In the level where you have to kill the Don, do all necessary objectives. Then, when you go to escape in the car, select a weapon and start shooting it. While shooting, press [Action], to open the door. 47 will drive with the weapon in his hands. Note: This was done in the demo version of the game.
Anathema: Urinating guard
Equip a sniper rifle and watch the door directly in front of you. If you watch long enough, a guard will appear and walk to the trees on the left side of the door and urinate. Do not shoot him too soon or you will miss the funniest part.
When at your home area with the shed of guns, you may shoot down the birds either on the ground or while they fly in the air. Each bird that is shot will fall to its corresponding area and remain there until you leave the level. You can also shoot the pigs in their pen.
Make a backup of this file before proceeding to edit anything. Use notepad or a text editor to edit the file hitman2.ini. At the end of the file add enableconsole 1. Now start a game and during gameplay press ~ to get the console and enter a code below
god 1 - Invincibility
giveall - All weapons
infammo - Unlimited ammo
invisible 1 - Invisibility
These cheats may only work for the beta version of the game.
Open the file Hitman2.ini with a text editor and add this line:
EnableCheats 1
While playing, type any of the following:
CheatCode - Effect
IOIRULES - Toggle God Mode
IOIGIVES - All Weapons and Items
IOISLO - Toggle Slow Motion
IOIER - Toggle Bomb Mode
IOIHITALI - Toggle Ali Mode
IOILEPOW - Toggle Special Attack Mode
IOIGRV - Toggle Force of Gravity Mode
IOINGUN - Toggle Nail Rifle Mode
IOIPOWER - Mega Power
When playing in any level, just run or sneak up to an enemy and fight him with your fists. He will soon be out cold. Once he is, use any gun to shoot him anywhere on his body. He will not get back up.
Press [F1] and you will be in first person mode. This is quite dangerous to your missions because enemies will think you are pointing a gun at them and shoot you, which will alarm any nearby guards. Note: When you get the pizza in the Basement Killing level, switch to first person mode and look at the pizza.
With cheats enabled in your hitman2 ini file, type this at any point during gameplay to get full ammunition.
Code - Effect
IOIEQPWEAP - Full ammunition
Throughout all the levels you will run into many different types of guns. Whenever you see a gun that you do not already have, pick it up. After you complete the level on which you found the gun, the gun will now be available at your house. You will have ammunition in the room for you to use if desired. However, there are many guns that are too big to carry inside your clothes and therefore must be held in the open. You will not be able to pick up a gun of the same size or greater without dropping the one you are holding. You will find other guns on the same level that you cannot pick up because you are already holding one, and the gun you want is simply too big to conceal. In this case, you will have to decide which gun you want more then finish the level with it. You can always replay that level to get the other gun that was left behind.
Take out the pistol that you want in your right hand and drop it. Next, take out your Ballers and also drop them. Then, take out the pistol you want in your left hand. Pick up your Ballers and your gun should switch hands. Finally, pick up the last gun and you should be holding two pistols. The sawn-off shotgun can also be used for this.
Press [F2] and equip any gun. Aim it at an enemy, slightly far from them. It will turn red. Shoot and the bullet will follow the enemy, but only if the aim is red. Note: This is useful for locating enemies behind walls.
Invitation To A Party: Reload a rifle like a pistol
Grab a rifle, holster it, then grab the suitcase. Fire at an enemy or at anything else. Reload, and the rifle will reload like a pistol, which is much longer if you have an SP12 Shotgun as a rifle. However, it will sound like you are reloading it as a rifle.
Invitation To A Party: Saving the Ambassador
Go inside the mansion and into the ballroom. Find the tall agent that is by himself next to the piano. Wait until the Ambassador (as shown in the photo) enters the room to talk to the agent about the briefcase inside the safe. After they are done talking, they will exit the ballroom and the Ambassador will escort the agent to the room with the safe. Follow them, but do not get too close. They will enter the room with the safe and will talk to each other before the Ambassador opens it. Go inside the room next to the room that they are in without looking suspicious. Look inside the keyhole in the room that you are in, and you can see the agent pointing a .54 pistol at the Ambassador to kill him. Open the door and wait until the Ambassador opens the safe. This is your chance to take out the agent silently. Take the briefcase inside the safe and exit the room. The Ambassador will be directly in front of the table, very scared.
