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'Til Kingman Come: Unlock the secrets of Old Kingman. A Fool and His Money: A Fool and His Money A Little Pitchy: Unlock the secrets of Pitchblende. Academic Probation: Kill Professor Eddings at New Flagstaff University. Advanced Medicine Maven: Complete Bedside Manners, The Fresh Maker, and Only a Flesh Wound. Advanced Melee Master: Complete knee capper, provocateur, and armor breaker. Advanced Pistol Pro: Complete free bleeder, spaghetti western, and whipper snapper. Advanced Savvy Sniper: Complete big prick, deadeye, and no pain, no gain. All Along the Watchtower: Unlock the secrets of Watchtower. Alt Tab Delete: Kill more CoGs. Alt Tab Delete: Kill cogs. Ambrosia's Bitter Taste: Ambrosia's bitter taste An Acquaintance in Need: An Acquaintance in Need An Act of Fitzwarin: An Act of Fitzwarin An Apple a Day: Keep yourself in shape using the following Food and Drink items. An Ounce of Prevention: Keep yourself in shape using the following Medicine items. Armor Breaker: Use your Pierce Armor Ability 120 times. Armor Breaker: Use your Pierce Armor Ability 1200 times. Armor Breaker: Use your Pierce Armor Ability 600 times. Ascending Order: Unlock the secrets of Ascendant Ridge in the Upper Plateau. Asset Coverage: Earn the trust of the Bankers. ATV at Last: Unlock the secrets of ATV Construction in Pass Chris. Bad News Travels: Earn the trust of the Travelers. Balance Transfer: Factions: Complete Natural Preservation or Better Living Thru Technology. Balance Transfer: Factions: Complete The Poor and Downtrodden or A Fool and His Money. Balance Transfer: Factions: Complete Vermin Trouble or CHOTA! CHOTA! CHOTA! Banker's Hours: Unlock the secrets of Blaine. Basic Medicine Maven: Complete Bedside Manners, The Fresh Maker, and Only a Flesh Wound. Basic Melee Master: Complete knee capper, provocateur, and armor breaker. Basic Pistol Pro: Complete free bleeder, spaghetti western, and whipper snapper. Basic Savvy Sniper: Complete big prick, deadeye, and no pain, no gain. Bedside Manners: Use your Extended Care Ability 300 times. Bedside Manners: Use your Extended Care Ability 60 times. Bedside Manners: Use your Extended Care Ability 600 times. Belabor the Point: Unlock the secrets of Brigg's Point. Bend Over Backwards: Unlock the secrets of Toro Bend in the Upper Plateau. Better Living Thru Technology: Better living thru technology Better the Devil You Know: Kill Kenyon Holger in the Devil's Own Fortress. Big Prick: Use your Puncture Ability 600 times. Big Prick: Use your Puncture Ability 1200 times. Big Prick: Use your Puncture Ability 120 times. Bird's Eye Vista: Earn the trust of the Vistas. Bits and Kaibabs: Unlock the secrets of Central Kaibab. Black Out: Unlock the secrets of Blackridge. Black Wind Blows No Good: Unlock the secrets of Odenville. Bless This Union: Unlock the secrets of Union Plains. Blockade Runner: Kill the Union Blockade Commander near Kristo's Rest. Bone Breaker: Use your Brutalize Ability 600 times. Bone Breaker: Use your Brutalize Ability 60 times. Bone Breaker: Use your Brutalize Ability 300 times. Break the Bank: Help the Bankers at the Relic Museum. Break the Bank: Help the Bankers in Blaine. Break the Bank: Help the Bankers in Embry, Odenville, or Oilville. Break the Bank: Help the Bankers in New Flagstaff. Brek Bad Habits: Unlock the secrets of Brekshire. Bullseye: Use your One Shot, One Kill Ability 300 times. Bullseye: Use your One Shot, One Kill Ability 30 times. Bullseye: Use your One Shot, One Kill Ability 150 times. Buxton Beauties: Unlock the secrets of Buxton. Buy the Farm: Unlock the secrets of Bugfarm. Call Your Bluff: Unlock the secrets of Thorne's Bluff Cast a Deep Shadow: Kill Casta Gaunt in Old Kingman Prison. Castoff Stains: Unlock the secrets of Castoff Canyon. Caution to the Wind: Unlock the secrets