Achievement | How to unlock
| - Reforge Tutankhamon's dagger.
- Abundans Cautela Non Nocet
| - Finish a combat encounter without taking any health damage.
| - Incapacitate more than three units with a single catapult strike.
| - Construct all legion outpost buildings.
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| - Start a fight with every weapon type equipped by one of your characters.
| - Become the Proconsul of Egypt.
| - Complete The Golden Wolf.
- Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam
| - Unlock every legion battle strategem.
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| - Furthermore, I consider that Nasamones must be conquered.
| - Trigger a dismemberment for every limb.
| - Fight an army of 300,000 and lose.
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| - Shred ten points of armour from the same character.
| - Incapacitate an enemy with the damage from Rebuke.
| - Learn a second rhetorical technique from Cicero.
| - Complete the game in Iron Man mode.
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| - Have a single character attack five times in a single turn.
| - Become Dictator for life.
| - Complete Damsels in Distress.
| - Have a character assigned to each outpost assignment at the same time.
| - Finish the game on Medium difficulty or higher.
| - Sacrifice your life for your friends.
| - Gain command of Legio Victrix.
| - Complete The Tax Collectors.
| - The law of retaliation demands an eye for an eye.
| - Finish the game on Insane difficulty.
| - Complete Menhir for Divitiacus.
| - Willingly exile yourself from Rome.
| - Complete Afterlife Travel Guide.
| - Side with Theophilus at Mysia.
| - Incapacitate an enemy shieldbearer without ever dealing damage to their shield.
| - Complete the game with Combat Death turned on.
| - Perform a takedown with every type of weapon in the game.
| - Complete an encounter with 6 people on your team but no Heavy class characters.
| - Complete an encounter while both starving and dehydrated.
| - Fully upgrade all legion outpost buildings.
| - Fully break morale of more than five enemies in a single encounter.
| - Incapacitate ten enemies with fire, poison, or bleeding damage.
| - Attempt to poison Mithridates.
| - If you want peace, you should prepare for war.
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| - Meet Consul Lucius Licinius Lucullus.
| - Restore all of Asia Minor to Roman control.
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| - Move 42 hexes or more in a single turn.
| - Finish the game on Hard difficulty or higher.
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| - Recruit Deianeira to your party.
| - Retire to your farm or remain active in Roman politics.
| - Meet the rightful Queen of Egypt.
| - Fight and kill Albinus in Gaul.
| - The gods demand a tribute in blood.
| - Use more than five consumables in a single encounter.
| - Incapacitate an enemy with an attack of opportunity.
| - You came, you saw, and you have conquered.
| - Learn the ominous meaning of The Number of Death.