Beat the game on normal or higher difficulty.
Beat the game on ludicrous difficulty.
Beat the game on normal or higher difficulty.
Beat the game on hard difficulty.
Complete isle of the dead.
Super hard mode ( ludicrous )
Beat the game on hard difficulty.
On level 1-3 Bash through the 1st set of spikes to the left of the 1st suspended platform fall down the passage and break the Question mark block to warp.
On level 4-4 right before the collapsing pillars climb under the 1st overhang and break through the wall, fall down the passage and into pacmans mouth to warp.
On level 2-1 pull the 1st vertical platform to the left, climb the ceiling and drop down using heavy to break through the ground fall down the passage and into a room with a giant pitfall Harry sprite to warp.
Warp to the isle of the dead
On level 3-4 in the room where the skulls fly out of the ground run and grab onto the 1st skull platform that shoots out, ride it up into the air till you see a platform marked 666, jump to that platform to warp.
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