of Windshift Watch Certified Check: Complete one of the Balance Transfer Achievements. Chicken Tenders: Kill prairie chickens. Chicken Tenders: Kill more Prairie Chickens. Child's Play: Earn the trust of the CHOTA. Chota! Chota! Chota!: Chota! chota! chota! Chupa-crazy: Kill the Radiation-crazed Chupacabra in Deadfall. Clean Up Kaibab: Kill 5 bosses of kaibab forest. CoG in the Wheel: Defend the Plateau against the CoGs. Combat Ready: Complete the Skilled level of Armorsmith, Gunsmith, Weaponsmith, Pharmicist, and Chef. Combat Ready: Complete the Rookie level of Armorsmith, Gunsmith, Weaponsmith, Pharmicist, and Chef. Combat Ready: Complete the Expert level of Armorsmith, Gunsmith, Weaponsmith, Pharmicist, and Chef. Completely Wasted: Unlock the secrets of Wasted Woods. Copper-Bottomed: Unlock the secrets of Coppermine. Corazon Del Cadejo: Kill El Cadejo in the Brigg's Point Mine. Counting Crow: Kill more White Crow. Counting Crow: Kill white crow. Crafty: Complete the Expert level of Builder, Geneticist, Gardener, Scientist, and Scrounger. Crafty: Complete the Rookie level of Builder, Geneticist, Gardener, Scientist, and Scrounger. Crafty: Complete the Skilled level of Builder, Geneticist, Gardener, Scientist, and Scrounger. Crash and Burn: Unlock the secrets of Burnside. Crow With Victory: Defend the Plateau against the White Crow. Crow With Victory: Defend Northfields against the White Crow. Crow With Victory: Defend Kaibab Forest against the White Crow. Curing the Blight: Kill blight wolves. Curing the Blight: Kill more Blight Wolves. Cutting Edge: Unlock the secrets of Forest Edge. Dance with Death: Kill more Blade Dancers. Dance with Death: Kill blade dancers. Dead Reckoner: Dry Flats: Take in the view at Dry Flats. Dead Reckoner: Fender Gate: Take in the view at Fender Gate. Dead Reckoner: Fort Forgotten: Take in the view at Fort Forgotten. Dead Reckoner: Haietta: Take in the view at Haietta. Dead Reckoner: Hollister Point: Take in the view at Hollister Point. Dead Reckoner: Kaibab Forest: Explore the killing fields of Kaibab Forest. Dead Reckoner: Murder Hole: Take in the view at Murder Hole. Dead Reckoner: Northfields: Explore the killing fields of Northfields. Dead Reckoner: Park City: Take in the view at Park City. Dead Reckoner: Plateau: Explore the killing fields of Plateau. Dead Reckoner: Slaughterville: Take in the view at Slaughterville. Dead Reckoner: The Dump: Take in the view at The Dump. Dead Reckoner: Tinkersdam: Take in the view at Tinkersdam. Dead Reckoner: Waste Farm: Take in the view at Waste Farm. Dead Reckoner: Wind Farm: Take in the view at Wind Farm. Dead to the World: Unlock the secrets of Northern Deadfall. Deadeye: Use your Unbreakable Focus Ability 300 times. Deadeye: Use your Unbreakable Focus Ability 60 times. Deadeye: Use your Unbreakable Focus Ability 600 times. Devonian Period: Unlock the secrets of Devon Township. Dirty Shooter: Use your Gun to a Knife Fight Ability 300 times. Dirty Shooter: Use your Gun to a Knife Fight Ability 60 times. Dirty Shooter: Use your Gun to a Knife Fight Ability 600 times. Displaced Anger: Kill Taylor Bartnev in the Displacer Compound. Dog Eat Dog World: Kill gully dogs. Dog Eat Dog World: Kill more Gully Dogs. Don't Fear the Creeper: Kill creepers. Down to a Science: Get yourself out of trouble using the following Science items. Drop the Bomb: Unlock the secrets of Los Alamos. Embry Call: Unlock the secrets of Embry. Exchange Pleasantries: Unlock the secrets of Pleasant Hills. Expansion Policy: Unlock the secrets of Northfields Expanse. Expert Armorsmith: Raise your Armorcraft Skill to 164. Expert Builder: Raise your Construction Skill to 164. Expert Chef: Raise your Cooking Skill to 164. Expert Gardener: Raise your Nature Skill to 164. Expert Geneticist: Raise your Mutagenics Skill to 164. Expert Gunsmith: Raise your