Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Take a picture in Photo Mode.
| - Have a city with fifty Destroyed Buildings at one time.
| - Have 250 Citizens die, total lifetime.
| - Have fifty Citizens die, total lifetime.
| - Have ten Citizens die, total lifetime.
| - Build a ship with max Employees.
| - Build a ship with four weapons.
| - Launch your only ship while your HQ is under attack.
| - Have thousand Citizens alive at the same time.
| - Contact your Advisor for help.
| - Build your first Command Center.
| - Have over fifty hours playtime.
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| - Build a Fuel Turbine that pulls Xethane from at least three crevices or sinkholes.
- Filter? I Hardly Know 'er!
| - Change the filters on a storage building or device.
| - Accept 250 migrant ships.
| - Accept fifty migrant ships.
| - Accept ten migrant ships.
| - Have two-hundred Employees alive at the same time.
| - Generate 10,000 Waste lifetime.
| - Generate thousand Waste lifetime.
| - Generate hundred Waste lifetime.
| - Convert 250 Employees, total lifetime.
| - Convert 50 Employees, total lifetime.
| - Convert ten Employees, total lifetime.
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- In it for the Long Haul III
| - Transport 10,000 resources.
- In it for the Long Haul II
| - Transport 2,500 resources.
- In it for the Long Haul I
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| - Harvest 2,500 Isotopes lifetime.
| - Harvest 500 Isotopes lifetime.
| - Harvest hundred Isotopes lifetime.
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| - Have over ten hours playtime.
| - Own hundred Trucks in a single game.
| - Use Call to Arms for the first time.
| - Use Burrow for the first time.
| - Build a Level three connected building.
| - Harvest 10,000 Minerals lifetime.
| - Harvest 2,500 Minerals lifetime.
| - Harvest 500 Minerals lifetime.
| - Build 250 buildings lifetime.
| - Build fifty buildings lifetime.
| - Build ten buildings lifetime.
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| - Destroy fifty Rebel ships.
| - Destroy twenty Rebel ships.
| - Destroy five Rebel ships.
| - Launch fifty ships lifetime.
| - Launch twenty ships lifetime.
| - Launch five ships lifetime.
| - Reach 2,000 stored Waste.
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| - Rebuild twenty buildings.
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| - Rename a building, building floor, employee, or ship.
| - Deflect hundred shots with shields.
| - Deflect 25 shots with shields.
| - Deflect five shots with shields.
| - Build and launch your first ship.
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| - Win ship-to-ship combat with less than 10% hull points remaining.
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- This Moon Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us
| - Survive your first Rebel attack.
| - Burn 10,000 Waste, total lifetime.
| - Burn 1,000 Waste, total lifetime.
| - Burn hundred Waste, total lifetime.
| - Hear every track on the soundtrack.
| - Have over hundred hours playtime.
| - Dedicate an Employee to a Job.
- You Must Construct Additional Pylons
| - Build a powered Energy Grid.