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After the mission starts, continue to enable the "Destroy all cars" code. This will destroy all boats and helicopters, but will not harm the yacht you are on.
Before starting the mission, enable the "Faster acceleration" and "Higher top speed" codes. The other racers may pass you for the first few turns, however they will over-shoot the turn on the first long straightaway because they are going too fast. You will see them piled up in the alley beside the curve. Keep following the markers as fast as you dare, and you will easily win. Take one of the racer's bikes. It is very responsive and will not tip over or slide in a turn. Note: The Angel will not retain its special qualities if saved in a garage (or destroyed and placed in a garage.) Before you start, do not take an Angel or a Freeway at the right. Instead, go to the right hand side and knock the driver of the bike. He is now out of the race. The bike you take is much faster than the others, and has better turning ability.
Charlie Dilson: Charlie Jolson from The Getaway Dick Tanner: Tanner from Driver Franco Carter: Frank Carter from The Getaway Marcus Hammond: Mark Hammond from The Getaway Nick Kong: Nick Kang from True Crime: Streets of L.A.
When you go to the alley where the chef is located, find him but do not get too close. Line him up with your vehicle and get a good run for it. Run him over so that you do not have to risk getting beat up. Then, get out and pick up his cell phone.
When you first start the mission, take off then land on the other side. Drive the plane to the dock and run over every Cuban. Once they are all dead, you can bomb the boats with ease.
Go to where you are supposed to meet Mercedes. When there, go towards the water and you will see a garage with the black ball above it. This is 8-Ball's garage. Drive in to get your car fitted with a remote detonation bomb. Go back to he pink circle and point your car towards the water. Honk the horn, then go to the most north-eastern place in the area. Get out of the car and jump on the ledge. Move behind the boxes. When the cars are close enough, detonate the car-bomb. When the Zebra Cab appears, shoot it with whatever you want to destroy it.
Effect - Code Weapons (tier 1) - thugstools Weapons (tier 2) - professionaltools Weapons (tier 3) - nuttertools Armor - preciousprotection Health - aspirine Raise wanted level - youwonttakemealive Lower wanted level - leavemealone View media level when over two stars - chasestat Good weather - apleasantday Great weather - alovelyday Sunny weather - abitdrieg Stormy weather - catsanddogs Foggy weather - cantseeathing Rhino tank - panzer Faster game clock - lifeispassingmeby Faster game play - onspeed Slower game play - booooooring Destroy all cars - bigbang Pedestrians riot - fightfightfight Pedestrians attack you - nobodylikesme Pedestrians have weapons - ourgodgivenrighttobeararms Pedestrians enter your car - hopingirl Change wheel size - loadsoflittlethings Only wheels visible on cars - wheelsareallineed Dodo cars (flying) - comeflywithme Better driving skills - gripiseverything Bikini women with guns - chickswithguns Suicide - icanttakeitanymore Heavy traffic - miamitraffic Pink traffic - ahairdresserscar Black traffic - iwantitpaintedblack All traffic lights green - greenlight Romero's Hearse - thelastride Love Fist Limousine - rockandrollcar Trashmaster - rubbishcar Bloodring Banger (style 1) - travelinstyle Bloodring Banger (style 2) - gettherequickly Caddy - betterthanwalking Pedestrian costumes - stilllikedressingup Lance Vance costume - looklikelance Ken Rosenberg costume - mysonisalawyer Hilary King costume - ilooklikehilary Jezz Torent (Love Fist) costume - rockandrollman Dick (Love Fist) costume - weloveourdick Phil Cassaday costume - onearmedbandit Sonny Forelli costume - idonthavethemoneysonny Mercedes costume - foxylittlething Cars float on water - seaways Engines are faster - getthereveryfastindeed Engines very fast - getthereamazinglyfast All cars are faster - gettherefast Tommy groupies - fannymagnet Ricardo Diaz costume - cheatshavebeencracked Tommy smokes cigarette - certaindeath Tommy is fatter - deepfriedmarsbars Tommy has thin arms and legs - programmer Reguard target - airship
Enable the "Car floats on water", "Increase your vehicle's top speed" and "Better driving skills" codes. Drive a fast car into the water behind your boat, but not so far as you will drown when you get out or back in. Then, start the race with a boat. Jump out of your boat and run back to your car. You can complete the race a lot faster because you will not jump around on the waves and can turn easily.
