As you kill enemies, you progress towards earning the next multiplier level. This is displayed by the circle around a number at the lower part of the display. Missing one shot or taking damage will reset it to a 1x multiplier. Get the musket to at least level 3 and shotgun to level 1. Use the Musket almost exclusively. It should be able to one hit kill un-armored Dodgers and the jet pack enemies. When targets get too close, use the shotgun to clear them out. It can spray anything directly forward, and a lane to either side, and up to three rows in front of you. Accurately clear out enemies as quickly as possible. Focus on where they spawn and line up your shots with your peripheral vision. On occasion Dodgers will spawn alongside Grunts and/or Behemoths. Because of the Dodgers' ability to change lanes it is usually better to let them get within your shotgun range before taking them out. If they spawn alone, you may still find it easier to wait for them to get close. Use caution shooting tanks. When it explodes, it will spawn a Grunt on either side. With patience you should be able to reach the 10x multiplier at the end of wave 2 of level 7.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
- 1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100
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| - Kill 50 behemoths with the shotgun.
| - Kill 500 behemoths with the shotgun.
| - Kill 5000 behemoths with the shotgun.
| - Kill 50 behemoths with the musket.
| - Kill 500 behemoths with the musket.
| - Kill 5000 behemoths with the musket.
| - Kill 25 behemoths with the ray gun.
| - Kill 250 behemoths with the ray gun.
| - Kill 2500 behemoths with the ray gun.
| - Upgrade your house fully.
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| - Collect 100 orbs in a single game.
| - Upgrade your shotgun fully.
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| - Upgrade your ray gun fully.
| - Kill 50 dodgers with the shotgun.
| - Kill 500 dodgers with the shotgun.
| - Kill 5000 dodgers with the shotgun.
| - Kill 50 dodgers with the musket.
| - Kill 500 dodgers with the musket.
| - Kill 5000 dodgers with the musket.
| - Kill 25 dodgers with the ray gun.
| - Kill 250 dodgers with the ray gun.
| - Kill 2000 dodgers with the ray gun.
- Enough to neccessitate a gun rack
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- Extraterrestrials, go home
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| - Kill 100 grunts with the shotgun.
| - Kill 1000 grunts with the shotgun.
| - Kill 10,000 grunts with the shotgun.
| - Kill 100 grunts with the musket.
| - Kill 1000 grunts with the musket.
| - Kill 10,000 grunts with the musket.
| - Kill 50 grunts with the ray gun.
| - Kill 500 grunts with the ray gun.
| - Kill 5000 grunts with the ray gun.
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| - Collect 1000 orbs in a single game.
- It never hurts to ask for help
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| - Kill 100 enemies on the last lawn square.
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| - Upgrade your musket fully.
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| - Make a purchase with real money.
- More orbs than your house has room for
| - Collect 2500 orbs in a single game.
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- Now you're just playing with fire
| - Kill 1000 enemies on the last lawn square.
- Packing some serious heat
| - Upgrade all guns to level 3.
- Packing some serious meat
| - Upgrade all guns to max level.
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- Should have stayed on the ship
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| - Kill 25 tanks with the shotgun.
| - Kill 250 tanks with the shotgun.
| - Kill 2500 tanks with the shotgun.
| - Kill 25 tanks with the musket.
| - Kill 250 tanks with the musket.
| - Kill 2500 tanks with the musket.
| - Kill 10 tanks with the ray gun.
| - Kill 100 tanks with the ray gun.
| - Kill 1000 tanks with the ray gun.
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| - Kill 3 enemies during a single cane time.
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- Welcome to the real world
| - Kill 5 enemies during a single cane time.
| - Kill 10 enemies on the last lawn square.
| - Kill 7 enemies during a single cane time.