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Europa Universalis 3

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Europa Universalis 3 on PC

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Europa Universalis 3 Cheats

While playing the game, press [F12], then type one of the following codes at the console window and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result - Cheat Code

Get money - cash
Get revolt - revolt
Get pirates - pirate
Get stability - stability
Get prestige - prestige
Get spies - spy
Get diplomats - diplomat
Get missionaries - missionary
Get merchants - merchant
Get colonists - colonist
Toggle fog of war - fow [on or off]
Discover indicated province - discover [province ID]
Undiscover indicated province - undiscover [province ID]
Invest in that technology - invest [technology ID] [money]
Trigger event - event [event ID]

1. Open up the dialog screen by pressing "alt 21" during the game

2. In the dialog bar type: event ####

Given event numbers can be found in C:\..\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\Events folder; find the one you like.

Code - Effect

event 1054 - Become an Elector
event 5057 - Build Fortification
event 1004 - English nation can be formed
event 5025 - Excellent diplomacy
event 5096 - Foreign bribe offered
event 1007 - Germany can be formed
event 1075 - Invest in Army
event 1076 - Invest in Navy
event 1010 - Ireland can be formed
event 1006 - Italy can be formed
event 1091 - Join Hanseatic league
event 1051 - Join Holy Roman Empire
event 1052 - Leave Holy Roman Empire
event 4011 - Military reform
event 1002 - Netherlands can be formed
event 5073 - New land Claimed
event 2004 - Prov. goes Catholic to Protestant
event 5022 - Rush of Colonists (3)
event 1001 - Russian Nation can be formed
event 1003 - Spanish nation can be formed
event 1063 - Treasury empty

Type "invest" plus "type of tech" plus "amount of cash". I.e. "invest land_tech 20000" = $20,000 invested in land lechnology

Code - Effect

advisor_arrived_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in advisory
land_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in and technology
country_morale_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in country morale
current_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in curren technology
government_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in government technology
ledger_goverment_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in ledger government
ledger_naval_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in ledger naval
ledger_production_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in ledger production
naval_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in naval technology
production_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in production technology
trade_tech - (insert number) of cash invested in trade technology

Use one of the following values with the "invest [technology name] [money]" code:


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