After the mission has been completed, you will notice some of the things inside your mansion will have changed. The paintings on the walls will be crooked, and some will be taken away. Once you plant the bomb inside the Tarbrush Café, run as fast as you can away from it before it detonates (about five seconds). Once your wanted level jumps up, enable the "No wanted level" code to return to your mansion easily. After you lure the cops and get their clothes, enable the "Rhino tank" code. Take it to the entrance where the coffee shop is located. Detonate the bomb, then run to the tank. Make sure that Lance gets in before you leave. You will be able to return to the Mansion with no problems. Once you have your cop uniform on, enable the "Slower game play" code. Do the whole mission in slow motion. The cops and FBI will not be able to catch you. Make sure not to spin out of control or do anything else, because they will then hit you.
Fly a VNC Maverick (or any other helicopter) to the Junkyard instead of driving. This will not only get you there faster, but also will make getting Lance out of there a lot easier. Fly your helicopter next to the hangar Lance is held in, set it down, and kill the Cubans. When you pick up Lance, go directly into the helicopter. This will help you avoid the Diaz's men that chase after you. Then, just fly Lance to the hospital. Get a helicopter and get the mission from the Malibu Club with it. Then, fly to the junkyard and land quickly in front of the building holding Lance. Jump into the helicopter and take off quickly because the guards will shoot it once you are inside. When doing the Guardian Angels mission, intentionally kill Lance or Diaz. Take Diaz's car and store it in a garage. When doing the Death Row mission, use this car and take it to the garage were Lance is being kept. Get in and drive away. Because Diaz's car is bulletproof, there will be no chance that it will explode. This mission is somewhat difficult; some preparation is needed. First, find body armor and health. Diaz's guards are armed with Rugers and 9mm Uzis. Next, get a third-person automatic weapon, preferably the Ingram Mac, found by the van in Vice Port, or a 9mm Uzi, which is found by the stairwell across from the Greasy Chopper, next to a pink high rise in Ocean Beach, or behind the southern Pay 'n' Spray on the eastern island. You will need about 250 to 300 rounds of automatic ammunition. The last weapon needed is a sniper rifle, which you can be found on a roof in Little Havana, next to the large "Kaufman Cabs" billboard. You can also purchase one in the mall. Find a large vehicle which has speed (fire truck recommended) and rig it with a bomb from 8-Ball's bomb shop in Vice Port. Quickly go to Kent Paul at the Malibu Club. Take off to save Lance. Use the handbrake when cornering. The fire truck will uproot the parked Admiral when you crash into it. You can jump out far away, and the speeding truck will carry its weight and crush the Admiral. The two guards behind it should not have much of a chance, as you will then detonate the bomb when the truck hits. Run into the junkyard with your Ingram/Uzi firing. You should drop the first four or five guards without much return fire. Take out your sniper rifle and kill the man on top of the crane. Switch to your automatic, and kill the men with Lance. Take the Trashmaster by the conveyoer belt and evacuate the area. Enable the "Weapons tier 3" code to have a mini-gun and a sniper rifle. Take any car and drive to save Lance. When you are in the street where Lance is held, spin your car so that it will block the street (but keep it far from the garage). Position your car so that the driver's door will face the location where Lance is held. After you free Lance, return to the entrance of the garage and you will see that your car blocks Diaz's drivers. Do not run toward them. Instead, take out the sniper rifle and shoot your car. The car will explode and burn one of Diaz's cars. That car will also explode, and blow up the second of Diaz's cars. This will continue until all of Diaz's cars are destroyed. Then, take the car that is near the place where Lance was held and drive safely to the hospital. Note: You can take that car before you take Diaz's drivers down.
The meter for Lance's health will be on the side of the screen, and you must reach the junkyard before it runs out. Once there, kill all the thugs. Each thug has at least $500 on them. Since there are about fifteen thugs there, you can easily make about $75,00. Once you have killed all the thugs and collected all their money, save Lance and enable the "Rhino Tank" code. Get in with Lance, then leave the junkyard. Diaz' gang will arrive in cars and try to kill you and Lance. Do not destroy the cars. Shoot somewhere on the road next to the cars so that the cars will smoke. They will run out of their cars. Once they do this, kill them and they should have a lot of money. Get out the tank and collect the money. You should be able to make at least $10,000 total. Then, kill Lance to intentionally fail the mission. You can return to Kent Paul and start the mission again. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Another way to complete this mission is to pickup the first bomb and place it on the top floor first. Then, place the next bomb on the third floor, the next bomb on the second floor, and the final bomb on the bottom level.
