At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the track selection screen type 'freedrive' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
Cloverleaf and Pepsi Planet Tracks
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the track selection screen type 'freeride' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the car selection screen type 'takemeon' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
Jeff Gordon's Car (Change Sponsors to View)
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the car selection screen type 'redfury' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the main selection screen type 'clipped' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the main selection screen type 'reckless' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the track selection screen type 'lapset' and press Enter. You should hear a voice.
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. At the car selection screen type 'wildone' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Now the Wraith car will be available.
At the main menu type 'icancheat' and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Then, at the car selection screen type 'widebodyopen'and press Enter. You should hear a voice. Now the X-wave car will be available.
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