Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Save Governor Bernardo De Manzanedo.
| - Have all your followers be disabled at the same time.
| - Enter combat with six units at Veteran or higher rank.
| - Complete the game on Insane difficulty.
| - Resolve the Jungle Drums goal without bloodshed.
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| - Fully research all the possible inventions and construct one item of every possible recipe.
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| - Kill an enemy unit with a cannon blast.
| - Find all cairns on Hispaniola and compile all the maps of the island.
| - Win all three battles in the Tournament.
| - Revive an incapacitated unit and keep that unit alive until the end of the battle.
| - Hit one of your own units with AoE damage.
| - Turn against your allies in their hour of triumph.
| - Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
| - Save Moctezuma Xocoyotzin.
| - Recruit Anacaona for your expedition.
| - Form a romantic relationship.
| - Complete 5 side quests in Hispaniola.
| - Attack and destroy a native settlement on Hispaniola.
| - Kill Moctezuma Xocoyotzin.
| - Start the game with only women, as a female character.
| - Achieve a Flawless Victory in an Escape battle.
| - Make camp without giving any of your followers food.
| - Unlock all the Codex entries.
| - Rebuild Fortaleza De Gutiérrez.
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| - Enter combat with at least 25 points of Equipment assigned to a single unit.
| - Win a non-tutorial battle without ever getting within melee distance of an enemy.
| - Kick off the battle for Tenochtitlan.
| - Recruit all 10 special followers in a single playthrough.
| - Complete the game in Iron Man mode on any difficulty.
| - Trade at every market in both campaigns in a single playthrough.
| - Recruit Isabela de Yruenes for your expedition.
| - Return to Spain without losing any expedition members.
| - Promote a follower to Lieutenant.
| - Win a non-tutorial battle with only Scholars and Doctors.
| - Cast off for the mainland!.
| - Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
| - Score a hit with a ranged attack with a 5% hit chance.
- Raider Of The Lost Temple
| - Complete The Temple of Death.
| - Kill an enemy with an Interrupt attack.
| - Deal more than 100 points of damage with a single attack.
| - Restore Fortaleza De Gutiérrez to its full glory.
| - Kill an enemy with a flanking strike.
| - Achieve fifteen Flawless Victories in a row on Normal or greater difficulty.
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| - Inadvertently unleash smallpox on the population of Tenochtitlan.
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| - Kick an enemy into a burning or trapped space.
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| - Discover the Masaya Volcano tunnels.
| - Return to Spain with 50,000 Valuables or more.
| - Sacrifice a member of your expedition.
- The Waters Of Rejuvenation
| - Discover the Fountain Of Youth.
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| - Find all the cairns and compile all the maps of Mexico.
| - Nurse a Fatally Injured expedition member back to full health.
| - Lose the first tutorial battle.