Alpine Escape level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Military Snowmobile card, Assassination and Grapple multi-player mode, and Max Zorin in multi-player mode.
Alpine Escape: Killing guards
An easy way to kill the guards that are on the snowmobiles, is to shoot them off, so that the snowmobile is all that remains.
Chain Reaction level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Rook card and Wai Lin in multi-player mode.
To activate the cheat mode, create a file called autoexec.cfg in the "C:\Program Files\EA Games\Nightfire\Bond" directory. Use notepad or a similar editor and add the lines as noted below and then save the file.
sv_cheats 1
console 1
Then, when you are in the game, press the "`" (tilde) key and the console will drop down. Enter any of the codes below followed by "Enter" to enable the following cheats:
Code - Result:
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping
notarget - Invisibility
fly - Fly Mode
map X - Change to Level X
Note: Some of these codes may cause problems in the game. Restart the game if this happens.
Cheat mode (demo version)
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec.cfg" file in the "\ea games\nightfire demo\bond" folder. Add the following lines at the end of the file:
sv_cheats 1
console 1
Begin game play, then press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect - Code
God mode - god
No clipping mode - noclip
Invisibility - notarget
Flight mode - fly
Level select - map
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Drake card and Explosive Scenery multi-player mode.
Deep Descent level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Vanquish Submarine card and Nick Nack in multi-player mode.
Deep Descent: Ship identification
When you are going into the hole in the sunken ship, look slightly to the left to it. You will see "MALPRAVE IND." and the Malprave trademark. Malprave was the front for the cloning facilities. When M radios, telling you to find an alternate route, the ship you enter is quite familiar. It has the "Malprave" logo on the side of it. "Malprave" was the evil industry that Bond fought in James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire.
Double Cross level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Mayhew card, Uplink multi-player mode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Xenia Onatopp in multi-player mode.
Double Cross: Freeing the first hostage
After getting inside the building, go straight to where you saw one of the girls appear. Kill the man that is holding her so that he cannot shoot the girl. Kill all of the guards and the Geisha girl will be safe.
Double Cross: Freeing the second hostage
Get into the second building. Kill some guards, then go to the kitchen area. Shoot the guard that is holding the hostage so he cannot shoot her. Kill the men to save the Geisha girls. Note: Make sure you also destroy the computer that he asked you to destroy.
Double Cross: Hidden weapon
In the courtyard after the bunker, there is a small pagoda with a gong in it. Swim under the water. You can enter from underneath. Climb up the ladder. There is a winter tactical sniper lying on the box just in front of you. The pagoda interior can also be viewed from the security camera monitor/computer inside the bunker.
Enable console cheats: At your desktop, right click on the Nightfire shortcut and select ''properties''. Edit the target line by adding +sv_cheats 1 +console 1 to what the target reads. Using default installation settings, it should read: ''C:Program FilesEA GamesNightfireBond.exe" +sv_sheats 1 +console 1. Then click apply, and simply hit the tilde (~) button to bring up the console in game. |
Submitted by johnEnemies Vanquished level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Vanquish Car card, Scaramanga and May Day in multi-player mode, and Camera upgrade.
Enemies Vanquished: No gadgets in SUV
When you acquire the SUV in the level, you will not be able to use any of your driving gadgets.
Successfully complete the level to unlock the James Bond card, GoldenEye Strike multi-player mode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Bond Space Suit in multi-player mode. Successfully complete the level with a gold medal and all 007 bonus icons to unlock unlimited ammunition for the PP7.
Island Infiltration level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Ultralight card and Protection multi-player mode.
Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "config.cfg" file in the game folder. Add the line "sv_iamdone 1" to the file (if it does not already exists). If the line is already present, change the "0" to a "1" to unlock all levels.
Use one of the following entries with the map code.
map m3_japan01
map m3_japan02
map m3_japan03
map m3_japan04
Night Shift level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Kiko card, Team King Of The Hill multi-player mode, and Pistol upgrade.
Paris Prelude level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Dominque card, Jaws and Renard in multi-player mode, and Missile upgrade.
Phoenix Fire level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Alura card, Demolition multi-player mode, and Pistol upgrade.
Successfully complete a level under the 00 Agent difficulty setting to earn the Platinum Medal for it.
The Exchange level rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the Zoe Nightshade card, Oddjob and Baron Samedi in multi-player mode, and Pistol upgrade.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements