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-dev -console -game rewolf (example: c:\gunman\gunman.exe -dev -console -game rewolf) Then use any of the codes listed after pressing ` to bring down the console: Cheat - Effect /god - God Mode /noclip - No Clipping Mode /map X - Goto Map X give item_armor - gives 100 armour give item_healthkit - give 12 health give ammo_buckshot - gives 16 shotgun shells or shotgun give weapon_pistol - gives 30 pistol rounds or the pistol (max 150 rounds) give weapon_beamgun - } gives 20 polaris gun give weapon_polarisblade -} charges or the polaris blade (max 100 charges) give weapon_mule - gives 2 rounds mule ammo or mule launcher (max 6 rounds) give weapon_mechagun - gives 20 mechagun rounds or the mechagun (max 200 rounds) give weapon_chemgun - gives 10 chemgun charges or the chemgun (max 50 charges)
weapon_fists weapon_pistol weapon_gausspistol weapon_shotgun weapon_minigun weapon_mule weapon_mechagun weapon_beamgun weapon_polarisblade weapon_dml weapon_chemgun weapon_spchemicalgun ammo_gaussclip ammo_buckshot ammo_minigunclip ammo_beamgunclip ammo_dmlclip ammo_chemical item_healthkit item_armor player_armor vehicle_tank
takeoff rusted meltdown highnoon frontier cinematic1 cinematic2 cinematic3 cinematic4 city1a city1b city2a city2b city3a city3b end1 end2 mayan0a mayan0b mayan1 mayan3a mayan4 mayan6 mayan8 rebar0a rebar0b rebar2a rebar2b rebar2c rebar2d rebar2e rebar2f rebar2g rebar2h rebar2i rebar2j rebar2k rebar2l rebar3b rebar3d rebar3e rust1 rust2a rust2b rust3a rust4a rust4b rust4c rust5a rust6a rust6b rust6c rust6d rust7a rust7b rust7c rust7d rust7e rust8a rust9a west1 west2 west3a west3b west4a west4b west5b west6a west6b west6c west6d west6e
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