Ballistics Skill to 164. Expert Pharmacist: Raise your Medicine Skill to 164. Expert Scientist: Raise your Science Skill to 164. Expert Scrounger: Raise your Scavenging Skill to 164. Expert Weaponsmith: Raise your Weaponry Skill to 164. Fall from Favor: Kill Shiva's Favored or Shiva's Blessed. Fall from Favor: Kill more Shiva's Favored or Shiva's Blessed. Feeling No Porkupain: Kill Porkupain near Docuer's Court. Flat Broke: Unlock the secrets of Trader's Flat Forest Ranger: Unlock the secrets of Kaibab Forest. Forward Momentum: Unlock the secrets of the ATV. Fractured Pride: Unlock the secrets of Fracture. Frame a Question: Unlock the secrets of the ATV Frame in Embry. Free Bleeder: Use your Staggering Shot Ability 1800 times. Free Bleeder: Use your Staggering Shot Ability 360 times. Free Bleeder: Use your Staggering Shot Ability 3600 times. Gas Guzzler: Unlock the secrets of Dieseltown Geiger Counter: Kill Geiger in Redfield. Gene Therapy: Keep yourself in shape using the following Mutagenics items. Get Lost: Unlock the secrets of Lost City. Get the Green Light: Unlock the secrets of Greenburgh. Get the Upper Hand: Unlock the secrets of the Upper Plateau. Getting Technical: Getting technical Graham Crackers: Kill Graham Winters in the LifeNet pod near Los Alamos. Grand Central Station: Unlock the secrets of the central towns in the Lower Plateau Haven From the Storm: Unlock the secrets of Haven. Head for the Tall Timber: Unlock the secrets of Timberland. High Pressure Ridge: Unlock the secrets of Rothium Ridge. Hit a Plateau: Unlock the secrets of the Plateau. Hole Puncher: Use your Perforate Ability 600 times. Hole Puncher: Use your Perforate Ability 60 times. Hole Puncher: Use your Perforate Ability 300 times. How I Learned to Love the Bomb: Save Hoover Dam from the bomb. Howl at the Moon: Kill night wolves. Howl at the Moon: Kill more Night Wolves. Hugged by a One-Armed Bandit: Win chips playing Slots in the bunker bars. Identity Crisis: Learn the secrets of LifeNet's cloning practices in the Upper Plateau. Identity Crisis: Learn the secrets of LifeNet's cloning practices in the Lower Plateau. Identity Crisis: Learn the secrets of LifeNet's cloning practices in Northfields. Identity Crisis: Learn the secrets of LifeNet's cloning practices in Kaibab Forest. Impose Murphy's Law: Unlock the secrets of Murphy. In Cold Storage: Unlock the secrets of Repository. In Full Force: Earn the trust of the Enforcers. In the Pink: Unlock the secrets of Pinkston. Inside Man: Inside man Intermediate Medicine Maven: Complete Bedside Manners, The Fresh Maker, and Only a Flesh Wound. Intermediate Melee Master: Complete knee capper, provocateur, and armor breaker. Intermediate Pistol Pro: Complete free bleeder, spaghetti western, and whipper snapper. Intermediate Savvy Sniper: Complete big prick, deadeye, and no pain, no gain. Iron-Stomach Chef: Learn local recipes of Kaibab Forest. Jack of All Trades: Complete the Skilled level of Combat Ready and Crafty. Jack of All Trades: Complete the Rookie level of Combat Ready and Crafty. Jack of All Trades: Complete the Expert level of Combat Ready and Crafty. Junior Explorer: Kaibab Forest: Blaze the trails of Kaibab Forest. Junior Explorer: Lower Plateau: Blaze the trails of the Lower Plateau. Junior Explorer: Northfields: Blaze the trails of Northfields. Junior Explorer: Upper Plateau: Blaze the trails of the Upper Plateau. King of Pain: Lose chips playing Blackjack in the bunker bars. Knee Capper: Use your Cripple Ability 800 times. Knee Capper: Use your Cripple Ability 80 times. Knee Capper: Use your Cripple Ability 400 times. Know When to Fold 'Em: Lose big at the bunker bars. Know When to Hold 'Em: Win big at the bunker bars. Level the Playing Field: Unlock the secrets of Northfields. Lower Your Guard: Unlock the secrets of the Lower Plateau. Loyalty: Declare