 - 10:00 Stria Joia - 10:33 Stria Kavala - 11:03 Stria Gioco - 11:41 Stria Toro - 12:13 Sports Cars Windhund 4 - 12:53 Autostraad D700 - 13:37 Kerner Serpente R - 14:15 '13 Vigueur - 14:51 Mugello Raffinati Vitesse - 15:28 Mugello Vistosa - 16:12 Mugello Quipozza F - 16:50 Verdeleon 3 - 17:33 Mugello Farino Duo - 18:15 Utility Vehicles Stria Ghepardo 3S - 18:53 Autostraad Reisender 7 - 19:17 '05 Charmant - 20:30 Stadt Tresor ST 8530 - 21:04 Nashorn 6100 - 21:46 Citispeed Eco 75 - 22:26 Stria Switzo Ambulance - 23:04 Stria Switzo - 23:42 Stria Obero - 24:12 Stria Rustico - 24:50 Stria Campania 115 - 24:15 Sea Vehicles Minnow Fishing Boat - 25:52 Whaleshark - 26:21 Brise 32 - 27:07 Dame De La Mer 99 - 27:42 Pescespada SS - 28:23 Stria PW 220 R-GT - 29:04 Squalo X7 - 29:33 Helicopters News Chopper - 32:58 Planes Stria Ghibli - 33:38
#1: Litore Torto at N40 50.48, E5 45.10. #2: Grande Pastura at N40 51.54, E5 44.60. #3: Grande Pastura at N40 50.67, E5 41.79. #4: Grande Pastura at N40 49.94, E5 41.84. #5: Grande Pastura at N40 49.65, E5 42.93. #6: Val De Mar at N40 47.10, E5 41.19. #7: Val De Mar at N40 46.79, E5 40.78. #8: Maestrale at N40 47.20, E5 39.02. #9: Maestrale at N40 47.14, E5 38.06. #10: Maestrale at N40 47.18, E5 36.89. #11: Maestrale at N40 47.71, E5 35.08. #12: Maestrale at N40 48.52, E5 36.04. #13: Maestrale at N40 48.79, E5 35.44. #14: Maestrale at N40 48.82, E5 34.57. #15: Maestrale at N40 49.47, E5 34.26. #16: Maestrale at N40 49.07, E5 33.08. #17: Libeccio at N40 45.89, E5 32.75. #18: Libeccio at N40 45.98, E5 33.68. #19: Libeccio at N40 46.37, E5 36.94. #20: Maestrale at N40 45.75, E5 38.74. #21: Prospere at N40 44.605, E5 40.03. #22: Litore Torto at N40 46.91, E5 45.68. #23: Costa Sud at N40 46.46, E5 46.69.
Insula Dracon #1: Capite Est at coordinates N40 44.25, E5 35.49 #2: Capite Est at coordinates N40 44.13, E5 36.80 #3: Massos at coordinates N40 43.39, E5 37.05 #4: Capite Est at coordinates N40 43.60, E5 35.84 #5: Capite West at coordinates N40 42.93, E5 35.18 #6: Trio at coordinates N40 42.69, E5 35.07 #7: Trio at coordinates N40 41.93, E5 35.03 #8: Trio at coordinates N40 41.77, E5 35.14 #9: Trio at coordinates N40 41.87, E5 35.79 #10: Petra at coordinates N40 41.80, E5 36.47 #11: Petra at coordinates N40 41.84, E5 36.97 #12: Massos at coordinates N40 42.19, E5 37.60 Insula Fonte #1: Sirocco Sud at coordinates N40 38.40, E5 42.37 #2: Sirocco Sud at coordinates N40 38.65, E5 42.65 #3: Sirocco Nord at coordinates N40 38.95, E5 42.66 #4: Sirocco Nord at coordinates N40 39.29, E5 42.87 #5: Lacos at coordinates N40 40.07, E5 43.71 #6: Lacos at coordinates N40 40.16, E5 42.76 #7: Lacos at coordinates N40 40.69, E5 43.53 #8: Lacos at coordinates N40 40.95, E5 44.18 #9: Baia at coordinates N40 40.76, E5 45.20 #10: Plagia at coordinates N40 41.58, E5 44.68 #11: Plagia at coordinates N40 42.36, E5 44.37 #12: Plagia at coordinates N40 42.47, E5 44.20 #13: Plagia at coordinates N40 42.51, E5 43.95 #14: Plagia at coordinates N40 42.25, E5 43.78 #15: Feno at coordinates N40 42.37, E5 42.86 #16: Feno at coordinates N40 42.73, E5 43.29 #17: Feno at coordinates N40 42.88, E5 43.00 #18: Feno at coordinates N40 42.42, E5 42.03 #19: Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.95, E5 41.59 #20: Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.84, E5 42.34 Insula Striate #1: Montana at coordinates N40 48.09, E5 43.36 #2: Litore Torto at coordinates N40 49.26, E5 46.25 #3: Litore Torto at coordinates N40 50.31, E5 44.98 #4: Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 50.93, E5 41.21 #5: Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 49.97, E5 40.11 #6: Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 48.52, E5 40.75 #7: Val De Mar at coordinates N40 47.51, E5 39.93 #8: Val De Mar at coordinates N40 45.98, E5 42.16 #9: Val De Mar at coordinates N40 44.91, E5 42.22 #10: Maestrale at coordinates N40 45.38, E5 39.07 #11: Maestrale at coordinates N40 46.18, E5 39.16 #12: Maestrale at coordinates N40 46.99, E5 38.30 #13: Maestrale at coordinates N40 47.54, E5 37.78 #14: Maestrale at coordinates N40 47.40, E5 36.05 #15: Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.22, E5 35.34 #16: Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.57, E5 34.83 #17: Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.30, E5 32.87 #18: Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.18, E5 33.39 #19: Libeccio at coordinates N40 44.98, E5 35.24 #20: Libeccio at coordinates N40 44.88, E5 35.36 #21: Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.83, E5 35.42 #22: Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.72, E5 37.15 #23: Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.25, E5 37.87 #24: Regno at coordinates N40 44.41, E5 37.82 #25: Regno at coordinates N40 44.07, E5 38.17 #26: Regno at coordinates N40 44.35, E5 38.45 #27: Regno at coordinates N40 44.22, E5 38.68 #28: Regno at coordinates N40 44.21, E5 39.30 #29: Prima at coordinates N40 43.94, E5 39.99 #30: Prima at coordinates N40 43.71, E5 40.15 #31: Prima at coordinates N40 43.94, E5 40.66 #32: Prima at coordinates N40 43.76, E5 41.60 #33: Prima at coordinates N40 43.91, E5 41.65 #34: Prima at coordinates N40 43.82, E5 43.38 #35: Prima at coordinates N40 43.77, E5 43.50 #36: Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.54, E5 44.18 #37: Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.15, E5 45.36 #38: Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.25, E5 45.59 #39: Costa Sud at coordinates N40 45.23, E5 46.21
Insula Dracon 1. Cauda at N40 40.95, E5 35.36 2. Trio at N40 41.96, E5 35.86 3. Trio at N40 42.78, E5 35.71 4. Capite West at N40 43.29, E5 34.87 5. Capite West at N40 43.76, E5 34.52 6. Capite Est at N40 43.62, E5 35.98 7. Massos at N40 42.86, E5 36.74 8. Masson at N40 42.75, E5 37.40 9. Petra at N40 41.83, E5 37.05 10. Petra at N40 41.52, E5 36.54 Insula Forte 1. Soros at N40 37.14, E5 39.54 2. Soros at N40 37.60, E5 40.47 3. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.61, E5 41.13 4. Lacos at N40 40.08, E5 43.05 5. Baia at N40 40.24, E5 44.05 6. Lacos at N40 40.31, E5 43.51 7. Lacos at N40 40.63, E5 43.22 8. Lacos at N40 40.75, E5 42.48 9. Lavanda at N40 41.62, E5 42.85 10. Lavanda at N40 41.76, E5 42.14 11. Lavanda at N40 42.14, E5 42.25 12. Feno at N40 42.60, E5 41.40 13. Feno at N40 42.58, E5 42.92 14. Plagia at N40 42.80, E5 43.90 15. Plagia at N40 42.46, E5 43.93 16. Plagia at N40 42.00, E5 44.75 17. Baia at N40 41.31, E5 44.60 18. Lacos at N40 41.04, E5 43.89 Insula Striate 1. Costa Sud at N40 44.25, E5 46.00 2. Costa Sud at N40 43.44, E5 44.67 3. Costa Sud at N40 43.69, E5 44.33 4. Prima at N40 44.48, E5 43.57 5. Prima at N40 44.46, E5 42.72 6. Val De Mar at N40 45.99, E5 42.13 7. Costa Sud at N40 45.92, E5 44.17 8. Umbra at N40 46.50, E5 44.73 9. Umbra at N40 46.54, E5 44.81 10. Costa Sud at N40 45.93, E5 45.76 11. Prima at N40 44.54, E5 39.73 12. Libeccio at N40 45.80, E5 37.92 13. Libeccio at N40 46.79, E5 34.91 14. Rocca Blau at N40 47.80, E5 33.19 15. Maestrale at N40 49.12, E5 33.17 16. Maestrale at N40 48.99, E5 35.60 17. Val De Mar at N40 47.43, E5 39.53 18. Maestrale at N40 46.49, E5 39.37 19. Montana at N40 49.15, E5 42.59 20. Litore Torto at N40 49.12, E5 45.02 21. Litore Torto at N40 50.20, E5 45.55
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