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Force 21

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Force 21 on PC

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Force 21 Cheats

While playing a game, press [Enter], type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Alternate view stratperspective
Center camera on selected unit centermass
Change blue ambient light ambb
Change green ambient light ambg
Change red ambient light ambr
Control the camera's maximum height maxheight
Control the camera's maximum pitch maxpitch
Control the camera's minimum height minheight
Control the camera's minimum pitch minpitch
Damage first vehicle in present platoon hurt
Disable horizon seattle
Disable the victory check novictory
Disables effects of commanders commanders
Display current RGB ambient light values amb
Display frame rate fps
Displays memory used by sound soundbytes
Exit to windows exit
Farthest distance to draw fog farfog [number]
Farthest to draw objects/terrain farclip [number]
Full radar chessmatch
Identify selected vehicle id
Instant loss hasselhoff
Instant win gameoverman
Kill several enemy units [Note] killenemy
List currently selected targets targetlist
Lock vehicle in place chillout
Mark all tanks with yellow triangles neon
Mark your buildings and tanks with yellow boxes avatar
Nearest distance to draw fog nearfog [number]
Nearest distance to draw objects/terrain nearclip [number]
No textures on tactical map grid
Polluted sky london
Remove trees amazon
Reveal enemy positions ispy
Scale all models to x times original size scalemodel [number]
Set acceleration speed scaleacceleration [number]
Set the blue direction of light dirb [number]
Set the camera height cameraheight [number]
Set the green direction of light dirg [number]
Set travel speed scalespeed [number]
Set turning speed scaleturn [number]
You and opponents are invincible polytheism
Unknown implines

Note: Tanks will be damaged, but not immediately destroyed. Repeat this code to kill more units.

Use your recon vehicles to probe enemy positions, then engage the opposition with your heavy armor.

Place your less capable tanks (such as T-72s) on the reverse (that is, opposite) side of the hill from an enemy advance. The enemy won't be able to see the tanks until they crest the hill, and then the T-72s can pour shells into the enemy at close range--hopefully negating any technological advantage the enemy has. That's the theory, but it didn't work too well for the Iraqis at Medina Ridge.

Use your weapons' different ranges to set "kill zones." Deploy TOW Antitank Guided Missiles to the rear, place tanks a bit forward, sprinkle the area where you wish to engage the enemy with mines, and then let loose when the enemy arrives. It is the synergy of multiple weapon systems simultaneously engaging the enemy that wins battles.

Use the right weapon system for the right job. Helicopters are great tank busters, but are vulnerable to thin-skinned antiair vehicles. Use tanks to clear the antiair vehicles before employing your choppers. The helicopters are also good at popping up from behind ridges (using the Set Helicopter Height option), shooting a couple of missiles, and then diving for cover before the enemy can return fire.

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