sole allegiance to the Vistas. Loyalty: Declare sole allegiance to the Travelers. Loyalty: Declare sole allegiance to the Techs. Loyalty: Declare sole allegiance to the Lightbearers. Loyalty: Declare sole allegiance to the Enforcers. Loyalty: Declare sole allegiance to the CHOTA. Marginally Good Eats: Learn local recipes of the Plateau. Mind Your Business: Help defend Embry from the All-Mind. Mind Your Business: Help defeat the All-Mind in Haven or Credit Bend. Mission Accomplished: Complete missions anywhere in the Grand Canyon Province. Monkey Business: Unlock the secrets of Monkeytown. Mow Them Down: Unlock the secrets of Mowbray. Mugged by a One-Armed Bandit: Lose chips playing Slots in the bunker bars. Mutant Strain: Unlock the secrets of the Gamburians. Natural Preservation: Natural preservation Natural Remedy: Get yourself out of trouble using the following Nature items. Neaten Northfields: Kill 5 bosses of Northfields. Ninja Warrior: Use your River Meets Rushing Boar Ability 300 times. Ninja Warrior: Use your River Meets Rushing Boar Ability 60 times. Ninja Warrior: Use your River Meets Rushing Boar Ability 600 times. No Pain, No Gain: Use your Agonizing Wound Ability 600 times. No Pain, No Gain: Use your Agonizing Wound Ability 1200 times. No Pain, No Gain: Use your Agonizing Wound Ability 120 times. Northern Exposure: Unlock the secrets of Northern Forest. Not in Your League: Kill human league. Not in Your League: Kill more Human League. Not Like the Old Days: Not Like the Old Days Odds-On Favorite: Earn the trust of the Shiva's Favored. Oil on Troubled Waters: Unlock the secrets of Oilville. One Man's Junk: Kill Loki in the Junk Fortress. One Ugly Mother: Kill Mother Larissa in the Catacombs at Sunset Hill Cemetery. Only a Flesh Wound: Use your Stanch Wound Ability 3000 times. Only a Flesh Wound: Use your Stanch Wound Ability 600 times. Only a Flesh Wound: Use your Stanch Wound Ability 6000 times. Order or Chaos: Unlock the secrets of Fracture or Post 23. Orienteer: Abandoned Storefront: Take in the view at the Abandoned Storefront. Orienteer: Banker Relic Museum: Take in the view at the Banker Relic Museum. Orienteer: Bone Fields: Take in the view at the Bone Fields. Orienteer: Bugfarm: Take in the view at the Bugfarm. Orienteer: Displacer Compound: Take in the view at the Displacer Compound. Orienteer: Geaumont Farm: Take in the view at the Geaumont Farm. Orienteer: Hackberry Mine: Take in the view at the Hackberry Mine. Orienteer: Highway Bridge: Take in the view at the Highway Bridge. Orienteer: Jensen Farm: Take in the view at the Jensen Farm. Orienteer: Kaibab Forest: Find your way in the far reaches of Kaibab Forest. Orienteer: Northfields: Find your way in the far reaches of Northfields. Orienteer: Plateau: Find your way in the far reaches of the Plateau. Orienteer: Pumphouse: Take in the view at the Pumphouse. Orienteer: Raven's Roost: Take in the view at the Raven's Roost. Orienteer: Rawson Farm: Take in the view at the Rawson Farm. Orienteer: Salvager Fortress: Take in the view at the Salvager Fortress. Orienteer: Ziegler Farm: Take in the view at the Ziegler Farm. Out of Control: Unlock the secrets of the ATV Control Systems in Odenville. Outside the Box: Outside the Box Picking Picus: Unlock the secrets of Picus Ridge. Pine Away: Unlock the secrets of Pine Valley. Point-Blank Sniper: Use your Rifle Smash Ability 2400 times. Point-Blank Sniper: Use your Rifle Smash Ability 240 times. Point-Blank Sniper: Use your Rifle Smash Ability 1200 times. Post Traumatic Stress: Unlock the secrets of Post 23. Preferably Dead: Preferably dead Preserve the Past: Help the Archive Coalition in Embry. Preserve the Past: Help the Archive Coalition in New Flagstaff Preserve the Past: Help the Archive Coalition in Trader's Flat. Prince of Whales: Win chips playing Blackjack in the