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For example: "C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\galciv2.exe" cheat After that, enter one of the following cheat codes: Effect - Code Add 1 to planet class - CTRL and P Add 10,000 BC - CTRL and M Add battleship - CTRL and B Assign remaining planets to major races - CTRL and L Complete social projects - CTRL and J Clone selected ship - CTRL and C Heal selected ship - CTRL and H Hail's major races - CTRL and [0-9] Restart on new map with new race - CTRL and N Research all techs - SHIFT and CTRL and R Research current tech - CTRL and R Teleport selected ship to pointer - CTRL and T Save game - CTRL and S Upgrade selected ship - CTRL and A United planets meeting - CTRL and V
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