When playing the mission, you will notice that the "ice cream" is most popular among prostitutes.
Go to the Malibu Club, and enable the "Flying car (Dodo)" code. When racing Hilary, drive as fast as you can without flying. Since Hilary's car is much faster than yours, it will not stop flying and you will always be in the lead. When the cops show up, enable the "Lower wanted level" cheat, and cruise from there on. You will win without worry about Hilary catching up. During the countdown, enable the "Hotring Racer" code. Get out of the Sentinel and get in the Hotring .Hilary will be ahead, but you will catch him sooner or later. Before starting the mission, save the game at the Malibu Club. Enable the "Change wheel size" code. Pause game play and load the game that you just saved. Once the game is loaded, enabled the code again. Repeat this about five times. Then, enter the club and start the mission. The "Change wheel size" code makes certain cars go faster. In this case, your Sentinel will not go any faster, but Hillary's will. Hillary will be driving so fast that his car will spin out of control and he will crash into other cars and buildings. This allows you to get a really vary lead and Hillary will never catch up with you. Once the police catch up to you, enable the "Lower wanted level" code. Note: Not only will you be able to beat Hillary, your status will not be effected. Other codes will lower your status badly, but this one has no effect. As soon as the race begins to count down, immediately enable the "Spawn Hotring Racer" code or something similar. The car you spawn should fall in front of you. When the race starts, you can immediately get out of the car and enter your Racer. The faster car should help you score an easy win. Note: This cannot be done with a Racer from Sunshine Autos, as it will disappear before the race. Before racing Hilary, go to the police station on the right side by the bridge. Spawn a tank and park it in the road. Go to the Malibu Club and save the game. Race Hilary. He will run into tank and get stuck because he cannot blow up. From there, on cruise along the rest of the race and he cannot catch you. To defeat Hillary easier, take the Stretch limo from your mansion and park it so that just a little bit of the end is still on the bridge after the police station where the girder sticks out. The rest of it should go about all the way to the middle of the street. Run to the Malibu Club and start the mission. Let Hillary get ahead of you just before that location. He will either spin around when he hits it and slam into the wall, or he will get in front of your car and become smashed to the side of the road. This allows you to get a head start while he recovers. Before starting the mission, enable the "Slower game play" code three or four times. After enabling the code, start the mission. The game becomes very slow, but at least you can win the race. Throw a Molotov cocktail onto the dance floor inside the Malibu Club on your way to the pink mission marker. This will result in you getting a three star wanted level and the police on your tail. Hillary should run over a police trap and popped all his tires. Avoid the trap and take your time around the corners to complete the mission with no pressure. Do some prep-work and park some fire engines in front of the other competitors. Hopefully they will stay there and the opponents will wonder what they are doing. Enable the "Increase your vehicle's top speed" code before going into the club. You may also need to enable the "Lower wanted level code", as the cops will come after you for street racing.
Go to Diaz and start the mission. When you get outside of the fence, enable any "Weapons" code and shoot the men with the sniper rifle. Enable the "Rhino tank" code and drive it through the fence. Hop out of the Rhino and run forward out of the tank. Near the crates is a boat on land. Go behind it, crouch, and get out an Uzi. Target the enemies and kill them. Next, go to the garage and kill the three men. Do not activate the switch. Get the Rhino and drive it into the garage. Activate the switch and drive the Rhino over the men that enter. Be careful -- do not hit the boat. With the men dead, get into the boat and leave the Rhino. Enable the "Lower wanted level" code, then complete the mission. Just before you start the mission, enable the weapons code that gives you the flame thrower. When you approach the boathouse, stop just outside the fence. Enter the fenced in area and run undetected to the right. Come back and face the first two guards. Take out the first one that is directly ahead, then the one to the right with your small machine gun. This will alert the other guards. Also take them out with your small machine gun. This will give you time to switch weapons. Now, use the flame thrower. Enter the boathouse, turning to the left, and take out the mechanics from a distance. Let them get too close and you will also go up in flames. Run around the flames to the switch and lower the boat. Then, turn and take out the rest of the guards from a safe distance with another shot from the flame-thrower. Then, run, jump in the boat, and head out. Enable the "Weapons (tier 2)" code and take out the shotgun. Do not drive to the docks. Go to pier 2 instead. This is the next pier over from Cortez's boat. Take the boat there to the boat yard. You will not have as many guards to deal with, and the shotgun easily picks them off.
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