bunker bars. Project Control Manager: Kill project 432 in dry flats Provocateur: Use your Provoke Ability 180 times. Provocateur: Use your Provoke Ability 1800 times. Provocateur: Use your Provoke Ability 900 times. Purchase on Credit: Unlock the secrets of Credit Bend. Purge the Plateau: Kill 5 bosses of the Plateau. Put Through the Mill: Unlock the secrets of Paper Mill. Radical Ideals: Unlock the secrets of Radburg. Red Sky Warning: Unlock the secrets of Sunset Hill. Reroute the Subroutine: Help LifeNet against TETRAX in New Flagstaff. Reroute the Subroutine: Help LifeNet against TETRAX in Oilville. Reroute the Subroutine: Help LifeNet against TETRAX in Trailer Park. Ride Roughshod: Earn the trust of the Franklin's Riders. Ride the Storm: Help the Franklin's Riders in Oasis. Ride the Storm: Help the Franklin's Riders in Kristo's Rest. Ride the Storm: Help the Franklin's Riders in Embry, Odenville, or Oilville. Ride the Storm: Help the Franklin's Riders at Willoughby's Garage. Rookie Armorsmith: Raise your Armorcraft Skill to 75. Rookie Builder: Raise your Construction Skill to 75. Rookie Chef: Raise your Cooking Skill to 75. Rookie Gardener: Raise your Nature Skill to 75. Rookie Geneticist: Raise your Mutagenics Skill to 75. Rookie Gunsmith: Raise your Ballistics Skill to 75. Rookie Pharmacist: Raise your Medicine Skill to 75. Rookie Scientist: Raise your Science Skill to 75. Rookie Scrounger: Raise your Scavenging Skill to 75. Rookie Weaponsmith: Raise your Weaponry Skill to 75. Rule the Roost: Kill Karaul Seung in Raven's Roost. Savior of Sheep: Kill the Chupacabra at the Jensen's farm. Scum of the Earth: Defeat the Earthbound at the Redstone Research Facility near Docuer's Court. Self or Selfless: Unlock the secrets of Credit Bend or Haven. Senior Explorer: Kaibab Forest: Map all of Kaibab Forest. Senior Explorer: Northfields: Map all of Northfields. Senior Explorer: Plateau: Map all of the Plateau. Serious Reservations: Learn local recipes of Northfields. Shout at the Devil: Kill more Devil's Own. Shout at the Devil: Kill devil's own. Sit in Judgment: Unlock the secrets of Ziegler's Farm. Skilled Armorsmith: Raise your Armorcraft Skill to 120. Skilled Builder: Raise your Construction Skill to 120. Skilled Chef: Raise your Cooking Skill to 120. Skilled Gardener: Raise your Nature Skill to 120. Skilled Geneticist: Raise your Mutagenics Skill to 120. Skilled Gunsmith: Raise your Ballistics Skill to 120. Skilled Pharmacist: Raise your Medicine Skill to 120. Skilled Scientist: Raise your Science Skill to 120. Skilled Scrounger: Raise your Scavenging Skill to120. Skilled Weaponsmith: Raise your Weaponry Skill to 120. Snake Charmer: Kill the Serpent Trainer in the Human League Recruitment Center. Something Just Cliqued: Unlock the secrets of any single faction town in Northfields. Spaghetti Western: Use your Desperado Ability 600 times. Spaghetti Western: Use your Desperado Ability 60 times. Spaghetti Western: Use your Desperado Ability 300 times. Start Your Engines: Unlock the secrets of the ATV Engine in Oilville. Strike a Nerve: Use your Pressure Points Ability 300 times. Strike a Nerve: Use your Pressure Points Ability 60 times. Strike a Nerve: Use your Pressure Points Ability 600 times. Sunny Side Up: Unlock the secrets of Sunshine Corners. Survival of the Well-Stocked: Keep yourself in shape using the following Construction items. Tab Out: Unlock the secrets of Tabara. Take a Hard Line: Unlock the secrets of Linewood. Take the Long View: Unlock the secrets of Kingman View in the Lower Plateau. Tan Their Hides: Unlock the secrets of Tannerfield. Technical Skills: Earn the trust of the Techs. The Fresh Maker: Use your Refresh Ability 600 times. The Fresh Maker: Use your Refresh Ability 60 times. The Fresh Maker: Use your Refresh Ability 300 times. The Light Fantastic: Earn the trust of