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PC - Ghost Recon: Desert Siege screenshot


Ghost Recon: Desert Siege

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Ghost Recon: Desert Siege on PC

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Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Cheats

Press [Keypad Enter] to display the console window. After that, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Press [Esc] to close the console window.

Effect - CheatCode

Achieve objectives one at a time - cisco
All inventory items - refill
Change your kit to specified file - kit [kit file]
Chicken grenades - chickenrun
Disable constant shaky screen - rumbleoff
Enable constant shaky screen - rumbleon
Exit game - quit
Faster movement - run
God mode - superman
Hide corpse names - hidecorpse
Infinite ammunition - ammo
Invisibility - shadow
Lose current mission - autolose
Mark location on map for teleport - mark
Mark location on map for teleport - mark2
Paintball mode - extremepaintball
Report current location - loc
Screen shakes - boom
Set gamma; default is 0.5 - setgama [0.0 - 1.0]
Show object names - names
Show texture properties for objects - showtextureprops
Squirrel launcher - squirrelkite
Suicide - god
Take over enemy bases - rock
Team God mode - teamsuperman
Team invisibility - teamshadow
Teleport - teleport
Teleport to preset locations - spawn
Toggle actor stats - toggleshowactorstats
Toggle AI - toggleai
Toggle display of tracers - tracers
Toggle effect stats - toggleshoweffectsstats
Toggle framerate display - toggleshowframerate
Toggle freezing trees - togglemovetrees
Toggle interface stats - toggleshowinterfacestats
Toggle level stats - toggleshowlevelstats
Toggle performance counters - toggleshowperfcounters
Toggle system memory stats - toggleshowsystemmemorystats
Toggle texture memory stats - toggleshowtexturememorystats
Toggle total stats - toggleshowtotalstats
Toggle user interface - toggleui
Unlock Hero characters - unlockheros
View debug counters - perf
Win current mission - autowin
Unknown - aiinfo
Unknown - airoe
Unknown - badtree
Unknown - cover
Unknown - dist
Unknown - eviltwin
Unknown - findcover
Unknown - gogetem
Unknown - hideframecounter
Unknown - hidegamecounters
Unknown - hideplayerposition
Unknown - hiderenderercounters
Unknown - journalplaystart
Unknown - journalplaystop
Unknown - journalrecordstart
Unknown - journalrecordstop
Unknown - loadgame
Unknown - range
Unknown - report
Unknown - reticule
Unknown - savegame
Unknown - showframecounter
Unknown - showgamecounters
Unknown - showplayerposition
Unknown - showrenderercounters
Unknown - testpath
Unknown - toggleshowscenestats
Unknown - toggleusetreeinterleave

If you are able to effectively use your Threat Indicator (radar), you will be able to know where an enemy opponent is, and which direction he or she may be moving. There are two colors, yellow and red. The red circle in the middle of the Threat Indicator indicates that the enemy is 15 meters from your current position. On the outer most ring of the Threat Indicator, you will see flashes of red when opponents shoot in your direction. The yellow is a 90° viewing angle of where your enemies are. If you have a 90° angle, naturally you have four quarters to work with. When you look left and right, notice that the yellow will transfer to another quarter of the circle. The best way to find your opponent's location is to look left until the yellow changes. At the exact point that it changes, stop. Your opponent is exactly in the direction that is on the far right of your screen. The same applies to looking right and at the same point that the yellow changes to a different quarter your opponent is at the very left of your screen.

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