Jacuzzi Job: Easy Silent Assassin rank
When the level starts, immediately hop over the railing next to you and enter the door. Go towards the two double doors that lead to the elevator hallway but do not go through either of them. Stand between them, next to the potted tree. If you are in the correct location, the guards will not see you when they enter. Once they have passed, calmly walk through the double doors and toward the Jacuzzi room. Enter it and stand behind the screen so that the bikini guards cannot see you. Wait for them to go to the bathroom then sneak up and rope Charlie Sidjan with the fiber wire. Quickly drag his body towards the door and position him and yourself so that when the door opens you will be hidden behind it. When the girls re-enter the room they will not see you. After they walk by, drag Charlie into the bathroom across the hall. By doing this, the girls will not find his dead body immediately. A male guard should now be heading your way. If desired, open the door and chloroform him as he turns and walks back from the end of the hall. Hide his body in the bathroom as well. Next, walk straight to the piano room where the expensive statue is, but do not take it. Exit the doors and wait outside, watching your map. When the computer woman turns around (green circle on map), enter her room then sneak up behind her when she has the wall safe open. Feed her some chloroform and take the money in the safe. Leave her body there -- no one will see it. Exit the other door in the room and cross the hallway to the next room. Smash the fuses so the power goes out. Head back, grab the statue, then wait for the technician to arrive in the elevator. Stay out of his sight. When he exits the elevator and heads for the fuse box, walk into the elevator and get your Silent Assassin rank. Note: You can optionally chloroform the second male guard in the dark when he cannot see you. Also, if you cannot see in the dark, turn up your brightness on your screen or get the nightvision (difficult to use) near the statue.
To get silent assasin ranking at 'Kirov Park Meeting' follow tips:
Run up towards your agency weapon pickup and collect a car bomb and sniper rifle only. Enter the sewers via the hole in ground after the limo has passed. Once inside sewers run left and left again at the first tunnel you come across. At the top of the ladder will be a limo. Arm your car bomb and place it on the car. Equip your map and exit at: the third exit from the top left side of the map. When you exit you should see the limo driver urinating by the wall. If you have a chance use a knife or fiber wire to strangle him. If not just let him walk away before emerging from hole. Run around the side of the building without guards. You should be able to see the general and his mafia connection strolling together in the park. Go by the recycling bin and use you sniper rifle to assassinate the mafia guy. Guards will be alerted so run behind the buildings, around the cathedral and into the hole just past the cathedral since the guards there will be off chasing you in the wrong direction. Enter and emerge from the sewers from the original place you entered at the beginning of the level. Exit via your boat. YOU JUST GOT SILENCE ASSASIN RANKING!!! |
Submitted by BonkerUse a text editor such as notepad to edit the "hitman2.ini" file in the game folder. Locate the "DefaultScene=AllLevels/logos.gms" entry and change it to "DefaultScene=AllLevels/levelmenu.gms". All levels will be marked as completed and a level selection menu will be unlocked.
Successfully complete five levels with a "Silent Assassin" rank to get the M4. Alternately, successfully complete the Shogun Showdown level with a "Silent Assassin" rank. Alternately, successfully complete the St. Petersburg Stakeout, Tubeway Torpedo, and Invitation to a Party levels with a "Silent Assassin" rank all in one session.
This is fairly awkward to do, but can be very useful. You will need Ballers and two other pistols (for example, the revolver and Deagle). First, drop the Ballers and Deagle, and equip the revolver. Move so that the Ballers and Deagle are on the right hand side of the player on the floor. Pick the Ballers up. This will put the revolver into your left hand and the Ballers into your inventory. Next, pick up the Deagle (making sure it is still on your right side before you do). Your player should now have the revolver in his left hand and the Deagle in his right. You can now fire the Deagle continuously without having to reload.
This 'bug' allows one to pick locks extra fast. Simply start picking a lock and then keep pressing your map key, in a few seconds 47 will be done picking the lock a lot faster than normal. |
Submitted by CidHighwindChange to first person view and use the knife. You can attack while running if you press [Attack] many times.
