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event 1017: Outlaw Fascism (Fascism+15,Communism-5/Fascism-5,Communism+15) event 1016: Outlaw Communism (Fascism+15,Communism-5/Fascism-5,Communism+15) event 1015: Rogue Politician (dissent up/down + minister dies) event 1014: Rogue Politician (dissent up/down) event 1013: Private initiative (IC up) event 1012: Breakthrough in research. (1 technology is discovered) event 1011: Leading Scientist defects to your country (steal technology) event 1010: Industry sabotaged (IC -1) event 1009: Artist records epic song (dissent -3) event 1008: Major worker strike (IC down) event 1007: War Refugees (manpower +30) event 1006: Private sector nationalized (IC up) event 1005: Military parade (supplies -100, dissent -5) event 1004: Female labor force (manpower +100) event 1003: Youth movement (manpower +100) event 1002: Women donate materials (supplies +200) event 1001: War Hero criticizes War (dissent +5, 1 leader’s loyalty -4) event 1000: Research sabotaged ( 1 research fails)
Code - Result rubber - Get rubber coal - Get coal steel - Get steel manpower - More men oil - Get oil supplies - 500 supplies escorts - more escorts nuke - 1 nuke war - everyone wants war nowar - AI doesn't want war di - Diplomatic influence set to 500 nolimit - troop building limits gone norevolts - AI revolt toggle nofog - Fog of war toggle handsoff - Auto event pause toggle difrules - Invincibility toggle fullcontrol - control all nations toggle showid - province ID toggle event 1013 - More industrial capacity transports - More transports
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