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At the Home Farm 1. In the bean field, as you enter go two rows to the right of the sign. Go straight back in this row. 2. In the corn field, as you enter go to the far left side of field. There are three pine trees in a row. Turn right and find three more pine trees in the distance. Go toward them. 3. In the wheat field, almost in the direct center of it. 4. In the hay field, as you enter go to the far end of field toward the pine trees. Look in the center of field not far from trees. 5 and 6. At the lake, as you enter turn to the right. Follow the shore line almost to end of lake to find #5. Continue around lake to path of water plants leading out into the water. Follow this path to an island to find #6. 7. At the grass field behind the barn, as you enter go toward the entrance to the soccer field. Look next to a large tree. Job scenes 8 to 22. There is one fossil in each of the fifteen job scenes. As you work on that job, each will appear. Back at the Home Farm, turn right at the red shed. Follow this dirt road to the end. This runs past the corn and hay fields on the left. Note: do not turn left between the two fields. The soccer and wheat fields are on the right. The road will turn left at the white fence. Follow this road to where the white fence ends on the right. Make a U-turn to the right so that white fence is now on the right. Follow this fence. It will become a wire fence. Continue to follow this, keeping it in sight to your right. You will find #23. Get back on the path you were following at the end of the white fence. Follow the path to the back side of the lake. #24 will be on the hill on the right side. Further up on top of the same hill is #25. Back Woods 23 to 30. Note: You must purchase the Gator Utility Vehicle to enter the Back Woods scene. At Home Farm scene, follow the dirt road between the bean field and corn field. It turns left past the bean field. As you cross the bridge and enter the back woods, turn right and follow the stream. #26 is on the stream bank. Return to the bridge. Cross the path. Follow the wire fence for a distance, keeping the fence visible to your left. You will see #27 to your right. Return to the bridge andcontinue following the path. #28 will be on the path. You will reach another (less worn) path. Take this, and #29 will be visible on the right. Continue to follow this to the end at a pond. #30 is up on the bank of this pond.
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