the Lightbearers. The Poor and Downtrodden: The Poor and Downtrodden They Shall Not Pass: Unlock the secrets of Pass Chris. Thread the Needle: Unlock the secrets of Needle Eye. Thrilled to Deathspore: Kill the Deathspore of Needle Eye. Throw Down the Gauntlets: Kill more Gaunt's Raiders. Throw Down the Gauntlets: Kill gaunt's raiders. Time is Money: Earn chips through mission rewards. Tire of Traveling: Unlock the secrets of the ATV Tire in Old Kingman. To the Manor Born: Unlock the secrets of Barret Manor. Tough Love: Use your Suck it Up Ability 1200 times. Tough Love: Use your Suck it Up Ability 240 times. Tough Love: Use your Suck it Up Ability 2400 times. Tourist: Barret Manor: Take in the view at Barret Manor. Tourist: Blackridge: Take in the view at Blackridge. Tourist: Blaine: Take in the view at Blaine. Tourist: Boneclaw: Take in the view at Boneclaw. Tourist: Brigg's Point: Take in the view at Brigg's Point. Tourist: Burnside: Take in the view at Burnside. Tourist: Camp Purity: Take in the view at Camp Purity. Tourist: Clinton FARM: Take in the view at Clinton FARM. Tourist: Coppermine: Take in the view at Coppermine. Tourist: Deadfall Point: Take in the view at Deadfall Point. Tourist: Depot 66: Take in the view at Depot 66. Tourist: Devon Township: Take in the view at Devon Township. Tourist: Dieseltown: Take in the view at Dieseltown. Tourist: Docuer's Court: Take in the view at Docuer's Court. Tourist: Embry Crossroads: Take in the view at Embry Crossroads. Tourist: Gamburian Encampment: Take in the view at the Gamburian Encampment. Tourist: Linewood: Take in the view at Linewood. Tourist: Los Alamos: Take in the view at Los Alamos. Tourist: Lost City: Take in the view at Lost City. Tourist: Midway: Take in the view at Midway. Tourist: Monkeytown: Take in the view at Monkeytown. Tourist: Mowbray: Take in the view at Mowbray. Tourist: Mumford: Take in the view at Mumford. Tourist: Needle Eye: Take in the view at Needle Eye. Tourist: New Flagstaff: Take in the view at New Flagstaff. Tourist: North Burb: Take in the view at North Burb. Tourist: Northfields Faction: Take in the view at any one faction town in Northfields. Tourist: Odenville: Take in the view at Odenville. Tourist: Oilville: Take in the view at Oilville. Tourist: Old Kingman: Take in the view at Old Kingman. Tourist: Paper Mill: Take in the view at Paper Mill. Tourist: Pass Chris: Take in the view at Pass Chris. Tourist: Pinkston: Take in the view at Pinkston. Tourist: Pitchblende: Take in the view at Pitchblende. Tourist: Repository: Take in the view at Repository. Tourist: Rothium Ridge: Take in the view at Rothium Ridge. Tourist: South Burb: Take in the view at South Burb. Tourist: Sunset Hill: Take in the view at Sunset Hill. Tourist: Sunshine Corners: Take in the view at Sunshine Corners. Tourist: Tannerfield: Take in the view at Tannerfield. Tourist: Terance: Take in the view at Terance. Tourist: Trader's Flat: Take in the view at Trader's Flat. Tourist: Trailer Park: Take in the view at Trailer Park. Tourist: Trumbull: Take in the view at Trumbull. Tourist: Wasted Woods: Take in the view at Wasted Woods. Tourist: Watchtower: Take in the view at Watchtower. Tourist: Zanesville: Take in the view at Zanesville. Trailblazer: Ascendant Ridge: See the sights in Ascendant Ridge. Trailblazer: Central Kaibab: See the sights in Central Kaibab. Trailblazer: Central Plains: See the sights in Central Plains. Trailblazer: Embry Commonwealth: See the sights in Embry Commonwealth. Trailblazer: Forest Edge: See the sights in Forest Edge. Trailblazer: High Point: See the sights in High Point. Trailblazer: Kingman View: See the sights in Kingman View. Trailblazer: Mowbray Basin: See the sights in Mowbray Basin. Trailblazer: Northern Deadfall: See the sights in Northern Deadfall. Trailblazer: Northern Forest: See the sights in