Successfully complete a level with a "Silent Assassin" rank twice to unlock the sawed-off shotgun.
Successfully complete a level with a "Silent Assassin" rank to unlock the silenced ballers gun.
Silent Assassin ranking in Anathema
Run down from the hill, and hide right from the door in front of you. Wait until the guard comes out and start urinating. Kill him with a headshot from the 9mm SD or with the Fiber Wire. Take his gun and clothes, then head in the door. DON'T RUN! Turn right, and go towards the distant wall, avoiding contact with any and all guards. To your left is a door, behind it is the garden. If you were fast, the mafiaboss and his son still urinating. That's good, because you can climb the ladder to your left. On the roof, hide behind the wall piece on front of you. Equip your map. Wait there until the servant bring the flowers inside and the mafiaboss with his son goes away. Head across the balcony and get in from the other side. If the Don isn't there, wait for him, and hide behind the bookcase. If he's in position, kill him with the Fiber Wire. Drag his body and go to the other door to the balcony. Check your map, and wait until nobody watches the balcony. Drag the Don to the roof but hide it on the other side so the son won't see him. ATTENTION: if you drag the corpse too close to the edge, it may fall down, and when the guards see it, you have missed the S.A. ranking! Grab the Don's revolver and the key. When the roof is clear, climb down the ladder, out of the door, and head back to that door which you came in after killing the first guard. On the way go down to the basement, and go in the locked room. Your objective to rescue Vittorio is cancelled, so head out. Get in the garage from the rear and grab the R93 sniper there. Head out on that door where you came in, and head for the exit point. If you done well enough (0 alerts, only the Don killed, no non-supressed weapon used), you get a message ("For archieving Silent Assassin rank you have been awarded with a bonus weapon") and you will receive the SILENCED version of the Ballers!!! |
Submitted by LeyerTamásYou can still get a "Silent Assassin" rank on a mission if you are spotted. To get a "Silent Assassin" rank, there has to be nothing in the aggression bar. You can make sure of this by only using chloroform on guards and eliminating the target with just one shot.
To get your silent assasin rank on the first st petersberg level follow these tips:
First, collect your sniper rifle from the locker. Then run up to the metro and pause on the steps just before the room where the first guard is. Hide there and when the guard/s isn't looking sneak into the door to the sewers (You need to get your timing right). Once in the sewers, equip your map and run to the top right hand exit to street. Wait till no all sentries are turned away before emerging from the hole. You will see some clothes on the floor by the truck. Get changed and run towards the apartment building whilst keeping distance from all sentries and bodyguards. Once in the apartment building, avoid the guard in the building and go to the 4th floor. There you will find an open window. Assassinate your target and then hide when the sentry comes running to see what happened. You can escape via the same way you came. Avoid guards since if guards are alerted or start shooting at you, you just lost your bonus weapon..... |
Submitted by BonkerHeadEnable the IOINGUN code and pin a person to the wall. Try to drag them and their arms will stretch like elastic.
On any level, enable the IONIGUN code. Kill someone and drag them by their arms or legs. Pull them as far as you can, then release. They will automatically let go like a slingshot.
Enable the IOINGUN code and make a man stick to a wall at a reachable height. Walk over to him, press [Drag], then walk backwards. The person will be stretched out.
First thing you must do is put the nail gun (IOINGUN) cheat on, lethal (IOILEPOW) and bomb cheat(IOIER). Then find a guy kill him (doesn't matter how) pick him up and go next to a wall. Keep shooting the ground by him and after awhile his arm will be nailed to the wall and you can go as far as you want. |
Submitted by NetoUsing the Methoxyfluorane (Anesthetic)
Equip the Anesthetic and go to your target person. Hold [Fire] as long as desired. While using it, you will automatically use two bottles, or if held longer, you can use three to five bottles. Each bottle will result in one minute of unconsciousness. Be careful or he will tell the guards about you. You can also take their clothes, but if they wake up without them they will tell the guards.
While walking, rapidly tap [Run]. If done correctly, you will be still in a walking position, but doing quick dashes and the guards will not notice.
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