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Posions are all the things together that are somthing like "damage fatige 50pts for 16secounds." or "Drain health on target." those ingredents together make posions. Potions are made by adding the good ingredients together, were it says like "Fortify health 100pts on self." or "Cure Common Aliment". Those together will make potions. You can mix these together, adn get all diffrent resulets, depending on witch is domominet. Like if you have 5 loafs of bread and 20 rats Meat, the Potion/Posion you'll mkae will be a Posion. There are also other ways to get your alcehmy up, eat the ingreddients that you already have, it'll get it up, not very fast, but it'll still go up. | Submitted by Blades
Effect - Code Add 100 lockpicks - player.additem 0000000a "100" Add 100 skeleton keys - player.additem 0000000b "100" Add 100 repair hammers - player.additem 0000000c "100" Add 100 gold - player.additem 0000000f "100" All map locations shown - togglemapmarkers Change your gender - sexchange Change your birthsign - showbirthsignmenu Change your class - showclassmenu Complete all quest stages- caqs Spawn indicated item - additem <[item number] Get indicated spell - addspell [spell number] Give all spells to player - psb God mode, if nothing is targeted - tgm Force a level up - advlevel Force skill level up - advskill [skill] Free camera movement - tfc List console commands - help Kill selected NPC target; suicide if nothing is targeted - kill Moves to current quest target - movetoquesttarget Quit game immediately - qqq Set player level - player.setlevel [1-255] Set all quest stages - completeallqueststages Set hair color - hairtint [red] [green] [blue] Spawn indicated item - player.additem [item code] 1 Save game - savegame [filename] Set fog start and end depths - setfog [start] [end] Show sign selection screen - showbirthsignmenu Show class selection screen - showclassmenu Show quest log - showquestlog Show current quest log - showquestlog 0 Show completed quest log - showquestlog 1 Show current quest targets - showquesttargets Show name/race/appearance selection screen - showracemenu Teleport - player.coc [destination name] Teleport3 - coc [destination name] Toggle full help - tfh Toggle grass - tg Toggle NPC conversation subtitles - showsubtitle Toggle AI - tai Toggle combat AI - tcai Toggle no clipping - tcl Toggle AI detection - tdetect Toggle debug display - tdt Toggle land - tll Toggle leaves - tlv Toggle menus - tm Toggle fog of war - togglefogofwar Toggle sky - ts Toggle trees - tt Toggle wireframe - twf Toggle water - tws Unlock selected locked door or container - unlock Window with the full game scene graph - ssg
A good way to kill him without allowing him to run away is to push him in the other room and stand in the doorway while attacking him. After he's dead, goto his body and keep clicking on his gold. DO NOT select "Take All" as it will ruin the glitch, just keep clicking his gold. You'll get the amount of gold he has on his body every time you click it, and he will never run out of it.
dump your extra junk into him (open him then go to your inventory button and single click items to move them over). Shadowmare will pop back up after a few seconds, and you’ll both be good to go. Whenever you need to access your gear, simply knock him out again. I’ve used this trick for a while, and it appears that Shadowmare has no weight limit, and items remain forever. This trick won’t work on normal horses because they die (and ~ resurrect clears their inventory). Sometimes after Shadowmare wakes up, he begins to slowly walk away, to stop this, jump on him and quick transport to a location; this fixes him. Also, be careful not to get onto a regular horse, this messes up your tie to Shadowmare, and is a good way to accidentally lose him (not sure where he defaults to). | Submitted by Krypt1
Upon obtaining the Boots, equip them to get a +50 Acrobatics bonus, then travel to the Shrine of Sanguine and begin the Daedric Quest there. Follow through that quest, and allow yourself to be arrested by Leyawiin guards when they try. All your possesions will be taken, except for key items (which include the Boots). Stay your time in jail, and upon exiting, check your inventory. You should still possess the boots, but when you try to equip them the game will tell you "You cannot equip this item at this time". However, if you check your current enhancements, the +50 to Acrobatics will still be there! You can now wear other footwear, but still have the bonus from the Boots of Springheel Jack.
p.s. a good spell to make after you get the cheats described working is "command all" set it to command creature and humanoid 25 magnitude and 120 duritation and either touch or target for the spells cast effect-------Obliviaxe--------- | Submitted by Obliviaxe
I havent seemed to figure out what it really does though. | Submitted by Psychosis
change it to: bAllowScreenShot=1 Also, two related items for the screenshots: iScreenShotIndex=0 SScreenShotBaseName=Oblivion There are two INI files, one in the game folder called "Oblivion_default.ini", this is the one it uses to generate the real one: My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users. The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My Documents folder. After you edited the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP file to your game folder.
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