Northern Forest. Trailblazer: Northfield Expanse: See the sights in Northfield Expanse. Trailblazer: Overlook Ridge: See the sights in Overlook Ridge. Trailblazer: Pine Valley: See the sights in Pine Valley. Trailblazer: Pleasant Hills: See the sights in Pleasant Hills. Trailblazer: Timberland: See the sights in Timberland. Trailblazer: Toro Bend: See the sights in Toro Bend. Trailblazer: Union Plain: See the sights in Union Plain. Trailblazer: Westreach: See the sights in Westreach. Trailblazer: Windshift Watch: See the sights in Windshift Watch. Traveler Vengeance: Traveler vengeance Trumbull With Fear: Unlock the secrets of Trumbull. Union of the Snake: Infiltrate the Union in Devon Township. Union of the Snake: Infiltrate the Union in Sunshine Corners. Urban Explorer: Kaibab Forest: Infiltrate the hostile interiors of Kaibab Forest. Urban Explorer: Northfields: Infiltrate the hostile interiors of Northfields. Urban Explorer: Plateau: Infiltrate the hostile interiors of the Plateau. UrbExer: Brigg's Point Facility: Find the cache in the Brigg's Point Facility. UrbExer: Devil's Own Fortress: Find the cache in the Devil's Own Fortress. UrbExer: Earthbound Bunker: Find the cache in the Earthbound Bunker. UrbExer: Earthbound Retreat: Find the cache in the Earthbound Retreat. UrbExer: Fungal Blight Mine: Find the cache in the Fungal Blight Mine. UrbExer: Hoffa Bunker: Find the cache in the Hoffa Bunker. UrbExer: Junk Fortress: Find the cache in the Junk Fortress. UrbExer: Missile Silo: Find the cache in the Missile Silo. UrbExer: New Flagstaff U.: Find the cache in the New Flagstaff University. UrbExer: New Toro: Find the cache in the New Toro. UrbExer: Old Kingman Prison: Find the cache in the Old Kingman Prison. UrbExer: Recruitment Center: Find the cache in the Recruitment Center. UrbExer: Sunset Hill Catacombs: Find the cache in the Sunset Hill Cemetery Catacombs. UrbExer: Underworks: Find the cache in the Underworks. UrbExer: Waspmart: Find the cache in the Waspmart. Vermin Trouble: Vermin trouble Walk in the Park: Unlock the secrets of Trailer Park. Wash Basin: Unlock the secrets of Mowbray Basin in the Upper Plateau. Wave the Flag: Unlock the secrets of New Flagstaff Wayfinder: Aesterly: Take in the view at Aesterly. Wayfinder: Barrow's Exchange: Take in the view at Barrow's Exchange. Wayfinder: Brekshire: Take in the view at Brekshire. Wayfinder: Broken Pass: Take in the view at Broken Pass. Wayfinder: Buxton: Take in the view at Buxton. Wayfinder: Castoff Canyon: Take in the view at Castoff Canyon. Wayfinder: Dish Field: Take in the view at Dish Field. Wayfinder: Greenburgh: Take in the view at Greenburgh. Wayfinder: Havasu Pond: Take in the view at Havasu Pond. Wayfinder: Kostin's Aerie: Take in the view at Kostin's Aerie. Wayfinder: Last Stop: Take in the view at Last Stop. Wayfinder: Murphy: Take in the view at Murphy. Wayfinder: Redfield: Take in the view at Redfield. Wayfinder: Rest Stop: Take in the view at Rest Stop. Wayfinder: Reye's Mine: Take in the view at Reye's Mine. Wayfinder: Spider Hill: Take in the view at Spider Hill. Wayfinder: St. Bethias Chapel: Take in the view at St. Bethias Chapel. Wayfinder: The Gallows: Take in the view at The Gallows. Where the Action Is: Earn 500 AP. Where the Action Is: Earn 250 AP. Where the Action Is: Earn 25 AP. Where the Action Is: Earn 1000 AP. Where the Action Is: Earn 100 AP. Whipper Snapper: Use your Pistol Whip Ability 1200 times. Whipper Snapper: Use your Pistol Whip Ability 2400 times. Whipper Snapper: Use your Pistol Whip Ability 240 times. Woods or Wires: Unlock the secrets of Picus Ridge or Thorne's Bluff. Worse Than a Nuisance: Worse Than a Nuisance You Be the Judge: Kill judges. You Be the Judge: Kill more Judges. Your Day in Court: Unlock the secrets of Docuer's Court.
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