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After level 10, the DNA you collect is used to level up your crews and increase your Greed level. Level 10+ Higher greed levels will make conquest go faster and give more credits. Leaving a system, even temporarily, will reset your Greed level to 0. Danger measures how many enemy bullets are around you. Higher danger make you drop more DNA (displayed in yellow) when killing enemies. There are 5 subsystem slots (armament, engine, computer, hull and generator). At level 10, you will always have exactly one subsystem in each slot. Choose carefully each and every of them. Use the Subsystems Codex to see what can drop in each slot. Minimize your inventory and leave it on the screen to switch equipment easily during fights. You can use the keys [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5] to equip spare items from your inventory quickly. Use [W] to warp back to the safety of the Motherbase if the situation seems too dangerous. Ctrl-click on an item to move it quickly between your ship and your Warehouse. Right-click an item to equip or un-equip it quickly. Type /? in the chat to see all available commands. A Gang can contains up to 10 members. Press [Left Alt] to see the tooltip (and difference in stats) of the item next to your ship. Ships move faster forward than backward. Use this at your advantage in dangerous fights! Be careful of Kamikaze enemies (they have a red painting). They explode in a large explosion when they get too close from you. Play with other people. It makes the game easier AND more fun! Don't worry: you cannot hit them with your projectiles. Bosses can drop weapons and shield with special affixes, that give bonuses to a specific ability. Use the Subsystems Codex ([O]) to see what subsystems you can unlock for your ships. Sector Points (SP) are gained when you conquer a sector. They determine the ranks in the individual ladder of the current Galaxy. Being in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Gang in the sector ladder will give Sector Points bonuses, respectively 50%, 25% and 10%. Another good reason to play in a Gang! Conquest Points (SP) are gained by conquering whole Tier IV+ systems. They determine the ranks in the Gang ladder of the current Galaxy. You NEED to be part of a Gang to earn them! Being in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Gang in the system ladder will give Conquest Point bonuses, respectively 35%, 20% and 10%. The max level for items is 13. Superior (blue) items have an extra star in some stats. Rare (yellow) items have up to 2 extra stars in some stats. There is no way to sell items in the game, but you can destroy them to get DNA and level your ship faster, or maintain your Greed level. Red or yellow bullets inflict solid damage. Blue bullets inflict electric damage. Explosions inflict… well… explosive damage. Some enemies are more vulnerable to specific damage types. You can see their resistances when you move over them. Your resistances are capped to 75%. Debuffs have reduced efficiency on bosses. Death is permanent in this game. Be careful of not getting overwhelmed by many enemies, especially fast ones! Structure-to-energy or structure-to-shield transmuters have uses in niche builds, but you should stick to energy-to-shield or energy-to-structure transmuters in the beginning! Gangs of Space is developed by only 2 people: Erhune (programming) and Grouroux (game design). Linking another player as an Astrolax will give you DNA and drops whenever the linked player kill some enemies. If you are not afraid of the challenge, you can level up faster by always tackling enemies 1 or 2 levels higher than your own.
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