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PC - Heroes Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons screenshot


Heroes Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Heroes Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons on PC

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Heroes Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons Cheats

Press [TAB] while playing, then type:

Cheat - Effect
nwcagents - Fill empty slots w/10 black knights
nwclotsofguns - Gain all war machines
nwcneo - Gain a level
nwctrinity - Fill empty slots w/5 archangels
nwcfollowthewhiterabbit - Maximize Luck
nwcnebuchadnezzar - Unlimited movement
nwcmorpheus - Maximize Morale
nwcoracle - Reveal puzzle map
nwcwhatisthematrix - Reveal world map
nwcignoranceisbliss - Hides world map
nwctheconstruct - Gain 100,000 gold and 100 of each resource
nwcbluepill - Lose game
nwcredpill - Win game
nwcthereisnospoon - Gain 999 Mana and all spells
nwczion - Gain all buildings
nwcphisherprice - Change games colors to a wierd color scheme

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